IEEE Germany Section History


IEEE Germany Section History
Established date 1963/07/12
IEEE Region 8
IEEE Council
Geographic region Germany
Region area Europe
Principal cities Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, Cologne, Frankfurt
Home page
List of Subsections in this Section

Establishment of the Section

The IEEE Germany Section has been formed on 12th of July 1963, in the same year in which IEEE was ascending from the merger of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE founded in 1884) and the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE, founded in 1912).

Certificate IEEE

The inauguration meeting in Germany was held on 6.4.64 in the "Künstlerhaus" in Munich. Twentyfour attending IEEE members elected the members of the first IEEE Germany Section EXCOM consisting of

  • Chairman Dr.-Ing Dr.-Ing. hc L. Rohde (Rohde & Schwarz, Munich) IEEE, VDE, NTG,
  • Vice Chairman Prof. Dr.Phil Fränz (Telefunken, Ulm)IEEE, VDE, NTG,
  • Secretary Dr.-Ing. H.H. Burghoff (VDE.NTG, Frankfurt)IEEE ,VDE, NTG,
  • Treasurer Dr.Techn J. Berghammer (Siemens, Munich)IEEE, VDE, NTG,
  • Assessor Prof. Dr phil nat. H.H. Meinke (Univ. of Munich)IEEE, VDE, NTG,
  • Assessor Dr.-Ing. Jacottet (VDE,NTG, Frankfurt).

The EXCOM agreed unanimously on a friendly mutual cooperation with the existing National Societies VDE and ITG for the benefit of Electrical Engineering in Germany and the EE Community world wide.

List of Section Chairs

  • Lothar Rohde 1963-1969
  • Prof. Kurt O. Fraenz 1970-1972
  • Prof. Werner Kleen 1973-1978
  • Walter Proebster 1979-___
  • Prof. H.J. Schmitt ___-___
  • Hugo Ruechardt ___-___
  • Prof. Rudolf Saal 1981-1987
  • Prof. Dr. Adolf Schwab 1988-1996
  • Prof. Dr. Rolf Jansen 1997-1999
  • Prof. Dr. Hans Hartnagel 2000-2002
  • Prof. Dr. Adolf Schwab 2003-2006
  • Dr. Andreas Luxa 2007-2010
  • Dr. Axel Richter 2011-2014
  • Prof. Dr. Jens Haubrock 2015-2016
  • Prof. Dr. Ingo Hahn 2017-2020
  • Prof. Dr. Jan Haase 2021-


The IEEE Germany Section covers the area of the Federal Republic of Germany and has currently more than 7.400 members in 2011 without affiliats.

Membership developement1.jpg


Chapter (Society) Chair e-mail
Computer Prof. Jörg Henkel
Circuits and Systems Prof. Wolfgang Mathis
Consumer Electronics Prof. Dr. Hans Cycon
Computational Intelligence Prof. Andreas König
Communications Prof. Hermann Rohling
Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology Dr.-Ing. Dr. sc. Klaus-Dieter Lang
Education Society Dr. Fanny Klett
Electron Devices Society Prof. Dr. Joachim Burghartz
Engineering in Medicine Prof. Dr. rer. phys. Thomas Penzel
Electromagnetic Compatibility Dr. Frank Sabath
Geoscience & Remote Sensing Prof. Dr. Irena Hajnsek
Joint Industry Applications / Power Electronics / Industrial Electronics Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Mertens
Instrumentation and Measurement Prof. Dr.-Ing. Olfa Kanoun
Information Theory Prof. Holger Boche
Photonics Society, formerly Lasers and Electro-Optics Prof. Dieter Jäger
Magnetics Dr. Jürgen Fassbender
Microwave Theory and Techniques / Antennas and Propagation Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg Böck
Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Prof. Dr. Klaus Frank
Power & Energy Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram H. Wellßow
Robotics and Automation Prof. Rüdiger Dillmann
Systems, Man and Cybernetics (closed 2011) -------------- --------------
Signal Processing Prof. Udo Zölzer
Solid State Circuits Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Blume
Technology Management Council Klaus-Dieter Heerklotz
Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg Schmitz


In 2001 and 2005, the Germany Section received the "chapter of the year" award from the IEEE EMC Society.

Student Branches

IEEE Student Branches exist at the Universities:

University Chair Counselor
Aachen Marco Stieneker Univ.-Prof. Dr. ir. Rik DeDoncker
Bielefeld Arne Ellerbrock Prof. Dr. Jens Haubrock
Bochum Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christof Paar
Bonn i.G. Alexander Willner Prof. Peter Martini
Duisburg-Essen Jan Förster Prof. Dr. Daniel Erni
Hamburg-Harburg Adwait-Remy Vaidya Prof. Dr. Hermann Rohling
Hannover Evgeni Genender Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heyno Garbe
Ilmenau Steffen Schlegel Prof. Martin Haardt
Karlsruhe Ralph Tanbourgi Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Becker
Magdeburg Marcel Benecke Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Lindemann
München Arne Redl Prof. Eckehard Steinbach
Passau Robert Hofmann Prof. Dr. Harald Kosch
Stuttgart Stefan Heck Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Berroth

Executive Committee Team 2011

Officer Name e-mail
Chairman Dr.-Ing. Axel Richter
Vice Chairman Dr.-Ing. Toni Göller
Treasurer Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralph M. Kennel
Secretary Dr.-Ing. Volker Schanz
Senior Past Chairman Prof. Dr.-Ing. Adolf Schwab
Junior Past Chairman Dr.-Ing. Andreas Luxa
Awards/Fellows Officer -------- --------
Chapter Coordinator Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ingo Hahn
Electronic Communications Officer Stephan Wagner
GOLD Coordinator Andreas Neumeier
Industry Relation Officer Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Westermann
Membership Data Admin. Matthias Kneissl
Membership Development Prof. Dr. Jens Haubrock
Public Relations Officer Manuel Kennel
HQ Relations Officer Gerald Anleitner
Student Branch Coordinator Martin Stötzer
WIE Coordinator Dr. Tiziana Bertoncelli
ExCom Team Bielefeld 2011

Relationship between IEEE Section and National Engineering Society VDE

From the very beginning of the IEEE Germany Section the National Society VDE was considered a powerful peer partner in achieving IEEE`s goals in Region 8. The secretary of the IEEE Section Excom always has been a VDE staff member. Apart from minor different points of view regarding confrence scheduling, cooperation was always beneficial for both parties. In 199X, the benevolent relationship was formally documented by a cooperation agreement defining the most important issues where mutual understanding and joint action was highly desirable. This cooperation agreement is still alive today, both societies enjoy the many synergies.

Around the world in just a few hours - Region 8 Student Branch and GOLD Congress in Passau

The 2004 edition of the biennial IEEE Region 8 Student Branch and GOLD Congress (R8SBC), the biggest gathering for students and young professionals, was hosted by the Student Branch at Universität Passau.

More than 120 representatives of Student Branches and GOLD groups ranging from Siberia to South Africa, came together for workshops and training sessions on "Creating tomorrow's Region 8". A group of 30 local volunteers had organized an interactive and enriching program for the future leaders of the IEEE.

Besides training and leadership sessions, workshops and sightseeing, the congress featured a multicultural night, where representatives from each country mingled and shared their home spirit, traditional dances, food and drinks. 2004 IEEE President Arthur Winston and his wife joined for a tour along the different stands, tasting and listening, being drawn away for picture moments and signing t-shirts. If you ask them today, they still share great memories of a colorful and cheerful evening!

2004 IEEE President Arthur Winston mingling with students during Multicultural Evening

What the presidential couple did not know was that a day earlier the local organizing committee lead by Michael Glögl, Eva Lang and Markus Reschka had encountered trouble when finding out that the hotel reservation for the guests was done in a completely different city!

Attendees of 2004 R8SBC in Passau

Section Officers

Germany Section Officers
Year Chair Vice chair Secretary Treasurer Past Chair
2000 Hans Hartnagel Volker Schanz Hans Strack
2001 Hans Hartnagel Volker Steinbiss Volker Schanz Hans Strack
2002 Hans Hartnagel Volker Steinbiss Volker Schanz Hans Strack
2003 Adolf Schwab Klaus Schroeter Volker Schanz Werner Wiesbeck
2004 Adolf Schwab Klaus Schroeter Volker Schanz Werner Wiesbeck
2005 Adolf Schwab Klaus Schroeter Volker Schanz Werner Wiesbeck
2006 Adolf Schwab Andreas Luxa Volker Schanz Werner Wiesbeck
2007 Andreas Luxa Volker Schanz Ralph Kennel
2008 Andreas Luxa Ulrich Fischer Volker Schanz Ralph Kennel
2009 Andreas Luxa Ulrich Fischer Volker Schanz Ralph Kennel
2010 Andreas Luxa Ulrich Fischer Volker Schanz Ralph Kennel
2011 Axel Richter Toni Goeller Volker Schanz Ralph Kennel
2012 Axel Richter Toni Goeller Volker Schanz Ralph Kennel
2013 Axel Richter Jens Haubrock Volker Schanz Ralph Kennel
2014 Axel Richter Jens Haubrock Volker Schanz Ralph Kennel
2015 Jens Haubrock Ingo Hahn Volker Schanz Ralph Kennel
2016 Jens Haubrock Ingo Hahn Volker Schanz Ralph Kennel
2017 Ingo Hahn Jan Haase Volker Schanz Omid Forati Kashani
2018 Ingo Hahn Jan Haase Volker Schanz Omid Forati Kashani
2019 Ingo Hahn Jan Haase Volker Schanz Omid Forati Kashani
2020 Ingo Hahn Jan Haase Volker Schanz Omid Forati Kashani
2021 Jan Haase Christoph Baer Volker Schanz Ralph Kennel
2022 Jan Haase Christoph Baer Volker Schanz Ralph Kennel
2023 Jan Haase Christoph Baer Volker Schanz / Damian Dudek Ralph Kennel
2024 Jan Haase Christoph Baer Damian Dudek Ralph Kennel
2025 Christoph Baer Thomas Kopfstedt Damian Dudek Ralph Kennel Jan Haase

Archival Documents

Further Reading

Link to Section Homepage