Archives:Archival Collections


Digital collections

Digital archival collections on the ETHW are divided by content type. Click below on the collection that interests you:

  • Books and Archival Publications - A series of books and classic papers and publications made available for free on the ETHW
  • IEEE Archives - A collection of paper documents and other archival material that documents the history of IEEE and its organizational units, as well as its predecessor organizations AIEE and IRE.
  • IEEE History Center Book Publishing - A collection of current books available for purchase from the IEEE History Center
  • Journal Articles by IEEE History Center Staff - Links to articles on technology history by IEEE History Center Staff
  • Videos - A collection of video programs, including historical narratives, oral histories, and conference proceedings
  • Audio - A collection of audio programs on a variety of subjects including professional development, technical topics and engineering education

Physical holdings

The IEEE History Center maintains an institutional archive and library located in Piscataway, NJ at the IEEE Operations Center. Finding aids and catalogs have been created for both collections: