IEEE is the world’s largest professional association dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community through IEEE's highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities. It is designed to serve professionals involved in all aspects of the electrical, electronic and computing fields and related areas of science and technology that underlie modern civilization. IEEE’s roots, however, go back to 1884 when electricity was just beginning to become a major force in society. There was one major established electrical industry, the telegraph, which—beginning in the 1840s—had come to connect the world with a communications system faster than the speed of transportation. A second major area had only barely gotten underway—electric power and light, originating in Thomas Edison’s inventions and his pioneering Pearl Street Station in New York.
Categories in this section pertain to the institutional history of IEEE and its various operating units. For a detailed history of IEEE and its predecessor societies, see the IEEE History article.
For books written on the history of IEEE, see:
- Engineers & Electrons: A Century of Electrical Progress, by John D. Ryder and Donald G. Fink, 1983
- The Making of a Profession: A Century of Electrical Engineering in America, by A. Michal McMahon, 1984
- History of IEEE Since 1984, by IEEE History Center Staff, 2020
- Awards & fellow activities - The IEEE Awards Board (AB) administers the awards and recognition program of IEEE. Through its awards program, the IEEE advances the interests of its members by recognizing their contributions in advancing the fields of interest to IEEE to the benefit of society.
- Conference activities - IEEE sponsors more than 1,100 annual conferences and meetings worldwide. IEEE is also highly involved in the technical program development of numerous events including trade events, training workshops, job fairs, and other programs.
- Educational activities - Governed by the IEEE Educational Activities Board, IEEE offers a wide range of learning, career enhancement, and employment opportunities within the engineering sciences, research, and other technology areas.
- Geographical units - IEEE is divided into ten geographic regions worldwide. Within those regions are more than 330 local sections and over 1,700 technical chapters that unite local members with similar technical interests. All Region and Section operating units are strongly encouraged to contribute to their operating unit's history page.
- Governance - The IEEE Governance Committee a standing committee of the Board of Directors. Pages in this subcategory deal with the internal operations and governance of the IEEE.
- Historical activities - Since its inception, IEEE has had a standing History Committee advising the IEEE Board of Directors on matters of the legacy and heritage of IEEE and its members and their related professions and technologies, and carrying out some activities in those areas.
- History & heritage - The IEEE has a long and rich history, pages in this category deal with the history of the institution itself.
- IEEE foundation - The IEEE Foundation cultivates relationships and resources to advance the IEEE core purpose to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.
- Prominent members - Many members of the IEEE have had prolific and influential careers. In addition to famous inventors and engineers, past presidents of the IEEE, and its two predecessor societies, the AIEE and IRE can be found here.
- Publications - IEEE provides a wide range of quality publications and standards that make the exchange of technical knowledge and information possible among technology professionals. This essential content, categorized below, is delivered through the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
- Standards - The IEEE-SA is a leading consensus building organization that nurtures, develops and advances global technologies. Our standards drive the functionality, capabilities and interoperability of a wide range of products and services that transform the way people live, work and communicate. With collaborative thought leaders in more than 160 countries, we promote innovation, enable the creation and expansion of international markets and help protect health and public safety.
- Technical units - Governed by the IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB), the IEEE is broken down into several technical societies and councils.
This category has the following 15 subcategories, out of 15 total.
Pages in category "IEEE"
The following 1,090 pages are in this category, out of 1,090 total.
- First-Hand:A Look Back over the First 50 Years of IEEE
- Archives:Papers of Edward D. Adams
- Oral-History:Michael Adler
- IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society History
- IEEE Aguascalientes Section History
- Archives:AIEE Annual Dinner Program/Menu, 1902
- Archives:AIEE BOD Annual Reports, 1921-1962
- Archives:AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1920-46
- Archives:AIEE History File, 1908-1935
- Archives:AIEE Yearbooks and Membership Directories
- Archives:Standards Activities of the Institute (AIEE), 1939
- Archives:AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1947-62
- IEEE Akron Section History
- IEEE Alabama Section History
- IEEE Alaska Section History
- IEEE Albuquerque Section History
- Robert T.H. Alden
- Oral-History:Charles Alexander
- IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal
- Philip L. Alger
- First-Hand:An IEEE Senior Member's Interesting Engineering Career
- Oral-History:W. Cleon Anderson
- IEEE Andrew S. Grove Award
- Oral-History:Fred Andrews
- Oral-History:Bruce Angwin
- IEEE Annapolis Subsection History
- IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society History
- Archives:Papers of William Arnold Anthony
- Loretta Arellano
- IEEE Argentina Section History
- IEEE Arkansas River Valley Section History
- Archives:Papers of Bion J. Arnold
- IEEE Arrowhead Section History
- Oral-History:Eric Ash
- Oral-History:William Aspray
- Oral-History:T. Scott Atkinson
- IEEE Atlanta Section History
- IEEE Audit Committee
- History of IEEE in Australia
- IEEE Australia Council History
- IEEE Award in International Communication
- IEEE Biomedical Engineering Award
- Oral-History:Jacob Baal-Schem
- Oral-History:Henry Bachman
- Henry L. Bachman
- IEEE Northeast Brazil Section History
- IEEE Bahrain Section History
- George W. Bailey
- Oral-History:Robert Baim
- Oral-History:Earl Bakken
- IEEE Baltimore Section History
- IEEE Bangladesh Section History
- Oral-History:Bruce Barrow
- Oral-History:Lionel Barthold
- Oral-History:Karen Bartleson
- Oral-History:Thomas Bartlett
- Antonio C. Bastos
- IEEE Baton Rouge Section History
- René Andre Baudry
- James H. Beall
- IEEE Beaumont Section History
- Oral-History:Arnold Beck
- Sterling Beckwith
- Oral-History:Joyce Bedi
- IEEE Beijing Section History
- Oral-History:George Bekey
- IEEE Belarus Section History
- Archives:Papers of Alexander Graham Bell
- Oral-History:Maurice Bellanger
- Daniel R. Benigni
- Archives:Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison on Progress
- Oral-History:Leo Beranek (2005)
- Lloyd V. Berkner
- IEEE Berkshire Section History
- Archives:Papers of A. W. Berresford
- Oral-History:Harold H. Beverage
- Vijay K. Bhargava
- IEEE Binghamton Section History
- IEEE Binghamton University Student Branch History
- IEEE Black Hills Subsection History
- Oral-History:Ron Blicq
- André Blondel
- IEEE Board of Directors
- IEEE Boise Section History
- IEEE Bolivia Section History
- Donald Bolle
- IEEE Bombay (Mumbai) Section History
- Oral-History:Joseph Bordogna
- IEEE Bosnia and Herzegovina Section History
- IEEE Boston Section History
- Don Bramlett
- Oral-History:Chris Brantley
- IEEE Centro-Norte Brasil Section History
- IEEE Brazil Council History
- Brokaw Mansion: IRE Headquarters 1946-1963
- IEEE Broward Section History
- IEEE Browder J. Thompson Memorial Prize Paper Award
- Charles Eugene Lancelot Brown
- Archives:Papers of Charles E. L. Brown
- Archives:Papers of Charles F. Brush
- Oral-History:Janis Bubenko
- Oral-History:Merrill Buckley
- Merrill Buckley Jr.
- Emil A. Budde
- Archives:Papers of E. A. Budde
- IEEE Buenaventura Section History
- IEEE Buffalo Section History
- IEEE Bulgaria Section History
- Oral-History:Richard Burden
- Oral-History:Arthur Burks
- Oral-History:C. Sidney Burrus
- Oral-History:Joe Butler
- Oral-History:Mick Byford, Robert Williams and Bob Winton
- Oral-History:James Thomas Cain
- IEEE Cairo University Student Branch
- IEEE Calumet Section History
- Andre J. Calvaer
- IEEE Canadian Atlantic Section History
- IEEE Canaveral Section History
- Oral-History:Norm Caplan
- Archives:Career Advancement Talks
- Vivian A. Carr
- E. Finley Carter
- Archives:Papers of John Joseph Carty
- Oral-History:Alicia Casals
- IEEE Cedar Rapids Section History
- IEEE Centennial Subsection History
- Archives:Centennial Technical Convocation - Session 1
- Archives:Centennial Technical Convocation - Session 2
- Archives:Centennial Technical Convocation - Session 3
- Archives:Centennial Technical Convocation - Session 7
- Archives:Centennial Technical Convocation - Sessions 4 and 5
- IEEE Central America & Panama Council History
- IEEE Central Coast Section History
- IEEE Central Georgia Section History
- IEEE Central Illinois Section History
- IEEE Central Indiana Section History
- IEEE Central Iowa Section History
- IEEE Central North Carolina Section History
- IEEE Central Pennsylvania Section History
- IEEE Central Savannah River Section History
- IEEE Central Tennessee Section History
- IEEE Central Texas Section History
- IEEE Central Washington Section History
- IEEE Centro Occidente Section History
- Archives:A Century of Electricals
- Archives:A Century of Honors: The First One Hundred Years of Award Winners, Honorary Members, Past Presidents, and Fellows of the Institute
- Oral-History:John Chadwick
- IEEE Chandigarh Subsection
- Archives:Change and Challenge, An Industry Perspective
- IEEE Busan Section History
- IEEE Charles Proteus Steinmetz Award
- IEEE Charlotte Section History
- Warren Chase
- IEEE Chattanooga Section History
- IEEE Chengdu Section History
- IEEE Chile Centro Section History
- IEEE Chile Section History
- IEEE Chile Sur Section History
- IEEE China Council History
- IEEE China Lake-Bakersfield Section History
- Donald Christiansen
- IEEE Cincinnati Section History
- IEEE Circuits and Systems Society History
- Archives:Papers of Chas. L. Clarke
- IEEE Cleveland Section History
- Oral-History:John Coales
- IEEE Coastal Los Angeles Section History
- IEEE Coastal South Carolina Section History
- James D. Cobine
- Ivan S. Coggeshall
- Seymour B. Cohn
- IEEE Colombia Section History
- IEEE Colombian Caribbean Section History
- IEEE Columbia Section History
- IEEE Columbus Section History
- IEEE Communications Society Officers and Board of Governors
- IEEE Electronics Packaging Society History
- IEEE Computational Intelligence Society History
- Oral-History:Charles Concordia
- Oral-History:David A. Conner
- Archives:Papers of Frank Conrad
- IEEE Consumer Technology Society History
- IEEE Control Systems Award
- IEEE Control Systems Society History
- William Fothergill Cooke
- Oral-History:James W. Cooley
- Oral-History:Warren Cooper
- IEEE Cordoba Subsection History
- IEEE Corpus Christi Section History
- Oral-History:Andrew Corry
- Oral-History:William E. Cory
- IEEE Costa Rica Section History
- IEEE Coulee Subsection History
- Oral-History:Donald Cox
- IEEE Croatia Section History
- Archives:Papers of Francis B. Crocker
- Fulton Cutting
- IEEE Cyprus Section History
- IEEE Czechoslovakia Section History
- Oral-History:Luigi Dadda
- IEEE Daejeon Section History
- Thomas W. Dakin
- IEEE Lotfi A. Zadeh Award for Emerging Technologies
- Oral-History:Daniel Toland
- Archives:Data, Devices, Designs
- IEEE David Sarnoff Award
- Arnaldo M. Angelini
- Oral-History:Dawn Tilbury
- W. Kenneth Dawson
- Gordon Day
- IEEE Dayton Section History
- IEEE Daytona Section History
- Sebastian Ziani de Ferranti
- J. Roberto de Marca
- Wallace Dean Decker
- IEEE Delaware Bay Section History
- IEEE Delhi Section History
- Marko Delimar
- Oral-History:Denise Griffin
- IEEE Denmark Section History
- IEEE Denver Section History
- IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society History
- Thomas W. Doeppner
- IEEE Donald O. Pederson Award in Solid-State Circuits
- Oral-History:Joseph Douglas
- Joseph Douglas
- Archives:Papers of Alex Dow
- Edward J. Doyle
- Charles Stark Draper
- Oral-History:William G. Duff
- Archives:Papers of Louis Duncan
- Archives:Papers of Gano Dunn
- Oral-History:Sajjad Durrani
- Tariq S. Durrani
- Oral-History:James Early
- IEEE East Tennessee Section History
- IEEE Eastern Idaho Section History
- IEEE Eastern North Carolina Section History
- IEEE Edison Medal
- Archives:Papers of Thomas Edison
- IEEE Education Society History
- IEEE Educational Activities Board
- IEEE Egypt Section History
- Oral-History:Bruce A. Eisenstein
- IEEE El Paso Section History
- Ferial El-Hawary
- Mohamed El-Aref El-Hawary
- Oral-History:Charles Eldon
- Archives:The Making of a Profession: A Century of Electrical Engineering in America
- Archives:Electrical Engineering Newsletter
- Archives:Electrical Engineering, The Second Century Begins
- Archives:EMC Founders War Stories
- IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society History
- Oral-History:IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society Interviews
- IEEE Electromagnetics Award
- Archives:Fifty Years of Electron Devices: The IEEE Electron Devices Society and Its Technologies
- IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation History
- IEEE Rao R. Tummala Electronics Packaging Award
- IEEE Emanuel R. Piore Award
- Archives:Papers of L. Emanueli
- Archives:Papers of W.L.R. Emmet
- IEEE Employee Benefits and Compensation Committee History
- Oral-History:Irving Engelson
- IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society History
- Archives:Engineers & Electrons: A Century of Electrical Progress
- IEEE Eric E. Sumner Award
- IEEE Erie Section History
- IEEE Estonia Section History
- Oral-History:Thelma Estrin (1992)
- Archives:Profiles in Engineering Leadership: Eta Kappa Nu's First Century Eminent Members
- IEEE Ethics and Member Conduct Committee History
- IEEE Evansville-Owensboro Section History
- Archives:Papers of G. Faccioli
- IEEE Fairbanks Subsection History
- Lawrence E. Felton
- Archives:Papers of Louis A. Ferguson
- Archives:Papers of Sebastian Ziani de Ferranti
- Oral-History:Alfred Fettweis
- Cyrus W. Field
- Archives:Papers of Cyrus Field
- IEEE Finance Committee History
- Oral-History:Ray Findlay
- IEEE Finland Section History
- Oral-History:Bernard Finn
- First-Hand:First-Hand:From a Colorado Farm to the Bureau of Reclamation: An IEEE Life Member's Story
- Oral-History:Joseph Fischer
- Oral-History:James L. Flanagan
- Archives:Papers of A.P.M. Fleming
- Harold L. Flescher
- Archives:Papers of Ferdinand Foch
- IEEE Foothill Section History
- IEEE Fort Huachuca Section History
- IEEE Fort Wayne Section History
- IEEE Fort Worth Section History
- Oral-History:Ted Foster
- IEEE Founders Medal
- IEEE Fourier Award for Signal Processing
- IEEE Fox Valley Subsection
- IEEE France Section History
- IEEE Frank Rosenblatt Award
- IEEE Frederik Philips Award
- Oral-History:Herbert Freeman
- IEEE Freeport Subsection History
- Oral-History:Robert Friedel
- Archives:From Acorn to Oak
- A Prehistory of the IEEE Fukuoka Section in Japanese
- IEEE Fukuoka Section History
- Archives:The Future Awaits
- IEEE Gainesville Section History
- Oral-History:Uzia Galil
- IEEE Galveston Bay Section History
- Luis T. Gandia
- Oscar N. Garcia
- Oral-History:Anthony Gascoigne
- Oral-History:Wanda Gass
- Oral-History:Gus Gaynor
- Oral-History:Paolo Gazzana-Priaroggia
- Oral-History:Leslie Geddes
- Oral-History:Ron Gedney
- Archives:Generations of Giants
- IEEE Geoscience & Remote Sensing Society History
- Archives:Papers of Bancroft Gherardi
- First-Hand:History of the GHN
- Oral-History:Adolf Goetzberger
- Harold S. Goldberg
- Oral-History:Eugene Gordon
- Oral-History:Judith Gorman
- IEEE Governance Committee History
- Archives:Richard Gowen Speech (1984)
- Oral-History:Dimitry Grabbe
- Oral-History:Susan Graham
- Oral-History:John Granger
- Oral-History:Robert M. Gray (1991)
- Oral-History:Robert M. Gray (1998)
- Oral-History:Wilson Greatbatch
- IEEE Greece Section History
- David G. Green
- IEEE Green Mountain Section History
- Oral-History:Paul Green
- Oral-History:John Gregory
- Oral-History:William Gretsch
- IEEE Guadalajara Section History
- Oral-History:John Guarrera
- IEEE Guatemala Section History
- Oral-History:Klaus Gueldenpfennig
- IEEE Guerrero Subsection History
- IEEE Gujarat Section History
- IEEE Guntur Subsection
- IEEE Gustav Robert Kirchhoff Award
- First-Hand:Gustav Bliesner: Coordinator, Portland Section
- Oral-History:Abraham H. Haddad
- James M. Ham
- George A. Hamilton
- IEEE Hamilton Section History
- Archives:Papers of George Hamilton
- Archives:Papers of William Joseph Hammer
- IEEE Hampton Roads Section History
- Fumio Harashima
- IEEE Harbin Section History
- Oral-History:Edwin Harder
- Oral-History:Charles Harper
- Archives:Papers of W.H. Harrison
- IEEE Harry Diamond Memorial Award
- IEEE Hawaii Section History
- Oral-History:Gwen Hays
- Archives:Papers of Rowland R. Hazard
- Rowland R. Hazard
- Archives:Fred Heath and the Invention that Changed the World
- Archives:Papers of Oliver Heaviside
- Don Heirman
- Oral-History:Don Heirman
- Oral-History:Martin Hellman
- Archives:Papers of Rudolf E. Hellmund
- John Henderson
- Archives:Papers of Carl Hering
- IEEE Herman Halperin Electric Transmission and Distribution Award
- Eric Herz
- William R. Hewlett
- IEEE High Plains Section History
- Marion E. Hines
- Narain G. Hingorani
- Evelyn H. Hirt
- Histelcon
- 2001 IEEE Conference on the History of Telecommunications
- IEEE History Center
- IEEE History Center Conferences
- IEEE History Committee History
- Archives:History Articles in IEEE Publications
- First-Hand:History of an ASEE Fellow - Jenna P. Carpenter
- Archives:History of Eta Kappa Nu
- Archives:History of the IRE, 1937
- Dave Hoff
- Oral-History:Wallace Hoff
- IEEE Honam Subsection
- IEEE Honduras Section History
- IEEE Hong Kong Section History
- IEEE Honorary Membership History
- 2006 IEEE Honors Ceremony
- 2007 IEEE Honors Ceremony
- 2008 IEEE Honors Ceremony
- 2009 IEEE Honors Ceremony
- 2010 IEEE Honors Ceremony
- 2011 IEEE Honors Ceremony
- 2012 IEEE Honors Ceremony
- 2013 IEEE Honors Ceremony
- 2014 IEEE Honors Ceremony
- 2015 IEEE Honors Ceremony
- 2016 IEEE Honors Ceremony
- IEEE Honors Ceremonies
- Morris D. Hooven
- Herbert Hoover
- Lawrence C. F. Horle
- Oral-History:Mel Hotz
- Archives:Papers of J.E. Housley
- IEEE Houston Section History
- Archives:Papers of Edwin J. Houston
- Oral-History:Ayanna Howard
- Oral-History:Thomas Huang
- Archives:Papers of B.D. Hull
- IEEE Huntsville Section History
- Frederick L. Hutchinson
- Archives:Papers of F.L. Hutchinson
- IEEE Hyderabad Section History
- IEEE Iceland Section History
- Masayuki Ieda
- Archives:Evolution of the IEEE Logo
- IEEE Kansai Section History
- IEEE Organizational Units
- Archives:IEEE 1999 Corporate Recognition and IEEE Ernst Weber Leadership Recognition Presentation
- Archives:IEEE 2002 Sections Congress
- IEEE Alexandria Student Branch History
- Archives:IEEE Awards Luncheon, Mar 27, 1973
- Archives:IEEE Centennial Briefing for the Media, Donald Hodel speech
- Archives:IEEE Centennial Briefing for the Media, Thursday - tape 1
- Archives:IEEE Centennial Briefing for the Media, Thursday - tape 10
- Archives:IEEE Centennial Briefing for the Media, Thursday - tape 11
- Archives:IEEE Centennial Briefing for the Media, Thursday - tape 2
- Archives:IEEE Centennial Briefing for the Media, Thursday - tape 3
- Archives:IEEE Centennial Briefing for the Media, Thursday - tape 4
- Archives:IEEE Centennial Briefing for the Media, Thursday - tape 5
- Archives:IEEE Centennial Briefing for the Media, Thursday - tape 6
- Archives:IEEE Centennial Briefing for the Media, Thursday - tape 7
- Archives:IEEE Centennial Briefing for the Media, Thursday - tape 8
- Archives:IEEE Centennial Briefing for the Media, Thursday - tape 9
- Archives:IEEE Centennial Briefing for the Media, Tuesday - tape 1
- Archives:IEEE Centennial Briefing for the Media, Tuesday - tape 2
- Archives:IEEE Centennial Briefing for the Media, Tuesday - tape 4
- Archives:IEEE Centennial Briefing for the Media, Tuesday - tape 5a
- Archives:IEEE Centennial Briefing for the Media, Tuesday - tape 7
- Archives:IEEE Centennial Briefing for the Media, Wednesday - tape 1
- Archives:IEEE Centennial Briefing for the Media, Wednesday - tape 2
- Archives:IEEE Centennial Briefing for the Media, Wednesday - tape 3
- Archives:IEEE Centennial Briefing for the Media, Wednesday - tape 4
- Archives:IEEE Centennial Briefing for the Media, Wednesday Race Footage
- Archives:IEEE Centennial Report
- IEEE Conferences
- IEEE Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Student Branch History
- IEEE Foundation Board of Directors Roster
- IEEE Foundation Directors Elected to Emeritus/Emerita Status
- IEEE Foundation History
- Archives:IEEE Franklin Institute, The Second Century Begins
- IEEE Future Directions Committee History
- IEEE Historical Dues and Admission Prices
- IEEE History
- Archives:IEEE History Center Book Publishing
- IEEE History Center Newsletters
- Archives:IEEE INTERCON 1973 Opening Session
- Archives:IEEE Merger Collection
- Milestones:IEEE Milestones Program
- IEEE Operations Center in Piscataway
- First-Hand:IEEE Orange County Section Early History with Details about the L.A. Council, Wescon And Personalities Thereof
- Archives:IEEE Organizational Improvement
- Archives:IEEE Overview
- First-Hand:IEEE Past President Memoir: Kenneth Laker
- Oral-History:IEEE Past Presidents
- Archives:IEEE Public Service Announcement in Support of Math and Science Education
- IEEE Region 1 (Northeastern U.S.) History
- IEEE Region 10 (Asia & Pacific) History
- IEEE Region 2 (Eastern U.S.) History
- IEEE Region 5 (Southwestern U.S.) History
- IEEE Region 6 (Western U.S.) History
- Archives:IEEE SCOOP
- Archives:IEEE Section Leadership, 1972
- IEEE Singapore Office
- ETHW:IEEE STARS Editorial Board
- Archives:IEEE Student Newsletters
- IEEE Timeline from 1963 to 1984
- IEEE Timeline from 1984 to 2012
- IEEE-ISTO (Industry Standards and Technology Organization)
- Archives:IEEE-USA 1994 PACE Conference - TPC Plenary, CAC Plenary, Luncheon
- IEEE-USA Board of Directors
- IEEE-USA History
- Archives:IEEE-USA: Engineering A New Millenium
- Archives:IEEE/AIEE Tech Committee Reports
- Archives:IEEE: More than the Sum
- First-Hand:IEEE’s Concerned Ethics Volunteers CEV-Who They Are
- The IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology)
- Archives:Immigration Issues
- Oral-History:John Impagliazzo
- IEEE India Council History
- Indian Ocean Tsunami
- IEEE Indonesia Section History
- IEEE Industry Applications Society History
- IEEE Information Theory Society History
- IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society History
- IEEE Insurance Committee History
- IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society History
- Archives:International Conference on Communications, 1976
- IEEE Internet Award
- IEEE Investment Committee History
- IEEE Iowa-Illinois Section History
- IEEE Iran Section History
- IEEE Iraq Section History
- Archives:1926 IRE Standards Publication
- Archives:1948 IRE Standards Publication
- Archives:IRE Report of the Committee on Standardization, 1915
- List of Presidents of the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE)
- Archives:IRE Yearbooks and Membership Directories
- Archives:Is There a Role for the US Government in Technology Development?
- IEEE Islamabad Section History
- IEEE Israel Section History
- IEEE Italy Section History
- Oral-History:Ivan A. Getting (1995)
- Oral-History:Tatsuo Izawa
- IEEE Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal
- IEEE Jacksonville Section History
- Oral-History:Irwin Jacobs
- IEEE Jamaica Section History
- IEEE James H. Mulligan, Jr. Education Medal
- IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Award
- IEEE Japan Council History
- Oral-History:James Jefferies
- Oral-History:Rudy Joenk
- Oral-History:Elya Joffe
- IEEE John von Neumann Medal
- Oral-History:Richard J. Johns
- J. Allen Johnson
- Archives:Papers of Joseph Allen Johnson
- IEEE Johnstown Section History
- IEEE Jordan Section History
- IEEE Joseph F. Keithley Award in Instrumentation and Measurement
- IEEE Judith A. Resnik Award
- Oral-History:James Kaiser
- H. Kalyanasundaram
- Moshe Kam
- Oral-History:Moshe Kam
- Oral-History:Sung Mo (Steve) Kang
- IEEE Kansas City Section History
- Oral-History:Milton Kant
- IEEE Karachi Section History
- Oral-History:Walter Karplus
- Oral-History:J. Lawrence Katz
- Oral-History:Myron Kayton
- Archives:Papers of Nathaniel S. Keith
- Archives:Papers of Lord Kelvin
- Archives:Papers of Arthur Edwin Kennelly
- IEEE Kenya Section History
- IEEE Kerala Section History
- Marcel Keschner
- Oral-History:Warren A. Kesselman
- IEEE Kharagpur Section History
- Oral-History:Makoto Kikuchi
- Oral-History:Jack Kilby
- Oral-History:Lee Kilgore
- Oral-History:Jae Kyoon Kim
- Oral-History:Richard Kirby
- Leon K. Kirchmayer
- IEEE Kitchener-Waterloo Section History
- IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award
- Oral-History:Ron Kline
- Oral-History:C. Raymond Knight
- Koji Kobayashi
- V. Prasad Kodali
- Oral-History:Herwig Kogelnik
- IEEE Koji Kobayashi Computers and Communications Award
- Oral-History:Petar Kokotovic (1995)
- Oral-History:Petar Kokotovic (2011)
- Richard John Walter Koopman
- IEEE Korea Council History
- Oral-History:Jana Kosecka
- Oral-History:Norman B. Krim (1984)
- Oral-History:David Kuck
- IEEE Kuwait Section History
- IEEE Gwangju Section History
- IEEE Lafayette Section History
- James M. Lafferty
- IEEE Lahore Section History
- Oral-History:Ken Laker
- Kenneth Laker
- IEEE Lamme Medal
- Archives:Papers of B.G. Lamme
- Oral-History:William Lang
- Peer Martin Larsen
- Oral-History:Peer Martin Larsen
- Oral-History:Robert E. Larson
- IEEE Las Vegas Section History
- IEEE Latvia Section History
- David John Law
- IEEE Lebanon Section History
- Oral-History:Jean Lebel
- Jean Lebel
- Edward U. Lee
- Archives:Papers of W.S. Lee
- IEEE Lehigh Valley Section History
- Oral-History:Gerard Lehmann
- IEEE Leon K. Kirchmayer Graduate Teaching Award
- IEEE Leon K. Kirchmayer Prize Paper Award
- Oral-History:Moises Levy
- Oral-History:Peter Lewis
- IEEE Lexington Section History
- IEEE Libya Section History
- IEEE Life Members Committee History
- Oral-History:Michael Lightner
- Oral-History:Joseph V. Lillie
- IEEE Lima Section History
- Archives:Lines and Waves
- Archives:Fred Link reminisces with James Weldon and others
- Milestones:List of IEEE Milestones
- List of Presidents of the IEEE Foundation
- List of Presidents of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- IEEE Litoral Subsection History
- Oral-History:Bede Liu
- IEEE London Section History
- IEEE Long Island Section History
- IEEE Los Alamos/Northern New Mexico Section History
- IEEE Los Angeles Council History
- IEEE Louisville Section History
- IEEE Lower Cape Fear Subsection History
- William Mathew Lower
- Oral-History:Robert Lucky
- Walter MacAdam
- IEEE Macau Section History
- Archives:Papers of Alexander M. MacCutcheon
- Oral-History:J. Ross Macdonald
- IEEE Madison Section History
- IEEE Madras (Chennai) Section History
- IEEE Magnetics Society History
- Archives:Papers of C.O. Mailloux
- IEEE Maine Section History
- IEEE Malaysia Section History
- Archives:Papers of Guglielmo Marconi
- IEEE Marie Sklodowska-Curie Award
- IEEE Marketing and Sales Committee History
- Oral-History:Rosann Marosy
- Robert H. Marriott
- Archives:Papers of T.C. Martin
- IEEE Masaru Ibuka Consumer Electronics Award
- Oral-History:James L. Massey
- Oral-History:Earl Masterson
- Oral-History:Ferdy Mayer
- Oral-History:John Mayo
- Oral-History:Naomi McAfee
- George F. McClure
- Ronald McFarlan
- Oral-History:Ronald McFarlan
- Alexander A. McKenzie
- Archives:Papers of Fred Orville McMillan
- Oral-History:James McNaul
- Oral-History:Wolfgang Mecklenbrauker
- IEEE Medal for Environmental and Safety Technologies
- IEEE Medal for Innovations in Healthcare Technology
- IEEE Medal in Power Engineering
- IEEE Medal of Honor
- IEEE Medellin Subsection History
- IEEE Melbourne (FL) Section GOLD Affinity Group History
- IEEE Melbourne Section History
- IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board
- IEEE Memphis Section History
- Oral-History:Lou Meren
- Formation of IEEE by the Merger of AIEE and IRE
- Oral-History:IEEE Merger
- Oral-History:Russell Mersereau
- IEEE Mervin J. Kelly Award
- Archives:Papers of George Metcalfe
- IEEE Metropolitan Los Angeles Section History
- IEEE Mexican Council History
- IEEE Mexico Section History
- Archives:Papers of Edward B. Meyer
- IEEE Miami Section History
- Howard Michel
- Oral-History:Howard Michel
- IEEE Microwave Theory & Technology Society History
- IEEE Mid-Hudson Section History
- William W. Middleton
- Milestones:Milestones Status Report
- IEEE Millennium Celebration
- IEEE Milwaukee Section History
- IEEE Minas Gerais Section History
- Oral-History:Jerry B. Minter
- Archives:Miracle Force
- IEEE Mississippi Section History
- IEEE Missouri Slope Section History
- IEEE Mobile Section History
- IEEE Mohawk Valley Section History
- Oral-History:John Moll
- IEEE Central Montana Section History
- IEEE Monterey Bay Subsection History
- IEEE Morelos Section History
- IEEE Morocco Section History
- IEEE Morris E. Leeds Award
- Stefan Mozar
- Michael Mulder
- Oral-History:James Mulligan
- First-Hand:My Life Over 60 Years in the Development of Our National Energy Systems
- First-Hand:My Life with IEEE
- Oral-History:Troy Nagle
- Oral-History:Tsuneo Nakahara
- First-Hand:Nancy Perlman
- IEEE Nanjing Section History
- IEEE Nanotechnology Council History
- Archives:National Press Club Briefing, tape 1
- Archives:National Press Club Briefing, tape 2
- IEEE Nebraska Section History
- IEEE New Brunswick Section History
- IEEE New Initiatives Committee History
- IEEE New Orleans Section History
- IEEE New South Wales Section History
- IEEE New Zealand Central Section History
- IEEE New Zealand Council History
- IEEE New Zealand North Section History
- IEEE Newfoundland & Labrador Section History
- IEEE Nicaragua Section History
- IEEE Nigeria Section History
- IEEE Nikola Tesla Award
- Alfred E. Noble Prize
- IEEE Nominations and Appointments Committee History
- First-Hand:Norman Bleshman, Chairman of the Power and Industrial Division (NY)
- IEEE North Jersey Section History
- IEEE Northeast Michigan Section History
- IEEE Northeastern Wisconsin Section History
- IEEE Northern Australia Section History
- IEEE Northern Canada Section History
- IEEE Northern Virginia Section History
- IEEE Northshore Subsection History
- IEEE Northwest Florida Section History
- IEEE Northwestern Chicago Subsection History
- IEEE Norway Section History
- Oral-History:Herb Nunnally
- IEEE Oakland-East Bay Section History
- IEEE Oklahoma City Section History
- Oral-History:Takanori Okoshi
- Oral-History:Henry Oman
- IEEE Oman Section History
- Archives:On the Shoulders of Giants
- Oral-History:Eugene O'Neill
- Levent Onural
- Oral-History:Alan Oppenheim
- IEEE Orange County Section History
- IEEE Oregon Section History
- IEEE Orlando Section History
- Oral-History:Basil Osborne
- Archives:Papers of Farley Osgood
- IEEE Ottawa Section History
- First-Hand:Overviews of IEEE Operations - 1999 to 2017
- IEEE Ozark Section History
- Archives:1994 PACE Conference and Workshop, MAC Plenary, GAC Plenary, Keynote Speaker
- Antonio Pacinotti
- David Packard
- IEEE Palm Beach Section History
- IEEE Palouse Section History
- Archives:AIEE Pamphlets
- IEEE Panama Section History
- IEEE Panhandle Section History
- Basil Papadias
- Oral-History:John Pape
- IEEE Paraguay Section History
- Archives:Papers of John C. Parker
- Oral-History:Brad Parkinson
- Edward A. Parrish
- Oral-History:Kumar Patel
- Oral-History:Aage Pedersen
- Karen S. Pedersen
- Archives:Perspectives - Bachman pieces
- Archives:Perspectives - Weinschel pieces
- IEEE Peru Section History
- IEEE Peshawar Subsection
- IEEE Peterborough Section History
- IEEE Photonics Award
- IEEE Photonics Society History
- Oral-History:Raymond Pickholtz
- IEEE Piedmont Section History
- IEEE Pikes Peak Section History
- Oral-History:Kenneth Plante
- Hylon Theron Plumb
- IEEE Podhigai Subsection
- IEEE Poland Section History
- Archives:Papers of Franklin L. Pope
- Archives:Papers of Ralph W. Pope
- Hardy J. Pottinger
- IEEE Power Electronics Society History
- Archives:Haraden Pratt Autobiographical Notes
- Archives:Sixty Years of Wireless and Radio Reminiscenses
- IEEE Princeton/Central New Jersey Section History
- IEEE Professional Communication Society History
- Archives:Professional Skill Development Program
- IEEE Providence Section History
- IEEE Public Visibility Committee History
- IEEE Publication Services and Products Board
- IEEE Puebla Section History
- Oral-History:Emerson W. Pugh
- Archives:Papers of Michael I. Pupin
- Oral-History:Lawrence Rabiner
- Oral-History:Charles Rader
- Saifur Rahman
- Mary Ellen Randall
- Wallace Read
- Oral-History:Wally Read
- Oral-History:Eberhardt Rechtin
- First-Hand:Recollections of a Region 8 Director
- First-Hand:Recollections of the IRE
- First-Hand:Recollections on the Merger of IRE and AIEE
- IEEE Red River Valley Section History
- Oral-History:Robert Rediker
- Oral-History:Reginald Russell
- IEEE Reliability Society History
- First-Hand:Remembering Steve Mallard (1924-2014)
- IEEE Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Student Branch History
- IEEE Republic of Philippines Section History
- IEEE Reynold B. Johnson Information Storage Systems Award
- Oral-History:Tae-Won Rhee and Duck-Jin Kim
- Archives:Papers of E.W. Rice
- IEEE Richard Harold Kaufmann Award
- IEEE Richard W. Hamming Medal
- IEEE Richland Section History
- IEEE Richmond Section History
- Oral-History:Kurt Richter
- James N. Riess
- IEEE Rio de Janeiro Section History
- IEEE Rio Grande Valley Subsection History
- IEEE Robert N. Noyce Medal
- Elgin B. Robertson
- Charles J. Robinson
- IEEE Robotics and Automation Award
- IEEE Rochester Section History
- Oral-History:Rolf Remshardt
- IEEE Rolla Subsection History
- Oral-History:Richard Rollman
- IEEE Romania Section History
- Oral-History:Azriel Rosenfeld
- Hugh Rudnick
- IEEE Russia (Northwest) Section History
- IEEE Russia (Siberia) Section History
- IEEE Russia Section History
- Archives:Papers of H.J. Ryan
- Oral-History:John Douglass Ryder
- Theodore S. Saad
- IEEE Sacramento Valley Section History
- IEEE Saint Maurice Section History
- Eugene C. Sakshaug
- IEEE El Salvador Section History
- IEEE San Diego Section History
- IEEE San Fernando Valley Section History
- IEEE Santa Clara Valley Section History
- IEEE Saudi Arabia (Jubail Subsection)
- IEEE Saudi Arabia (Riyadh Subsection)
- IEEE Saudia Arabia Section History
- IEEE Western Saudi Arabia Section History
- Oral-History:Robert Saunders
- IEEE Savannah Section History
- Oral-History:Ron Schafer
- IEEE Schenectady Section History
- Oral-History:Harold Scherer
- Oral-History:Donald Schilling
- Oral-History:William F. Schreiber
- Archives:Papers of R.F. Schuchardt
- Oral-History:Hans Wilhelm Schuessler
- Oral-History:Herman Schwan (1992)
- Oral-History:Herman Schwan (1999)
- Oral-History:Mischa Schwartz
- Archives:Papers of Charles F. Scott
- Oral-History:Ray Sears
- IEEE Seattle Section History
- Tadahiro Sekimoto
- IEEE Sendai Section History
- Oral-History:Jung Uk Seo
- IEEE Seoul Section History
- IEEE Serbia and Montenegro Section History
- Oral-History:Betty Shanahan
- IEEE Shandong Subsection History
- IEEE Shanghai Section History
- Oral-History:Gustave Shapiro
- Archives:Papers of Samuel Sheldon
- Basil Sherlund
- Motoji Shibusawa
- IEEE Shikoku Section History
- IEEE Shin-etsu Section History
- Barry L. Shoop
- Oral-History:Barry Shoop
- IEEE Signal Processing Society History
- Archives:Signal Processing: The Emergence of a Discipline, 1948-1998
- IEEE Simon Ramo Medal
- Donald B. Sinclair
- IEEE Singapore Section History
- Singapore 2000: Promoting the History of EE
- IEEE Siouxland Section History
- Jack M. Sipress
- Oral-History:William Skillman
- Oral-History:Merrill Skolnik
- Martha Sloan
- Oral-History:Martha Sloan
- IEEE Slovenia Section History
- Oral-History:Chester Smith
- Archives:Papers of H.B. Smith
- Friedolf M. Smits
- Oral-History:Richard Snelling
- Oral-History:Joel Snyder
- IEEE Innovation in Societal Infrastructure Award
- List of IEEE Society History Committees
- IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology History
- IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society History
- IEEE South Australia Section History
- IEEE South Brazil Section History
- IEEE South Plains Section History
- IEEE South Saskatchewan Section History
- IEEE Southeastern Michigan Section History
- IEEE Southern Alberta Section History
- IEEE Southern New Jersey Section History
- IEEE Southwest Missouri Section History
- IEEE Spain Section History
- Archives:Sparks of Genius: Portraits of Electrical Engineering Excellence
- IEEE Spectrum
- Archives:Papers of Elmer Sperry
- Oral-History:Cary Spitzer
- IEEE Spokane Section History
- Archives:Papers of Frank Julian Sprague
- IEEE Springfield Section History
- IEEE Sri Lanka Central Subsection History
- IEEE Sri Lanka Section History
- IEEE Standards Association History
- Archives:Papers of William Stanley
- First-Hand:Starting IEEE Computer Magazine
- Archives:State of the IEEE and the Role of the IEEE in the 1970's
- Oral-History:Earl Steele
- Oral-History:Karl Ulrich Stein
- Archives:Papers of Charles Proteus Steinmetz
- Arthur P. Stern
- Oral-History:Arthur P. Stern (2009)
- Oral-History:Arthur Stern (1993)
- Archives:Papers of John Franklin Stevens
- Oral-History:H. Guyford Stever
- Archives:Papers of L.B. Stillwell
- John Stone Stone
- W. Ross Stone
- Archives:Papers of Henry G. Stott
- IEEE Strategic Planning Committee History
- Loren Frank Stringer
- Oral-History:Gene Strull
- Oral-History:Kenneth Sturley
- Oral-History:Takuo Sugano
- IEEE Council on SuperConductivity History
- Oral-History:Jerome Suran
- IEEE Susquehanna Section History
- Oral-History:Len Svensson
- Ambrose Swasey
- IEEE Sweden Section History
- IEEE Switzerland Section History
- IEEE Syracuse Section History
- IEEE Syracuse University Student Branch History
- IEEE Systems Council History
- IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society History
- Oral-History:Keiji Tachikawa
- IEEE Taegu Section History
- IEEE Tainan Section History
- IEEE Tallahassee Section History
- IEEE Tappan Zee Subsection History
- IEEE Tasmania Subsection History
- Oral-History:Gordon K. Teal
- Oral-History:Benjamin R. Teare Jr.
- IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB)
- Archives:Technical Activities Newsbriefs
- Archives:Technological Competitiveness: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives on Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Industries
- IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society
- IEEE Tellers Committee History
- Frederick Terman
- Frederick Terman and Eta Kappa Nu
- Oral-History:Lewis Terman
- Archives:Terman Speech at Annual IEEE Banquet (March 27, 1963)
- Archives:Papers of Nikola Tesla
- IEEE Thailand Section History
- Archives:The Engineer's Role in National Technology Policy
- Archives:The Institute
- Archives:The Staff Circuit - Network News
- Oral-History:Theodore Van Duzer (2014)
- Oral-History:Leonard Thomas Sr.
- Archives:Papers of Silvanus P. Thompson
- Oral-History:Patricia Thompson
- Silvanus Thompson
- Elihu Thomson
- Archives:Papers of Elihu Thomson
- James M. Tien
- IEEE Toledo Section History
- Archives:Papers of Philip Torchio
- IEEE Toronto Section History
- Oral-History:Carme Torras
- Archives:Toward the 21st Century - Your IEEE in 1993
- Oral-History:Charles Townes (1991)
- Archives:Papers of Calvert Townley
- Tracing the Roots of IEEE-USA: From a Small Beginning to a Big Outcome
- IEEE Tri Cities Section History
- IEEE Trinidad and Tobago Section History
- First-Hand:Tube Manufacturing at Sylvania
- IEEE Tucson Section History
- IEEE Tulsa Section History
- IEEE Tunisia Section History
- IEEE Twin Cities Section History
- IEEE Ukraine Section History
- IEEE UKRI Circuits and Systems Chapter History
- IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society History
- IEEE Undergraduate Teaching Award
- IEEE United Arab Emirates Section History
- IEEE United Kingdom and Ireland Section History
- IEEE Upper Monongahela Subsection History
- First-Hand:Ups and Downs in an Engineer's Career
- IEEE Uruguay Section History
- IEEE Utah Section History
- Oral-History:Theodore Van Duzer (1991)
- Archives:Papers of R. Varley
- Archives:Awards presentations at the IEEE VTS Conference at Dallas in 1986
- IEEE Vehicular Technology Society History
- IEEE Venezuela Section History
- Oral-History:Ben Vester
- IEEE Victoria Section History
- IEEE Vietnam Section History
- Oral-History:John Vig
- IEEE Virginia Mountain Section History
- Oral-History:Glen Wade
- Charles F. Wagner
- Oral-History:Charles Wagner
- Oral-History:J. T. Wallmark
- Solveig Ward
- Archives:Papers of George Addison Wardlaw
- IEEE Washington Section History
- The Washington Award
- Archives:Bridger of Cultures: Ernst Weber as Researcher, Educator, and Statesman
- Oral-History:Ernst Weber (1988)
- Oral-History:Bruno Weinschel
- Stephen Weinstein
- Oral-History:Max Weiss
- Oral-History:Walter Welkowitz
- Craig M. Wellman
- IEEE West Central Mexico Section History
- IEEE West Michigan Section History
- IEEE West Virginia Section History
- IEEE Western Australia Section History
- IEEE Western Montana Section History
- IEEE Western North Carolina Section History
- Archives:Papers of George Westinghouse
- Archives:Papers of Schuyler Skaats Wheeler
- Oral-History:Marvin White
- Oral-History:Stanley A. White
- Eugene Chapin Whitney
- Oral-History:Eugene Whitney
- First-Hand:Who Is In Charge of IEEE?
- IEEE Wichita Section History
- Archives:Papers of William E. Wickenden
- Oral-History:Jim Wiener
- Oral-History:George Wilcox
- IEEE William E. Newell Power Electronics Award
- IEEE William M. Habirshaw Award
- Oral-History:Kimball Williams
- Kimball Williams
- IEEE Winnipeg Section History
- Oral-History:Arthur Winston
- IEEE Winston-Salem Section History
- Archives:Winter 1984 Power Meeting, Awards Luncheon at Hilton
- Archives:Winter 1984 Power Meeting, tape 1
- Archives:Winter 1984 Power Meeting, tape 2
- Archives:Winter 1984 Power Meeting, tape 3
- IEEE/RSE James Clerk Maxwell Medal
- Archives:Women in High Technology Industries
- Herbert H. Woodson
- IEEE Worcester County Section History
- IEEE Wuhan Section History
Media in category "IEEE"
The following 683 files are in this category, out of 683 total.
- 1177(28).jpg 640 × 439; 50 KB
- 1948 IRE Staff 1615.jpg 1,847 × 1,500; 647 KB
- 1969 IEEE Past presidents 1794.jpg 1,943 × 1,500; 596 KB
- 1981 President Damon visit 1.jpg 767 × 410; 44 KB
- A. N. Wilson, Jr. 2512.jpg 454 × 640; 33 KB
- Abdel-Aziz A.Fouad 2539.jpg 456 × 640; 46 KB
- Adel S. Sedra 2463.jpg 458 × 640; 44 KB
- AIEE Ethics code 0422.jpg 423 × 640; 69 KB
- AIEE Presidents 0236.jpg 4,115 × 2,885; 7.12 MB
- AIEE Report 1899 0421.jpg 477 × 640; 45 KB
- Akio Morita 2530.jpg 419 × 640; 33 KB
- Alan F. Shugart 2406(2).jpg 480 × 481; 33 KB
- Alan G. Chynoweth 2458.jpg 455 × 640; 32 KB
- Alan Gerald Chynoweth 2345.jpg 451 × 640; 35 KB
- Alan W. Rudge 2477.jpg 480 × 623; 31 KB
- Albert Abramson 2692.jpg 480 × 557; 24 KB
- Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli 2333.jpg 640 × 456; 33 KB
- Alexander Feiner 2603.jpg 438 × 640; 50 KB
- Alexander V. Mamishev 2534.jpg 438 × 640; 28 KB
- Alfred Y. Cho 2546.jpg 462 × 640; 36 KB
- Ali H. Sayed 2446(1).jpg 434 × 640; 30 KB
- Allen C. Newell 2574.jpg 452 × 640; 37 KB
- Allen Newell 2575.jpg 441 × 640; 48 KB
- Alon Orlitsky 2667.jpg 458 × 640; 50 KB
- Amar Mukherjee 2561.jpg 427 × 640; 38 KB
- Amitava Dutta-Roy 2571.jpg 433 × 640; 31 KB
- Andre J. Calvaer 2383.jpg 425 × 640; 47 KB
- Andrew R. Barron 2670.jpg 421 × 640; 28 KB
- Andrew R. Hileman 2652.jpg 464 × 640; 43 KB
- Andrew R. Teel 2673.jpg 456 × 640; 52 KB
- Anthony Ephremides 2668.jpg 450 × 640; 31 KB
- Anton T. Dahbura 2286.jpg 453 × 640; 40 KB
- Anup Sharma 2285.jpg 451 × 640; 34 KB
- Archie W. Straiton 2270.jpg 452 × 640; 54 KB
- Arnaldo Angelini 2685.jpg 377 × 640; 30 KB
- Arun N. Netravali 2597.jpg 446 × 640; 34 KB
- Asad Abidi 2380.jpg 463 × 640; 33 KB
- Aspray in France 1574b.jpg 640 × 467; 47 KB
- Aspray radio Conference 1585a.jpg 640 × 463; 43 KB
- Awards to Gordon K. Teal 2701(2).jpg 619 × 600; 64 KB
- Bailey and Loughren 2778.jpg 480 × 592; 45 KB
- Bailey at IRE Headquarters 2773.jpg 582 × 480; 52 KB
- Bailey with Barrow & Stu Bailey 2771.jpg 480 × 597; 55 KB
- Bailey With Gannett, Buckley, Cumming & Emberson 2769.jpg 596 × 480; 51 KB
- Bailey with Montgomery and Loughren 2777.jpg 591 × 480; 49 KB
- Bailey with Stu Bailey and Emberson 2772.jpg 593 × 480; 55 KB
- Baran Bell medal 0699.jpg 480 × 513; 31 KB
- Barrie Gilbert 2663.jpg 640 × 454; 44 KB
- Bernard Gold 2384.jpg 432 × 640; 58 KB
- Bernard M. Gordon 2644.jpg 438 × 640; 35 KB
- Bertrand S. Clarke 2671.jpg 448 × 640; 44 KB
- Bimal Bose 2457.jpg 422 × 640; 37 KB
- Bloch McNaughton Award 0695.jpg 480 × 518; 31 KB
- Bonnie Dunbar 2274.jpg 480 × 601; 56 KB
- Brian D.O. Anderson 2354.jpg 438 × 640; 38 KB
- Brokaw 1122(10).jpg 640 × 455; 48 KB
- Brokaw 1122(13).jpg 640 × 425; 51 KB
- Brokaw 1122(3).jpg 640 × 455; 55 KB
- Brokaw 1122(8).jpg 640 × 458; 50 KB
- Brokaw 1122(9).jpg 640 × 451; 38 KB
- Brokaw mansion 0969(4).jpg 636 × 480; 71 KB
- Brokaw mansion 0969(6).jpg 480 × 626; 53 KB
- Brokaw mansion 0970(1).jpg 593 × 480; 64 KB
- Brokaw mansion 0970(2).jpg 480 × 593; 57 KB
- Brokaw mansion 0970(3).jpg 595 × 480; 65 KB
- Brokaw mansion mosaic 0970(10).jpg 480 × 594; 72 KB
- Bruce Allen Francis 2629.jpg 443 × 640; 35 KB
- Brussels Computer Society 0965(14).jpg 640 × 416; 53 KB
- Brussels computer Society 0965(6).jpg 640 × 419; 37 KB
- Bulgaria Section petition letter.pdf ; 240 KB
- C. Chapin Cutler 2599.jpg 452 × 640; 42 KB
- C. Denis Mee 2543.jpg 427 × 640; 42 KB
- C. Gordon Bell 2642.jpg 430 × 640; 40 KB
- C. James Erickson 2473.jpg 454 × 640; 32 KB
- C. L. Liu 2535.jpg 410 × 640; 29 KB
- CA Computer Society office 0962.jpg 3,573 × 2,344; 1.63 MB
- Carl Flick2540.jpg 454 × 640; 45 KB
- Carl G. Eilers 2511.jpg 452 × 640; 29 KB
- Carl W. Baum 2430.jpg 393 × 640; 28 KB
- Carnegie ESB 1099.jpg 586 × 480; 43 KB
- Carver Mead 2461(2).jpg 424 × 640; 51 KB
- Century of Electrical Patrons 1400.jpg 640 × 433; 52 KB
- Chand R. Viswanathan 2352.jpg 443 × 640; 42 KB
- Chand R. Viswanathan 2423.jpg 480 × 484; 24 KB
- Charles Concordia 2401.jpg 490 × 480; 25 KB
- Charles Elachi 2637.jpg 450 × 640; 37 KB
- Charles M. Rader 2386.jpg 437 × 640; 47 KB
- Charles M. Wolfe 2581.jpg 640 × 443; 57 KB
- Charles V. Shank 2690.jpg 446 × 640; 37 KB
- CHEE Elihu Thomson Exhibit 1397.jpg 640 × 457; 36 KB
- CHEE Elihu Thomson Exhibit 1398.jpg 640 × 456; 33 KB
- CHEE Exhibit 1405.jpg 640 × 459; 42 KB
- CHEE Exhibit in UEC lobby 1404.jpg 640 × 454; 47 KB
- Chenming Hu 2353.jpg 447 × 640; 57 KB
- Chestnut Emberson award 0693.jpg 494 × 480; 33 KB
- Chin-Tang Sah 2688.jpg 442 × 640; 58 KB
- Clarence G. Thornton 2514.jpg 442 × 640; 45 KB
- Claud M. Davis 2280.jpg 461 × 640; 42 KB
- Clayton H. Griffin 2526.jpg 456 × 640; 28 KB
- Computer Society office California 0963.jpg 3,573 × 2,344; 1.6 MB
- Croatia Section petition letter.pdf ; 241 KB
- Cyril G. Veinott 2710(1).jpg 427 × 640; 36 KB
- Cyril G. Veinott 2710(2).jpg 424 × 640; 39 KB
- Dakin Lamme Award 0696.jpg 480 × 480; 34 KB
- Daniel J. Love 2507.jpg 420 × 640; 37 KB
- Daniel P. Resler 2590.jpg 451 × 640; 50 KB
- David A. Hodges 2425a.jpg 428 × 640; 30 KB
- David A. Patterson 2443.jpg 427 × 640; 45 KB
- David A. Thompson 2647.jpg 457 × 640; 49 KB
- David D. Clark 2329.jpg 434 × 640; 34 KB
- David G. Meyer 2419.jpg 422 × 640; 32 KB
- David M. Le Vine 2555.jpg 480 × 615; 35 KB
- Dean Robert Collins 2560.jpg 640 × 441; 21 KB
- Debasis Mitra 2495.jpg 414 × 640; 57 KB
- Dennis M. Ritchie 2260.jpg 453 × 640; 33 KB
- Diana Bendz 2370.jpg 423 × 640; 36 KB
- Dieter P. Kern 2357.jpg 426 × 640; 34 KB
- Dietrich R. Lambrecht 2641.jpg 422 × 640; 39 KB
- Dillard 1176b.jpg 640 × 434; 57 KB
- Dillard 1176f.jpg 640 × 296; 34 KB
- Dillard Portrait 1174.jpg 480 × 618; 46 KB
- Dillard Portrait 1175.jpg 452 × 640; 42 KB
- Dillard Series 1177a.jpg 640 × 433; 45 KB
- Dillard Series 1177b.jpg 640 × 429; 55 KB
- Dillard Series 1177c.jpg 437 × 640; 44 KB
- Don A. Gregory 2506.jpg 640 × 432; 37 KB
- Don B. Russell 2348.jpg 446 × 640; 38 KB
- Donald C. Cox 2402.jpg 454 × 640; 33 KB
- Donald C. Flickenstein 2664.jpg 453 × 640; 45 KB
- Donald E. Knuth 2715(1).jpg 414 × 640; 32 KB
- Donald E. Knuth 2715(2).jpg 416 × 640; 52 KB
- Donald J. Leonard 2475.jpg 425 × 640; 32 KB
- Donald Klein 2529(1).jpg 421 × 640; 36 KB
- Donald L. Duttweiler 2494.jpg 460 × 640; 44 KB
- Donald N. Heirman 2374.jpg 444 × 640; 41 KB
- Donald O. Pederson 2481.jpg 456 × 640; 36 KB
- Douglas K. Waineo 2577.jpg 447 × 640; 43 KB
- Dusan S. Zrnie 2294(1).jpg 640 × 460; 48 KB
- Dylan F. William 2331.jpg 451 × 640; 43 KB
- Earl E. Bakken 2510.jpg 419 × 640; 40 KB
- EBS Sketch 1096.jpg 3,916 × 5,575; 5.95 MB
- Edison Medal 0410.jpg 1,000 × 989; 282 KB
- Education Medal Whinnery 1141.jpg 480 × 583; 60 KB
- Edward A. Watson 2499.jpg 457 × 640; 39 KB
- Edward C. Stone 2291(2).jpg 447 × 640; 28 KB
- Edward F. Labuda 2558.jpg 387 × 640; 36 KB
- Edward J. McCluskey 2439(1).jpg 426 × 640; 42 KB
- Eiji Takeda 2509.jpg 428 × 640; 47 KB
- El Salvador section 0955(1).jpg 3,559 × 2,358; 1.81 MB
- El Salvador Section 0955(2).jpg 3,559 × 2,358; 2.28 MB
- El Salvador Section 0955(3).jpg 3,559 × 2,358; 2.48 MB
- El Salvador Section 0955(4).jpg 3,559 × 2,358; 2.1 MB
- El Salvador section 0955(5).jpg 3,559 × 2,358; 2.48 MB
- Ellis McNaughton Award 0694.jpg 480 × 482; 35 KB
- Elmer G. Gilbert 2541.jpg 450 × 640; 37 KB
- Else Kooi 2672.jpg 424 × 640; 38 KB
- Elwyn R. Berlekamp 2600.jpg 424 × 640; 49 KB
- Erich Bloch 2259.jpg 2,973 × 4,131; 2.99 MB
- ESB lit 1097.jpg 3,487 × 5,833; 3.9 MB
- ESB unlit 1098.jpg 480 × 590; 58 KB
- Esther Conwell 2351.jpg 452 × 640; 31 KB
- Eugene C. Sakshaug 2689.jpg 465 × 640; 39 KB
- Farouk A. M. Rizk 2444.jpg 448 × 640; 38 KB
- Federico Capasso 2624.jpg 444 × 640; 49 KB
- Fink Citation 1287.jpg 592 × 480; 37 KB
- Fletcher J. Buckley 2626.jpg 430 × 640; 29 KB
- Floyd Dunn 2460.jpg 447 × 640; 36 KB
- Francesco Carassa 2654.jpg 457 × 640; 39 KB
- Francis T.S. Yu 2491.jpg 451 × 640; 42 KB
- Francis X. Canning 2366.jpg 480 × 482; 34 KB
- Frank M. Wanlass 2625.jpg 457 × 640; 22 KB
- Frederick P. Brooks, Jr. 2400.jpg 424 × 640; 52 KB
- Friedolf M. Smits 2395.jpg 451 × 640; 28 KB
- Fujio Masuoka 2360.jpg 417 × 640; 28 KB
- G. David Forney, Jr 2635.jpg 480 × 490; 23 KB
- Gabor C. Temes 2492.jpg 450 × 640; 58 KB
- Gallager Medal of Honor 0697.jpg 480 × 480; 32 KB
- Gene Strull 2621.jpg 443 × 640; 42 KB
- George A. Sai-Halasz 2356.jpg 429 × 640; 43 KB
- George Bailey and Herbert Hoover 2774.jpg 591 × 480; 46 KB
- George Bailey giving a speech 2779.jpg 595 × 480; 34 KB
- George Bailey Portrait 2775.jpg 480 × 613; 32 KB
- George Bailey Receiving Rug 2768.jpg 480 × 596; 56 KB
- George Bailey with Donald Fink 2762.jpg 600 × 480; 55 KB
- George Bailey With Donald Fink 2763.jpg 594 × 480; 55 KB
- George Bailey With Donald Fink 2766.jpg 480 × 592; 49 KB
- George Bailey with Ernst Weber 2764.jpg 592 × 480; 53 KB
- George Bailey with spouses 2767.jpg 593 × 480; 63 KB
- George Bailey with Spouses 2770.jpg 592 × 480; 65 KB
- George H. Heilmeier 2531.jpg 480 × 583; 25 KB
- George H. Heilmeier 2696.jpg 480 × 598; 28 KB
- George L. Brantingham 2304.jpg 381 × 640; 25 KB
- George L. Bush 2677.jpg 440 × 640; 27 KB
- George W. Bailey 2765.jpg 480 × 595; 51 KB
- George W. Walsh 2307.jpg 451 × 640; 60 KB
- Georgetown Steam Hydro Generating Plant 2251.jpg 640 × 420; 77 KB
- Gilbert F. Amelio 2612.jpg 423 × 640; 31 KB
- Gilbert L. Gaibrois 2568.jpg 380 × 640; 22 KB
- Gordon E. Moore 2393.jpg 480 × 627; 44 KB
- Gordon R. Slemon 2584.jpg 421 × 640; 39 KB
- Gotffried Ungerboeck 2550.jpg 457 × 640; 47 KB
- Gottfried Ungerboeck 2306.jpg 423 × 640; 50 KB
- Gregory Stillman 2578.jpg 446 × 640; 40 KB
- Guarrera with Schulke 1173.jpg 627 × 480; 50 KB
- Gustave Solomon 2341.jpg 480 × 599; 40 KB
- Harold Chestnut 2272.jpg 453 × 640; 36 KB
- Harold Goldberg 2281b.jpg 454 × 640; 39 KB
- Harold J. Kushner 2650.jpg 419 × 640; 54 KB
- Harold S.Stone 2661.jpg 453 × 640; 50 KB
- Heiner Sussner 2524.jpg 417 × 640; 41 KB
- Henry Hong-Yi Tzeng 2410.jpg 447 × 640; 32 KB
- Henry I. Smith 2416.jpg 453 × 640; 64 KB
- Henry L. Bachman 2316.jpg 427 × 640; 26 KB
- Hermann A. Haus 2602.jpg 444 × 640; 62 KB
- Herwig Kogelnik 2684.jpg 420 × 640; 35 KB
- Hiroshi Inose 2548.jpg 432 × 640; 43 KB
- Hiroshi Iwai 2364.jpg 439 × 640; 34 KB
- Hiroyuki Mizuno 2476.jpg 446 × 640; 58 KB
- Hiroyuki Sakaki 2445.jpg 453 × 640; 35 KB
- Huy Q. Nguyen 2591.jpg 453 × 640; 62 KB
- Hwa-Nien Yu 2618.jpg 445 × 640; 46 KB
- IEEE Dignitaries 0754.jpg 1,869 × 1,500; 498 KB
- IEEE Ex Com EUREL 0807e.jpg 640 × 439; 48 KB
- IEEE History Center 1399.jpg 480 × 487; 42 KB
- IEEE ITU Plaque 1789.jpg 3,487 × 2,316; 2.07 MB
- IEEE PR 1975 0758.jpg 518 × 480; 48 KB
- IEEE staff at UEC 1120.jpg 598 × 480; 72 KB
- IEEJ IEEE Meeting 1995 1786a.jpg 640 × 411; 37 KB
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- IEEJ IEEE Meeting 1995 1787c.jpg 640 × 438; 41 KB
- IEEJ IEEE Meeting 1995 1787d.jpg 640 × 435; 55 KB
- IRE 50th 0673.jpg 604 × 480; 34 KB
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- IRE 50th 0849n.jpg 2,000 × 1,595; 507 KB
- IRE at Luchows 1915 0364b.jpg 11,179 × 6,533; 15.38 MB
- IRE Editorial Staff 0751.jpg 2,451 × 2,000; 990 KB
- IRE in ESB 0968.jpg 623 × 480; 47 KB
- IRE Proceedings on Merger 1637.jpg 480 × 605; 42 KB
- Irwin Dorros 2604.jpg 457 × 640; 40 KB
- Isamu Akasaki 2482.jpg 428 × 640; 30 KB
- Isamu Washizuka 2653.jpg 453 × 640; 38 KB
- Ivan G. Easton 2398.jpg 444 × 640; 34 KB
- J. D. Timmer 2344(1).jpg 640 × 445; 38 KB
- J. David Irwin 2501.jpg 455 × 640; 34 KB
- J. Jim Hsieh 2662.jpg 443 × 640; 36 KB
- Jack Keil Wolf 2498.jpg 447 × 640; 43 KB
- Jack M. Sipress 2525.jpg 449 × 640; 35 KB
- Jacob Ziv 2320.jpg 453 × 640; 37 KB
- James A. Oliver 2485.jpg 457 × 640; 29 KB
- James C. McGroddy 2323(2).jpg 424 × 640; 34 KB
- James D. Johnston 2338.jpg 442 × 640; 30 KB
- James D. Meindl 2271.jpg 425 × 640; 33 KB
- James F. Kasier 2714.jpg 372 × 640; 28 KB
- James H. Pomerene 2391.jpg 448 × 640; 49 KB
- James L. Massey 2634(3).jpg 431 × 640; 58 KB
- James R. Rowland 2565.jpg 480 × 629; 24 KB
- James R. Wait 2640.jpg 461 × 640; 56 KB
- James U. Lemke 2325(1).jpg 427 × 640; 32 KB
- James W. Nilsson 2665.jpg 446 × 640; 55 KB
- Jan C. Willems 2484.jpg 432 × 640; 42 KB
- Janak H. Patel 2500.jpg 454 × 640; 41 KB
- Jayant B. Baliga 2310.jpg 422 × 640; 46 KB
- Jean Pierre Coudreuse 2375.jpg 467 × 640; 49 KB
- Jean Van Bladel 2337.jpg 430 × 640; 39 KB
- Jean-Pierre Lazzari 2489(2).jpg 480 × 627; 26 KB
- Jerrold A. Heller 2488.jpg 456 × 640; 72 KB
- Johannes Dietrich 2513.jpg 422 × 640; 39 KB
- John B. Terry 2321.jpg 448 × 640; 54 KB
- John C. Doyle 2630.jpg 447 × 640; 42 KB
- John C. Sarace 2545.jpg 460 × 640; 37 KB
- John Cocke 2537.jpg 466 × 640; 40 KB
- John D. Kraus 2263.jpg 480 × 631; 51 KB
- John G. Anderson 2405.jpg 419 × 640; 39 KB
- John G. Anderson 2611.jpg 431 × 640; 34 KB
- John H. Crawford 2347.jpg 445 × 640; 34 KB
- John L. Hennessy, III 2518b.jpg 438 × 640; 30 KB
- John L. Rankine 2373.jpg 480 × 615; 24 KB
- John Louis Moll 2601.jpg 416 × 640; 39 KB
- John M. Harker 2389.jpg 454 × 640; 51 KB
- John O. Limb 2598(1).jpg 422 × 640; 39 KB
- John R. Dunki-Jacobs 2459.jpg 456 × 640; 38 KB
- John R. Dunki-Jacobs 2614.jpg 444 × 640; 39 KB
- John Tegopoulos 2449.jpg 459 × 640; 38 KB
- Jonathan Shields Turner 2544.jpg 480 × 602; 46 KB
- Jordan Section petition letter.pdf ; 481 KB
- Jorma J. Rissanen 2301.jpg 451 × 640; 46 KB
- Jose De Albuquerque Epifanio Da Franco 2367.jpg 420 × 640; 36 KB
- Jose Roberto B. De Marca 2567.jpg 457 × 640; 39 KB
- Joseph Frederick Traub 2622.jpg 428 × 640; 48 KB
- Joseph T. Threston 2317.jpg 444 × 640; 41 KB
- K. Ito 2682.jpg 425 × 640; 44 KB
- K. Kazato 2681.jpg 640 × 458; 47 KB
- K. Mani Chandy 2431.jpg 457 × 640; 33 KB
- Kai-Yeung (Sunny) Siu 2381.jpg 457 × 640; 31 KB
- Karan L. Watson 2453.jpg 452 × 640; 57 KB
- Karl Hess 2418a.jpg 452 × 640; 43 KB
- Kazuhiko Yamanouchi 2557.jpg 480 × 561; 28 KB
- Kees A. Schouhamer Immink 2438.jpg 439 × 640; 35 KB
- Keith Glover 2628.jpg 451 × 640; 53 KB
- Kenneth G. Budden 2303.jpg 434 × 640; 42 KB
- Kenneth H. Olsen 2298.jpg 445 × 640; 43 KB
- Kenneth K. M. Tzeng 2559.jpg 480 × 567; 28 KB
- Kenneth L.Thompson 2261.jpg 428 × 640; 36 KB
- Kenneth W. Adams 2429.jpg 473 × 640; 24 KB
- Keshab K. Parhi 2632.jpg 447 × 640; 50 KB
- Kinn Guarrera Press 1172.jpg 640 × 374; 47 KB
- Kiyoo Itoh 2278.jpg 457 × 640; 42 KB
- Koenig Nobel prize 1622.jpg 387 × 640; 37 KB
- Kumar N. Sivarajan 2379.jpg 456 × 640; 43 KB
- Kumar Wickramasinghe 2656.jpg 443 × 640; 46 KB
- Kunishi Nosaka 2441.jpg 449 × 640; 41 KB
- L.Bruce McClung 2421(2).jpg 432 × 640; 33 KB
- L.R. Owen Storey 2464.jpg 453 × 640; 53 KB
- Larry J. Friedman 2592.jpg 449 × 640; 52 KB
- Larry W. Sumney 2503.jpg 461 × 640; 38 KB
- Lars Ramqvist 2340(3).jpg 457 × 640; 36 KB
- Leandre Pourcelot 2422.jpg 457 × 640; 33 KB
- Leo Esaki 2596.jpg 447 × 640; 38 KB
- Leon M. Lederman 2412(2).jpg 426 × 640; 42 KB
- Leopold B. Felsen 2605.jpg 452 × 640; 54 KB
- Leroy L. Chang 2586.jpg 430 × 640; 47 KB
- Leslie A. Geddes 2519.jpg 453 × 640; 34 KB
- Leslie J. Deutsch 2623.jpg 436 × 640; 34 KB
- Lewis Terman 2324.jpg 426 × 640; 43 KB
- Llya Slustker 2276.jpg 457 × 640; 49 KB
- Lotfi A. Zadeh 2639.jpg 450 × 640; 38 KB
- Louis J. Ippolito 2566.jpg 456 × 640; 31 KB
- Lubomyr T. Romankiw 2528.jpg 440 × 640; 33 KB
- M. George Craford 2712.jpg 451 × 640; 30 KB
- M. Jacobs Irwin 2713.jpg 434 × 640; 32 KB
- M. Shan Griffith 2420.jpg 447 × 640; 32 KB
- MacAdam Fink 1139.jpg 480 × 580; 45 KB
- MacAdam Ryff 1140.jpg 480 × 588; 48 KB
- Madabushi V.K. Chari 2288.jpg 453 × 640; 36 KB
- Mahmood Adibi 2564.jpg 331 × 640; 23 KB
- Makoto Nagao 2282.jpg 426 × 640; 40 KB
- Malcolm Currie 2322.jpg 443 × 640; 45 KB
- Malvin Carl Teich 2361.jpg 456 × 640; 33 KB
- Man Mohan Sondhi 2502.jpg 455 × 640; 52 KB
- Marco W. Migliaro 2440.jpg 417 × 640; 33 KB
- Marcus O. Durham 2432.jpg 457 × 640; 35 KB
- Mark B. Ketchen 2436(1).jpg 427 × 640; 36 KB
- Mark Krivocheev 2645.jpg 419 × 640; 31 KB
- Mark S. Pinsker 2462.jpg 434 × 640; 35 KB
- Martin A. Uman 2465.jpg 446 × 640; 55 KB
- Masasuke Morita 2318.jpg 405 × 640; 37 KB
- Masayuki Ieda 2308.jpg 447 × 640; 67 KB
- Mat Darveniza 2300.jpg 452 × 640; 46 KB
- Mat Darveniza 2385.jpg 480 × 614; 43 KB
- Matthew R. Wordman 2355.jpg 452 × 640; 62 KB
- Maurice V. Wilkes 2428.jpg 480 × 484; 24 KB
- Max Anliker 2342.jpg 426 × 640; 35 KB
- Max Tiber Weiss 2392(1).jpg 420 × 640; 39 KB
- Meindl education medal 0691.jpg 480 × 498; 33 KB
- Merger Symposium 0975.jpg 597 × 480; 64 KB
- Michael Green 2542.jpg 452 × 640; 42 KB
- Michael Holz 2593.jpg 454 × 640; 40 KB
- Michael J. Attardo 2315.jpg 387 × 640; 31 KB
- Michel Carpentier 2522.jpg 640 × 455; 39 KB
- Michel E. Poloujadoff 2532.jpg 448 × 640; 38 KB
- Michiyuki Uenohara 2450.jpg 456 × 640; 47 KB
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- MIJC Centennial Photos 2674(8).jpg 640 × 459; 45 KB
- MIJC Centennial Photos 2674(9).jpg 456 × 640; 31 KB
- Milton Feng 2378.jpg 447 × 640; 39 KB
- Minoru Nagata 2536(2).jpg 416 × 640; 39 KB
- Misc. Photo 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(13).jpg 640 × 431; 37 KB
- Misc. Photo 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(16).jpg 640 × 446; 39 KB
- Misc. Photo 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(33).jpg 640 × 426; 40 KB
- Misc. Photo 1995 Honor's Ceremony2678(22).jpg 640 × 423; 36 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(1).jpg 640 × 449; 49 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(12).jpg 640 × 438; 33 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(15).jpg 640 × 431; 34 KB
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- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(18).jpg 640 × 434; 33 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(19).jpg 640 × 423; 31 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(20).jpg 640 × 433; 37 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(21).jpg 640 × 439; 43 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(23).jpg 640 × 438; 41 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(24).jpg 640 × 433; 39 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(25).jpg 640 × 438; 47 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(26).jpg 640 × 441; 54 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(27).jpg 640 × 440; 56 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(28).jpg 640 × 436; 50 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(29).jpg 449 × 640; 50 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(31).jpg 439 × 640; 36 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(34).jpg 640 × 436; 32 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(35).jpg 444 × 640; 49 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(36).jpg 444 × 640; 40 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(37).jpg 444 × 640; 44 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(38).jpg 440 × 640; 41 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(39).jpg 444 × 640; 45 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(40).jpg 551 × 800; 62 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(41).jpg 640 × 429; 50 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(48).jpg 640 × 445; 45 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(49).jpg 640 × 434; 45 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(51).jpg 640 × 440; 43 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(52).jpg 434 × 640; 34 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(53).jpg 446 × 640; 46 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(55).jpg 437 × 640; 46 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(56).jpg 444 × 640; 49 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(57).jpg 444 × 640; 47 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(58).jpg 436 × 640; 44 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(59).jpg 442 × 640; 47 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(60).jpg 451 × 640; 42 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(61).jpg 543 × 800; 49 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(62).jpg 640 × 438; 56 KB
- Misc. Photos 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(63).jpg 640 × 442; 48 KB
- Misc. Photos Honor's Ceremony 2678(32).jpg 640 × 440; 41 KB
- Misc. Photos- 1995 Honor's Ceremony 2678(30).jpg 428 × 640; 34 KB
- Mitsumasa Koyanagi 2437.jpg 426 × 640; 33 KB
- Mituru Ida 2313.jpg 480 × 606; 43 KB
- Mohamed El-Sharkawi 2562.jpg 442 × 640; 34 KB
- Morton B. Panish 2616.jpg 462 × 640; 48 KB
- Moshe M. Zakai 2290.jpg 461 × 640; 47 KB
- Murad S. Taqqu 2448.jpg 450 × 640; 46 KB
- Murizio Decina 2349.jpg 455 × 640; 38 KB
- Nannapaneni Narayana Rao 2516.jpg 456 × 640; 42 KB
- Naohiro Goto 2694.jpg 478 × 640; 26 KB
- Naoki Yokoyama 2497.jpg 452 × 640; 37 KB
- Narain G. Hingorani 2319b.jpg 459 × 640; 39 KB
- Narasimham Vempati 2275.jpg 455 × 640; 40 KB
- Neal Laurance 2563.jpg 468 × 640; 41 KB
- Nicky Chau-Chun Lu 2493.jpg 394 × 640; 30 KB
- Nikil Jayant 2335.jpg 452 × 640; 40 KB
- Nobutake Imamura 2414.jpg 454 × 640; 32 KB
- Norman Abramson 2330.jpg 421 × 640; 38 KB
- Norman L. Stauffer 2576.jpg 454 × 640; 49 KB
- Norman R. Augustine 2470.jpg 427 × 640; 37 KB
- Norway Section petition letter.pdf ; 302 KB
- NSW 2001 Section Documents o.pdf ; 494 KB
- Oliver Craig Wells 2538.jpg 480 × 631; 47 KB
- Oliver M. Collins 2408.jpg 452 × 640; 25 KB
- Oliver M. Collins 2547.jpg 480 × 481; 40 KB
- Oscar N. Garcia 2517.jpg 439 × 640; 46 KB
- Paul B. Schneck 2556.jpg 449 × 640; 38 KB
- Paul Baran 2265.jpg 423 × 640; 29 KB
- Paul Dandeno 2409.jpg 461 × 640; 38 KB
- Paul Eliot Green Jr. 2606.jpg 460 × 640; 60 KB
- Paul G. Steffes 2447.jpg 456 × 640; 36 KB
- Paul McManamon 2572.jpg 427 × 640; 59 KB
- Paul R. Gray 2549.jpg 465 × 640; 38 KB
- Paul R. Low 2264.jpg 422 × 640; 33 KB
- Paul S. Breedlove 2302.jpg 418 × 640; 40 KB
- Peden Hertz medal 0690.jpg 482 × 480; 34 KB
- Pekka J. Tarjanne 2305.jpg 465 × 640; 49 KB
- Pekka Tarjanne 2427.jpg 435 × 640; 44 KB
- Percy Barnevik 2295.jpg 411 × 640; 43 KB
- PES Power Life Award 2041.jpg 1,354 × 2,000; 427 KB
- Petar V. Kokotovic 2415.jpg 475 × 640; 66 KB
- Petros Maragos 2334.jpg 432 × 640; 40 KB
- Photo of Oliver's IEEE Logo 2049.jpg 480 × 538; 36 KB
- Phyllis Hall 2699.jpg 480 × 624; 29 KB
- Pierce Engineering Excellence 0698.jpg 480 × 480; 32 KB
- Piscataway aeriel 0952.jpg 600 × 480; 55 KB
- Piscataway Groundbreaking 2037.jpg 587 × 480; 58 KB
- Piscataway IEEE Construction 0953(1).jpg 3,459 × 2,330; 1.73 MB
- Piscataway IEEE Construction 0953(2).jpg 3,387 × 2,344; 1.83 MB
- Piscataway IEEE Construction 0953(3).jpg 3,387 × 2,344; 1.6 MB
- Piscataway IEEE Construction 0953(4).jpg 3,387 × 2,344; 1.6 MB
- Plaque Honoring Bailey 2776.jpg 480 × 594; 46 KB
- Prabha S. Kundur 2376(1).jpg 421 × 640; 33 KB
- Pramod K. Varshney 2369.jpg 443 × 640; 72 KB
- Pravas Mahapatra 2293.jpg 421 × 640; 39 KB
- Praveen Chaudhari 2657.jpg 439 × 640; 37 KB
- Rajinder J. Khosla 2580.jpg 432 × 640; 31 KB
- Rajiv Ramaswami 2362.jpg 397 × 640; 34 KB
- Ralph E. Gomory 2520.jpg 440 × 640; 45 KB
- Ramsey W. Haddad 2287.jpg 452 × 640; 60 KB
- Ray Bartnikas 2687.jpg 434 × 640; 35 KB
- Ray M. Dolby 2396.jpg 437 × 640; 44 KB
- Reed S. Irving 2716.jpg 458 × 640; 40 KB
- Renato G. Bosisio 2569.jpg 338 × 640; 23 KB
- Rene Castenschiold 2585.jpg 437 × 640; 26 KB
- Richard Bellman 2679.jpg 2,060 × 2,504; 677 KB
- Richard C. Sharp 2589.jpg 449 × 640; 59 KB
- Richard D. Klafter 2683.jpg 626 × 480; 46 KB
- Richard E. Blahut 2471.jpg 418 × 640; 55 KB
- Richard H. McFarland 2363.jpg 626 × 480; 40 KB
- Richard J. Backe 2643.jpg 421 × 640; 38 KB
- Richard S. Muller 2486(2).jpg 435 × 640; 56 KB
- Richard W. Dixon 2297.jpg 449 × 640; 43 KB
- Ritchie hamming Medal 0701.jpg 480 × 480; 32 KB
- Robert A. Rivers 2346.jpg 463 × 640; 47 KB
- Robert E. Kahn 2424.jpg 420 × 640; 26 KB
- Robert E. Kahn 2648.jpg 468 × 640; 38 KB
- Robert E. Kerwin 2508(1).jpg 445 × 640; 39 KB
- Robert G. Gallager 2269.jpg 440 × 640; 51 KB
- Robert Galvin 2388.jpg 439 × 640; 29 KB
- Robert Hartman 2296.jpg 445 × 640; 35 KB
- Robert J Safranek 2336.jpg 454 × 640; 25 KB
- Robert J. Mailloux 2651 2651.jpg 421 × 640; 37 KB
- Robert M. Burger 2505.jpg 396 × 640; 31 KB
- Robert M. Metcalfe 2469.jpg 407 × 640; 47 KB
- Robert M. Saunders 2267.jpg 438 × 640; 40 KB
- Robert W. Brodersen 2377.jpg 397 × 640; 31 KB
- Robert W. Dutton 2434.jpg 442 × 640; 52 KB
- Robert W. Lucky 2552.jpg 480 × 631; 42 KB
- Roberto G. Rojas 2583.jpg 454 × 640; 45 KB
- Rodney S. Rougelot 2359.jpg 480 × 616; 26 KB
- Roger B. Marks 2332.jpg 420 × 640; 36 KB
- Roger D. Pollard 2368.jpg 480 × 486; 28 KB
- Roger T. Howe 2490.jpg 460 × 640; 36 KB
- Roger W. Brockett 2610.jpg 426 × 640; 29 KB
- Roland P.O. Huber 2358.jpg 432 × 640; 33 KB
- Rolf Landauer 2474.jpg 430 × 640; 46 KB
- Ron Rohrer 2289.jpg 447 × 640; 40 KB
- Ronald G. Hoelzeman 2284.jpg 444 × 640; 43 KB
- Ronald Hoetzeman 2551.jpg 442 × 640; 43 KB
- Ronald N. Bracewell 2527.jpg 640 × 458; 41 KB
- Ronald W. Schafer 2636.jpg 462 × 640; 58 KB
- Ronald W. Schmitt 2638.jpg 445 × 640; 39 KB
- Ronold W.P. King 2372.jpg 435 × 640; 37 KB
- Rudolf Saal 2299.jpg 447 × 640; 39 KB
- Rudy J. Van De Plassche 2451.jpg 461 × 640; 35 KB
- Ryszard A. Malewski 2268.jpg 375 × 640; 20 KB
- Samuel J. Campanella 2582.jpg 414 × 640; 39 KB
- Saunders Pratt Award 0692.jpg 483 × 480; 33 KB
- Seiki R. Ogura 2442.jpg 453 × 640; 41 KB
- Sergey Liberman 2594.jpg 439 × 640; 56 KB
- Sergio Verdu 2669.jpg 451 × 640; 47 KB
- Service Center Lobby 0279.jpg 640 × 445; 37 KB
- Seymour R. Cray 2620.jpg 424 × 640; 35 KB
- SF Bay Area Council 0956(6).jpg 3,487 × 2,358; 1.56 MB
- Shayne A. Short 2343.jpg 480 × 603; 45 KB
- Shotaro Tominaga 2619.jpg 458 × 640; 28 KB
- Shuji Nakamura 2483.jpg 433 × 640; 31 KB
- Shun-ichi Amari 2456.jpg 405 × 640; 33 KB
- Sidney Darlington 2675.jpg 480 × 638; 35 KB
- Singapore 2000 Workshop 2708(1).jpg 640 × 436; 36 KB
- Singapore 2000 Workshop 2708(10).jpg 640 × 433; 33 KB
- Singapore 2000 Workshop 2708(11).jpg 640 × 433; 25 KB
- Singapore 2000 Workshop 2708(12).jpg 640 × 430; 29 KB
- Singapore 2000 Workshop 2708(13).jpg 427 × 640; 26 KB
- Singapore 2000 Workshop 2708(14).jpg 640 × 416; 32 KB
- Singapore 2000 Workshop 2708(15).jpg 640 × 419; 31 KB
- Singapore 2000 Workshop 2708(16).jpg 640 × 422; 29 KB
- Singapore 2000 Workshop 2708(17).jpg 640 × 427; 50 KB
- Singapore 2000 Workshop 2708(18).jpg 640 × 429; 38 KB
- Singapore 2000 Workshop 2708(19).jpg 640 × 433; 27 KB
- Singapore 2000 Workshop 2708(2).jpg 640 × 432; 34 KB
- Singapore 2000 Workshop 2708(20).jpg 640 × 429; 35 KB
- Singapore 2000 Workshop 2708(21).jpg 430 × 640; 31 KB
- Singapore 2000 Workshop 2708(22).jpg 640 × 426; 33 KB
- Singapore 2000 Workshop 2708(23).jpg 640 × 429; 37 KB
- Singapore 2000 Workshop 2708(24).jpg 640 × 427; 28 KB
- Singapore 2000 Workshop 2708(25).jpg 430 × 640; 29 KB
- Singapore 2000 Workshop 2708(26).jpg 430 × 640; 28 KB
- Singapore 2000 Workshop 2708(27).jpg 640 × 424; 67 KB
- Singapore 2000 Workshop 2708(28).jpg 640 × 430; 51 KB
- Singapore 2000 Workshop 2708(3).jpg 640 × 434; 39 KB
- Singapore 2000 Workshop 2708(4).jpg 640 × 430; 33 KB
- Singapore 2000 Workshop 2708(5).jpg 640 × 417; 38 KB
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- Singapore 2000 Workshop 2708(7).jpg 640 × 433; 33 KB
- Singapore 2000 Workshop 2708(8).jpg 640 × 430; 35 KB
- Singapore 2000 Workshop 2708(9).jpg 640 × 432; 32 KB
- Sol Triebwasser 2480.jpg 445 × 640; 34 KB
- Stephen J. Kahne 2607.jpg 424 × 640; 38 KB
- Stephen R. Temple 2523.jpg 457 × 640; 26 KB
- Stephen W. Director 2468.jpg 475 × 640; 29 KB
- Straiton Edison medal 0689.jpg 482 × 480; 33 KB
- Sung-Mo (Steve) Kang 2435.jpg 389 × 640; 44 KB
- T. W. Dakin 2266.jpg 480 × 482; 21 KB
- Tadahiro Sekimoto 2479.jpg 447 × 640; 44 KB
- Tadao Murata 2631.jpg 417 × 640; 33 KB
- Tak H. Ning 2617.jpg 442 × 640; 36 KB
- Takafumi Nambu 2311.jpg 416 × 640; 30 KB
- Takuo Sugano 2660.jpg 452 × 640; 43 KB
- Tanaka and Aspray at History Center1636.jpg 640 × 453; 53 KB
- Tatsuo Izawa 2407.jpg 458 × 640; 34 KB
- Terry A. Dorschner 2595.jpg 453 × 640; 65 KB
- Thelma Estrin 2608.jpg 265 × 376; 27 KB
- Theodore S. Saad 2478.jpg 473 × 640; 28 KB
- Thomas A. Lipo 2328.jpg 416 × 640; 50 KB
- Thomas E. Sparling 2350.jpg 445 × 640; 42 KB
- Thomas F. Quatieri 2339.jpg 442 × 640; 29 KB
- Thomas Herbert Barton 2666.jpg 419 × 640; 36 KB
- Thomas J. Engibous 2472.jpg 451 × 640; 49 KB
- Thomas K. Gaylord 2521.jpg 458 × 640; 58 KB
- Thomas Kailath 2433.jpg 640 × 464; 27 KB
- Thomas Kailath 2573.jpg 441 × 640; 30 KB
- Thomas M. Cover 2382.jpg 449 × 640; 37 KB
- Thompson Hamming Medal 0700.jpg 480 × 480; 32 KB
- Timothy John Berners-Lee 2397.jpg 639 × 480; 46 KB
- Tokyo Computer Society 0966(23).jpg 3,044 × 2,030; 1.69 MB
- Tokyo Computer Society 0966(9).jpg 3,044 × 2,044; 1.42 MB
- Toshihisa Tsukada 2283.jpg 430 × 640; 37 KB
- Toshio Fukuda 2570.jpg 480 × 510; 26 KB
- Toshio Nishikawa 2365.jpg 446 × 640; 28 KB
- Transatlantic Radio Milestone 1403.jpg 640 × 432; 88 KB
- Tummala R. Rao 2279.jpg 452 × 640; 40 KB
- USAB Office 0960(1).jpg 4,273 × 2,930; 2.81 MB
- USAB Office 0960(2).jpg 2,944 × 4,231; 2.41 MB
- USAB Office 0960(3).jpg 4,273 × 2,930; 2.2 MB
- V. David A. Sanchez 2554.jpg 446 × 640; 25 KB
- Venugoopal Veeravalli 2452.jpg 455 × 640; 39 KB
- Vincent Thomas Morgan 2487.jpg 425 × 640; 51 KB
- Vinton G. Cerf 2387.jpg 454 × 640; 34 KB
- Vinton G. Cerf 2649.jpg 449 × 640; 31 KB
- Virginio Cantoni 2371.jpg 480 × 620; 28 KB
- Vladimir A. Yakubovich 2455.jpg 444 × 640; 31 KB
- Walter E. Proebster 2411.jpg 457 × 640; 42 KB
- Walter Willinger 2454.jpg 454 × 640; 48 KB
- Warren H. Cook 2579.jpg 446 × 640; 32 KB
- Washington DC Computer Society 0964(1).jpg 432 × 640; 60 KB
- Washington DC Computer Society 0964(17).jpg 3,573 × 2,358; 1.72 MB
- Washington DC Computer Society 0964(6).jpg 3,573 × 2,373; 1.98 MB
- Weber National Medal 1640.jpg 640 × 406; 46 KB
- Will E. Leland 2413.jpg 408 × 640; 35 KB
- William C. Holton 2504c.jpg 430 × 640; 31 KB
- William C. Norris 2693.jpg 480 × 627; 47 KB
- William F. Tinney 2277.jpg 450 × 640; 33 KB
- William J. McNutt 2496.jpg 447 × 640; 29 KB
- William J. Weisz 2426.jpg 420 × 640; 34 KB
- William R. Tackaberry 2292.jpg 452 × 640; 36 KB
- William W. Middleton 2553.jpg 437 × 640; 33 KB
- Williamstown Conference 2707.jpg 640 × 432; 36 KB
- Won-Tien Tsang 2533.jpg 480 × 615; 24 KB
- Yagi Antenna 1572b.jpg 640 × 432; 63 KB
- Yagi Antenna 1572e.jpg 640 × 431; 59 KB
- Yagi Antenna 1572g.jpg 640 × 440; 56 KB
- Yagi Antenna 1573a.jpg 640 × 462; 88 KB
- Yagi Antenna 1573d.jpg 446 × 640; 37 KB
- Yagi Antenna Dedication 1616.jpg 640 × 443; 65 KB
- Yale M. Pratt 2327.jpg 444 × 640; 35 KB
- Yoshio Nishi 2417.jpg 440 × 640; 32 KB
- Yoshiyuki Kamon 2312(1).jpg 432 × 640; 45 KB