IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society History


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Formation and timeline

The forerunner of IEEE Antennas & Propagation Society (AP-S) was known as the IRE Professional Group on Antennas and Propagation (PGAP) which was formed in 1949.

  • July 15, 1949 - 'Professional Group on Antennas and Propagation' (IRE). formed
  • 1963 - became 'IEEE Professional Technical Group on Antennas and Propagation'.
  • 1965 - became 'Group on Antennas and Propagation'.
  • August, 1973 - became 'Antennas and Propagation Society'.
  • June, 1994 – Field of Interest revision


An early history of the IEEE Antennas & Propagation Society (AP-S) was completed by Ralph E. Hiatt in March 1983 who was the AP-S Historian. This was in preparation for the IEEE Centennial in 1984. Please see the attached archive document.

According to an earlier history article entitled a "History of the Professional Group on Antennas and Propagation" (1962), "From the beginning, publications have loomed large in PGAP. Before the familiar brown covered Transactions appeared in July 1953, four blue covered, multi-lithed issues were produced.

PGAP-1, published in February 1952, contained papers from the August Western Convention at San Francisco.

PGAP-2 appearing in March 1952, similarly contained papers of the URSI-IRE meeting at Cornell University in October of the previous year.

PCAP-3 dated August 1952, contained the April 1952 URSI-IRE meeting at NBS, Washington.

PGAP-4 dated December 1952 contained Western Convention papers for 1952, this time from Los Angeles. Since 1953, a total of 47 issues, including one special supplement, of the IRE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation have been published, with the yearly volumes numbered AP-1, AP-2, etc. This publication was issued quarterly until January 1960, when a bimonthly schedule was established. The special supplement contained papers presented at the Symposium on Electromagnetic Wave Theory held over June 15-20, 1959 at Toronto. The papers from the 1955 Electromagnetic Wave Theory Symposium, held at the University of Michigan, appeared in one regular issue of the Transactions. From the beginning, the Transactions Editor was John Smyth of Smyth Research Associates, San Diego. After a marathon service, in 1959, John handed the task across to Sidney Bowhill of Pennsylvania State University."

Antennas & Propagation Society Transaction Editors

Years Editor in Chief
1952-1959 John B. Smyth
1960 - 1962 Sidney Bowhill
1963 - August 1965 Herman Cottony
August 1965 -July 1968 John Ruze
July 1968 -July 1971 Alan Schell
July 1971 -July 1974 Leon Ricardi
July 1974 - July 1977 William Croswell
July 1977 - July 1980 Walter Kahn
July 1980 - July 1983 Raj Mittra
APS PHOTO raj.jpg
July 1983 - July 1986 Ronald Fante
July 1986 - July 1989 Ronald Pogorzelski
Ronald Pogorzelski.jpg
July 1989 - July 1992 Robert McIntosh
July 1992 - July 1995 Ronald Marhefka
Ronald marhefka.jpg
July 1995 - July 1998 Piergiorgio Uslenghi
July 1998 - August 2001 L. Wilson Pearson
August 2001 - July 2004 Allen W. Glisson
August 2004 - ? Trevor S. Bird
2024 Franceso P. Andriulli

Past Antennas & Propagation Society Chair / President

Year Chair / President
1949 - 1950 L. C. Van Atta
1950 - 1951 Newbern Smith
1951 - 1952 George Sinclair
1952 - 1953 A.H. Waynick
1953 - 1954 P.S Carter
1954 - 1956 D. C. Ports
1956 - 1957 H.G. Booker
1957 - 1958 J.I. Bohnert
1958 - 1959 R. L. Mattingly
1959 - 1960 Arthur Dorne
1960 - 1961 E.C. Jordan
1962 Harry Fine
1963 S.A. Bowhill
1964 R.C. Hansen
1965 W.E. Gordon
1966 A.T. Waterman
1967 K.M. Siegel
1968 K.S. Kelleher
1969 D.R. Rhodes
1970 R.E. Hiatt
1971 C. T. Tai
1972 J.B. Damonte
1973 C.J. Sletten
1974 C.H. Walter
1975 W.H. Kummer
1976 Raj Mittra
1977 E.A. Wolff
1978 A.C. Schell
1979 L.J. Ricardi
1980 R.C. Johnson
1981 R.C. Hansen
1982 G.A. Thiele
1983 R. J. Mailloux
1984 A. W. Love
1985 R. E. McIntosh
1986 A. J. Simmons
1987 G. H. Knittel
1988 G. S. Brown
1989 I. C. Peden
1990 D. C. Chang
2000 T. Milligan
2005 R. W. Ziolkowski
2012 Trevor Bird
2020 Mahta Moghaddam
2021 Yahia M.M. Antar
2022 Gianluca Lazzi
2023 Stefano Machi
2024 Branislav M. Notaros

Antennas & Propagation Society Chapters

Antennas & Propagation Society Archives

Antenna Propagation Society History 1949-82 3Mb

Antenna Propagation PC applications-1984 53Kb

Antenna Propagation Society Chronology 1949 to 2005 1.3Mb

A&PS 75year history overview 6.7Mb