Archives:1994 PACE Conference and Workshop, MAC Plenary, GAC Plenary, Keynote Speaker
1994 PACE Conference and Workshop. September 2-5, 1994. Phoenix, AZ
September 4th, 1994:
"Coping with Defense Downsizing: Lessons for all Engineers", V. William Souveroff, Executive Director, National Center for Career Change
"Engineering Skills Assessment", Charles K. Alexander, Jr., Chairman, USAB
"The Fate of US Engineers", David M. Osterfeld, Chairman, IEE-USA Government Activities Council (GAC Plenary)
"Technical Professionals: Expectations and Requirements", Christopher H. Bajorek, VP, Technology, Development and Manufacturing, IBM Storage System Product Division
"Going Back to the Future", Mauro Togneri, VP, Measurement and Automation Group, MTS Systems Corporation, Product Division
"The Realities of Competitiveness and Career Potential at Mid-Decade", Arthur Stern, Chairman, US Competitiveness Committee
September 2nd, 1994:
"Information Networking in the Nineties", Celia Desmond, Vice President, Member Affairs, IEEE Communications Society