


Photograph of Oliver's IEEE logo

IEEE is the world’s largest professional association dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community through IEEE's highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities. It is designed to serve professionals involved in all aspects of the electrical, electronic and computing fields and related areas of science and technology that underlie modern civilization. IEEE’s roots, however, go back to 1884 when electricity was just beginning to become a major force in society. There was one major established electrical industry, the telegraph, which—beginning in the 1840s—had come to connect the world with a communications system faster than the speed of transportation. A second major area had only barely gotten underway—electric power and light, originating in Thomas Edison’s inventions and his pioneering Pearl Street Station in New York.

Categories in this section pertain to the institutional history of IEEE and its various operating units. For a detailed history of IEEE and its predecessor societies, see the IEEE History article.

For books written on the history of IEEE, see:


  • Awards & fellow activities - The IEEE Awards Board (AB) administers the awards and recognition program of IEEE. Through its awards program, the IEEE advances the interests of its members by recognizing their contributions in advancing the fields of interest to IEEE to the benefit of society.
  • Conference activities - IEEE sponsors more than 1,100 annual conferences and meetings worldwide. IEEE is also highly involved in the technical program development of numerous events including trade events, training workshops, job fairs, and other programs.
  • Educational activities - Governed by the IEEE Educational Activities Board, IEEE offers a wide range of learning, career enhancement, and employment opportunities within the engineering sciences, research, and other technology areas.
  • Geographical units - IEEE is divided into ten geographic regions worldwide. Within those regions are more than 330 local sections and over 1,700 technical chapters that unite local members with similar technical interests. All Region and Section operating units are strongly encouraged to contribute to their operating unit's history page.
  • Governance - The IEEE Governance Committee a standing committee of the Board of Directors. Pages in this subcategory deal with the internal operations and governance of the IEEE.
  • Historical activities - Since its inception, IEEE has had a standing History Committee advising the IEEE Board of Directors on matters of the legacy and heritage of IEEE and its members and their related professions and technologies, and carrying out some activities in those areas.
  • History & heritage - The IEEE has a long and rich history, pages in this category deal with the history of the institution itself.
  • IEEE foundation - The IEEE Foundation cultivates relationships and resources to advance the IEEE core purpose to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.
  • Prominent members - Many members of the IEEE have had prolific and influential careers. In addition to famous inventors and engineers, past presidents of the IEEE, and its two predecessor societies, the AIEE and IRE can be found here.
  • Publications - IEEE provides a wide range of quality publications and standards that make the exchange of technical knowledge and information possible among technology professionals. This essential content, categorized below, is delivered through the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
  • Standards - The IEEE-SA is a leading consensus building organization that nurtures, develops and advances global technologies. Our standards drive the functionality, capabilities and interoperability of a wide range of products and services that transform the way people live, work and communicate. With collaborative thought leaders in more than 160 countries, we promote innovation, enable the creation and expansion of international markets and help protect health and public safety.
  • Technical units - Governed by the IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB), the IEEE is broken down into several technical societies and councils.

Pages in category "IEEE"

The following 1,093 pages are in this category, out of 1,093 total.











Media in category "IEEE"

The following 683 files are in this category, out of 683 total.