Evelyn H. Hirt


Evelyn H. Hirt


Recognizing the value of being in a community that fosters involvement in diverse technical interests, Evelyn H. Hirt’s dedication to IEEE has led to volunteerism at all levels, including local Sections, several IEEE Societies and Technical Councils, IEEE Eta Kappa Nu (HKN), most major boards, and two terms on the Board of Directors. With professional experiences bridging the industrial, government, academic, and nonprofit communities, Hirt’s career has focused on the expert delivery of technology-based solutions to meet customer needs, including creating and executing corporate strategies for existing and new markets. Hirt joined IEEE as a student member in 1973, and in her subsequent 48 years of membership has impacted IEEE broadly and deeply across organizational units, volunteers, and membership. Her areas of involvement include corporate and organizational unit management; technical activities including conferences, publications, and standards; mentoring and career enhancement for the practicing engineer; issues involving women, minorities, and the disabled in engineering; assisting preuniversity students in understanding and preparing for engineering as a career; and mentoring engineering students. She has been earnestly involved in various activities within IEEE and HKN ranging from a wide variety of local, regional, national, global, and corporate-level leadership positions. These IEEE volunteer opportunities include the Honorary Membership Committee (2021), IEEE-HKN President (2015), IEEE-USA President (2010), Region 6 Director (2003–2004), Editor-in-Chief IEEE Aerospace and Electronics Systems Magazine (2004– 2008), Nanotechnology Council Founding Secretary (2002–2003), and Section Chair (Richland, 2006 and Albuquerque, 1985/1986). She was an invited speaker on the value of mentorship at events for IEEE Young Professionals (2017) and IEEE Women in Engineering (2016). These volunteer contributions have sought to ensure that IEEE functions to serve the members, technical communities, and in fulfilling its mission to advance technology for humanity.

An IEEE Life Senior Member and recipient of the 2011 IEEE MGA William W. Middleton Distinguished Service Award, Hirt is currently a project manager with Battelle Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and adjunct professor with the School of Engineering and Applied Science at Washington State University, TriCities, Richland, WA, USA.