IEEE Mississippi Section History


IEEE Mississippi Section History
Established date 1951-06-28
IEEE Region 3
IEEE Council
Geographic region Mississippi
Region area
Principal cities
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List of Subsections in this Section

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Origins and Regional Activity

The Mississippi Section AIEE began as a Sub-Section of the New Orleans Section AIEE on June 28, 1957. The IEEE Section grew in size in 1963 by petitioning for Mississippi counties from portion of Huntsville and New Orleans Sections of IRE.

Four years later the Section hosted the very successful Region 3 Convention in Jackson, MS from April 17- 19, 1967. About 170 people registered including about 100 students. The location of the event was the Hotel Heidelberg downtown Jackson. The General Chair was Mr. D. E. Buck of Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co. The Vice-General Chair was Mr. Norris L. Stampley of Mississippi Power and Light Co.

Community Involvement

For a number of years the November meeting was a joint meeting with other Engineering Societies and the speakers were members of the Mississippi Legislator. The December meeting was a visit/program at Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS. Also, for quite a while the Section sponsored an event at Lake Tiak-O-Khata near Louisville, MS in the month of December. In this, the Section was assisted by members for Mississippi State University. These three gatherings also served as "Ladies Night" for the Section.


For several years, the Section sponsored student paper contests at Mississippi State University and later at the University of Southern Mississippi. Joe Savage and Harold Henson tied as 2nd place winners in 1967, each received $50. First place winner received $100 cash. The students came to the Section meeting in Jackson in March each year and presented their papers and received the awards. The contest was judged by Section members, from central Mississippi, on the university campus.The Section has participated in National Engineers Week activities, along with 4 or more other engineering societies, in Vicksburg, MS since Feb 1998.

AIEE Mississippi Section Officers

Year Chair Secretary
1951 W.L. Harp T.R. Brock
1952 T.R. Brock J.L. Maxwell
1954 R.D. Yarbrough T.M. Salisbury
1955 T.M. Salisbury N.L. Stampley
1956 N.L. Stampley J.R. Burnie
1957 J.R. Burnie R.E. Briggs
1958 R.E. Briggs J.D. Phillips
1959 J.D. Phillips J.M. Hemphill
1960-1961 J.M. Hemphill P.W. Burgemeestre
1962 H.E. James J.W. Stone

IEEE Mississippi Section Officers

Mississippi Section Officers
Year Chair Vice chair Secretary Treasurer
2001 Monroe Savage Raphael Franco Carl Hovermale Steven Daniel
2002 Raphael Franco Lee Harrison Forrest Hall Monroe Savage
2003 Raphael Franco George Sidders Forrest Hall Monroe Savage
2004 George Sidders David Schoggen J Turner Monroe Savage
2005 George Sidders David Schoggen Gerald Brown Monroe Savage
2006 David Schoggen Gerald Brown Ron Ogan Monroe Savage
2007 David Schoggen Gordon Skelton Ron Ogan Monroe Savage
2008 Gordon Skelton Ron Ogan Catherine Anderson Monroe Savage
2009 Gordon Skelton Ron Ogan Catherine Anderson Monroe Savage
2010 Catherine Anderson Joel Harris Samrat Datta Monroe Savage
2011 Catherine Anderson Joel Harris Samrat Datta Monroe Savage
2012 Joel Harris Ron Ogan Winnfort Myles James Robertson
2013 Joel Harris Ron Ogan Winnfort Myles James Robertson
2014 Ron Ogan Winnfort Myles Thomas Field James Robertson
2015 Ron Ogan Winnfort Myles Thomas Field James Robertson
2016 Winnfort Myles Thomas Field Paul Edwin Watson James Robertson
2017 Winnfort Myles Thomas Field Douglas Seale Paul Edwin Watson
2018 Thomas Field Randy Buchanan Rajeev Agrawal Paul Edwin Watson
2019 Thomas Field Randy Buchanan Rajeev Agrawal Winnfort Myles
2020 Randy Buchanan Rajeev Agrawal Gordon Skelton Winnfort Myles
2021 Randy Buchanan Rajeev Agrawal Winnfort Myles

Many of the Section's past officers are noted on their webpage.

Archival documents