IEEE Princeton/Central New Jersey Section History


IEEE Princeton/Central New Jersey Section History
Established date 1947-07-01
IEEE Region 1
IEEE Council Metro Sec. Act.
Geographic region Princeton/Central Jersey
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The Princeton section of the Institute of Radio Engineers first met on Thursday, 9 October 1947, in Princeton University's Frick Chemical Laboratory auditorium. The first speaker was RCA consultant and founding editor of the Proceedings of the IRE, Dr. Alfred Goldsmith. His presence was not that surprising; he lived in New York City and had been consulting for RCA ever since stepping down as its first director of research. His subject that night was "Surprises on [sic] Atomic Energy Development," an appropriate topic as President Harry S. Truman had signed off on the creation of the civilian Atomic Energy Commission at the beginning of the year for research and promotion of nuclear energy and technologies. By the end of 1947 the AEC had licensed 25 institutions, including six Veterans Administration hospitals for nuclear medicine research, to receive radioisotopes from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory reactors.

Section officers

Princeton/Central New Jersey Section Officers
Year Chair Vice chair Secretary Treasurer
2001 Erik Wendt Gerhard Franz Lisa Ramos N. Iwan Santoso
2002 Gerhard Franz N. Iwan Santoso Sridhar Kanamaluru / Lisa Furman Lisa Ramos
2003 Gerhard Franz N. Iwan Santoso Ashutosh Dutta Lisa Ramos
2004 N. Iwan Santoso Lisa Ramos Alex Zislin / Wieslaw Bury Ashutosh Dutta
2005 N. Iwan Santoso Lisa Ramos Wieslaw Bury Ashutosh Dutta
2006 Lisa Ramos Ashutosh Dutta Rebecca Mercuri Wieslaw Bury
2007 Lisa Ramos Ashutosh Dutta Rebecca Mercuri Wieslaw Bury
2008 Ashutosh Dutta Wieslaw Bury Habib Ahson Rebecca Mercuri
2009 Ashutosh Dutta Wieslaw Bury Habib Ahson Rebecca Mercuri
2010 Wieslaw Bury Rebecca Mercuri Aileen Cheng Habib Ahson
2011 Wieslaw Bury Rebecca Mercuri Aileen Cheng Habib Ahson
2012 Rebecca Mercuri Habib Ahson David Soll Aileen Cheng
2013 Rebecca Mercuri Habib Ahson Francis Oconnell David Soll
2014 Habib Ahson David Soll Subramanian Naganathan Francis Oconnell
2015 Habib Ahson David Soll Subramanian Naganathan Francis Oconnell
2016 David Soll Subramanian Naganathan / Francis Oconnell Deepak Kataria / Roger Ding Deepak Kataria / Subramanian Naganathan
2017 David Soll Subramanian Naganathan / Francis Oconnell Deepak Kataria / Roger Ding Deepak Kataria / Subramanian Naganathan
2018 Francis Oconnell Subramanian Naganathan Roger Ding Deepak Kataria
2019 Francis Oconnell Subramanian Naganathan Roger Ding Deepak Kataria
2020 Deepak Kataria David Soll Chung-Tse Wu Roger Ding
2021 Deepak Kataria David Soll Chung-Tse Wu Roger Ding

Archival documents

Further Reading

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