The engineering profession covers a wide range of technical focus and an even wider range of people. Management style, workplace satisfaction and standardization can be just as crucial to the development of new technologies and engineering practices as the innovations themselves. Education is crucial for the training of new engineers, and engineering ethics are essential for insuring that technology and engineering practice progresses in appropriate fashion. This category includes topics which pertain to the profession as a whole.
- Business - Business related topics such as contracts, market research and public relations
- Diversity - The promotion of varied demographics in the workplace
- Economics - Topics dealing with the economy as a whole, including macro and microeconomics, exchange rates and commercialization
- Engineering disciplines - Various disciplines of engineering including chemical, civil and mechanical.
- Engineering education - Topics pertaining to all aspects of educational materials for engineers
- Industries - Various types of industries such as agriculture, mining and defense industries
- Institutional histories of professional associations - The membership associations which compose the engineering profession, including AIChE, AIME, ASCE, IEEE, SPE, and SWE
- Legal factors - Law related issues which impact engineering, including copyright protection, product liability and contract law.
- Management - Issues relating specifically to management, including human resource management, project management and innovation management
- Patents - the granting of monopoly rights to an invention by a government
- People and organizations - Topics in this category deal with the people and organizations behind technological innovation
- Product safety engineering - Engineering for product safety involving various risk management strategies
- Professional communication - Issues that deal with communication in the workplace
- Professional training and development - Topics related to continual education related to one's career
- Project management - the discipline of planning, organizing and securing resources to achieve certain goals
- Standardization - The formalization of consistent engineering practices
- Workplace - Issues pertaining to the workplace such as safety in the workplace, workplace diversity and division of labor
This category has the following 18 subcategories, out of 18 total.
Pages in category "Profession"
The following 620 pages are in this category, out of 620 total.
- First-Hand:A Brief Biography of My Life
- First-Hand:A Career at Bell Laboratories
- First-Hand:A Career at Westinghouse
- First-Hand:A Career with IBM
- First-Hand:A Constitution-amendment Attempt
- First-Hand:A Lifelong Career in Engineering, An Interview with Darrel E. Moll
- Oral-History:Michael Adler
- Oral-History:Norbert Adler
- First-Hand:Adversity No Match for Electronics Engineer
- Oral-History:Roberto Aguilera
- Oral-History:William Ross Aiken
- Oral-History:AIME and Its Member Societies: AIST, SME, SPE, and TMS
- Oral-History:Charles Alexander
- Philip L. Alger
- First-Hand:An Eclectic Electrical Engineer
- First-Hand:An Electrical Engineering Education at Cornell, 1956 - 1961
- First-Hand:An Engineer's Career in Academia
- First-Hand:An Engineer's World Travels
- First-Hand:An IEEE Senior Member's Interesting Engineering Career
- Brian D.O. Anderson
- John G. Anderson
- Milestones:Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC)
- First-Hand:Apple, RCA and the Visionaries
- Oral-History:Eric Ash
- Oral-History:ASME Presidents
- Archives:Association for Cooperation in Engineering Society and Business reports
- Oral-History:Karl Astrom
- T. Louis Austin, Jr.
- Oral-History:Charles Bachman
- Oral-History:Robert Baim
- William O. Baker
- Oral-History:Jack Balde
- Oral-History:Christopher Bale
- Oral-History:Jens Bang
- Oral-History:Lionel Barthold
- Oral-History:Thomas Bartlett
- Andrew Beard
- Stephen Bechtel, Sr.
- Oral-History:Arnold Beck
- Oral-History:Joyce Bedi
- Bell Labs
- Oral-History:Ottorino Beltrami
- Oral-History:Ralph Benjamin
- Oral-History:Mary Lee Berners-Lee
- Oral-History:Tim Berners-Lee
- Oral-History:Harry Bhadeshia
- Archives:Big Science, Competitiveness and the Great Chain of Being
- Gerd Binnig
- Archives:A Bio-Medical Engineering Career
- Oral-History:Harold S. Black
- Jean Van Bladel
- Oral-History:Ron Blicq
- Oral-History:Herman Blinchikoff
- Archives:Bliss Electrical School Alumni Address
- Abraham Lawrence Bogart
- Oral-History:Gary Boone
- Oral-History:Anita Borg
- Oral-History:Berthold Bosch
- Oral-History:Rodney R. (Rod) Boyer
- John G. Brainerd
- Yale Brozen
- Oral-History:Herbert Bruch
- Oral-History:Per Bruel
- Oral-History:Janis Bubenko
- Oral-History:Merrill Buckley
- J. Fred Bucy, Jr.
- Kenneth Budden
- Oral-History:Richard L. Bullock
- Oral-History:Richard Burden
- Oral-History:Mick Byford, Robert Williams and Bob Winton
- Oral-History:James Thomas Cain
- Milestones:Development of the HP-35, the First Handheld Scientific Calculator, 1972
- John F. Calvert
- Oral-History:Francesco Carassa
- Oral-History:Mario W. Cardullo
- Archives:Your Career in Electrical Engineering
- Archives:Career Advancement Talks
- Archives:Career Planning
- Archives:Careers for Electrical Engineers and Computer Engineers and Scientists
- Oral-History:Alicia Casals
- Archives:A Century of Electricals
- Oral-History:John Chadwick
- John L. (Larry) Chalfan
- First-Hand:Challenges IEEE Faced Supporting Ethical Behavior and Professionalism
- Edwin A. Chandross
- Archives:Change and Challenge, An Industry Perspective
- Oral-History:Robert Chapuis
- Oral-History:John C. Chato
- Rajeshwari Chatterjee
- Hsi-Tseng Chou
- Clayton M. Christensen
- Alan G. Chynoweth
- Oral-History:John Coales
- Archives:Comments on Corporate Financial Success
- Oral-History:Charles Concordia
- Concrete Housing
- William Fothergill Cooke
- George F. Corcoran
- Wilfred J. Corrigan
- Oral-History:Andrew Corry
- Oral-History:Donald Cox
- Creative Commons Legal Code - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported
- Creative Commons Legal Code - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
- Archives:Credibility and the Public Trust
- Cryptography
- Oral-History:C. Chapin Cutler
- Oral-History:Luigi Dadda
- Oral-History:Dale E. Heinz
- Archives:Data, Devices, Designs
- Oral-History:David K. Matlock
- Peter de Blanc
- Oral-History:Raymond F. Decker
- Wallace Dean Decker
- Oral-History:Edward de Laet
- Michael S. Dell
- Oral-History:Charles Denton
- Digital Signature Legislation
- First-Hand:Disability Story of Harold M. Frost, III, A Mathematical Physicist
- Disruptive technology
- Oral-History:Distinguished Female Leaders: Inspiring the Next Generation in STEM
- Distributed ledgers
- Richard W. Dixon
- Oral-History:Herbert Doring
- Richard L. Doughty
- Oral-History:Joseph Douglas
- William G. Dow
- Oral-History:Fiona M. Doyle
- Oral-History:Rudolf Drabek
- Theodore Dreier
- K. Eric Drexler
- Oral-History:Bonnie Dunbar
- John R. Dunki-Jacobs
- Gano Dunn
- Oral-History:Harriet G. Dutka
- Oral-History:Murray Eden
- Milestones:Thomas A. Edison West Orange Laboratories and Factories, 1887
- Edison and Ore Refining
- IEEE Education Society History
- Mohamed El-Aref El-Hawary
- First-Hand:Electronics and Industrial Engineering
- First-Hand:Electrophysiology and Defense, EKGs, Electroshock Therapy, and Antisubmarine Weaponry
- Electroplating
- Archives:Technological Systems Compete at Otis Hydraulic Versus Electric Elevators
- Oral-History:Ruth Engel
- Oral-History:Irving Engelson
- Archives:The Young Engineer in Modern Society
- Archives:Engineering - A Career for Tomorrow
- Archives:Engineering - The Challenge of the Future
- Engineering Ethics
- C. James Erickson
- Oral-History:Thelma Estrin (1992)
- Archives:Eta Kappa Nu Silver anniversary
- Oral-History:Hong Eu
- First-Hand:Events that Influenced My Career
- Oral-History:Bruce W. Everitt
- William Everitt
- Oral-History:Federico Faggin
- Oral-History:Charles Fairhurst
- Fantasound
- Oral-History:Elizabeth "Jake" Feinler
- Lawrence E. Felton
- Fiber Optics
- First-Hand:Fifty years of R & D in Engineering and Technological Education
- Oral-History:Barbara A. Filas
- Oral-History:Ray Findlay
- First-Hand:First-Hand:From a Colorado Farm to the Bureau of Reclamation: An IEEE Life Member's Story
- First-HandːWhy IEEE Members Need Ethics Advice and Ethical Support-Walter Elden
- Oral-History:Joseph Fischer
- Oral-History:Steward Flaschen
- Oral-History:Merton C. Flemings
- Oral-History:Virgilio Floriani
- Oral-History:Charles Flurscheim
- Oral-History:G. David Forney
- Oral-History:Ted Foster
- IEEE Fourier Award for Signal Processing
- Adolf Ludwig Franke
- Oral-History:Roy Freed
- Archives:Competitiveness and Electricity: Electricité de France Since 1946
- Archives:Constructing Competitiveness: The Politics of Engineering Work in the French Nuclear Program, 1955-1969
- Archives:The Centre National d'Etude des Telecommunications and the Competitiveness of French Telephone Industry, 1945-1980
- Arrigo Frisiani
- Oral-History:Douglas W. Fuerstenau
- Oral-History:Tetsuo Fujimura
- Oral-History:Den Fujita
- Buckminster Fuller
- Oral-History:Uzia Galil
- Oral-History:Robert Galvin
- Oral-History:Karl Ganzhorn
- Oral-History:Wanda Gass
- Richard Jordan Gatling
- Oral-History:Paolo Gazzana-Priaroggia
- General Electric (GE)
- First-Hand:History of the GHN
- Lillian Moller Gilbreth
- Oral-History:Joseph Giordmaine
- Oral-History:Goldey, Hittinger and Tanenbaum
- Oral-History:Dimitry Grabbe
- Oral-History:Martin Graham
- Oral-History:Susan Graham
- Oral-History:John Granger
- Alfred Gray
- Paul R. Gray
- Archives:Great Men in American Mining
- Oral-History:John Gregory
- Oral-History:William Gretsch
- Oral-History:David Gries
- Milestones:Grumman Lunar Module, 1962-1972
- Oral-History:John Guarrera
- Oral-History:Klaus Gueldenpfennig
- Oral-History:Vince Gulden
- Oral-History:Abraham H. Haddad
- Oral-History:Robert N. Hall
- James M. Ham
- Oral-History:Ki Sun Han
- Oral-History:Carolyn Hansson
- Fumio Harashima
- Oral-History:Hardarshan Singh Valia
- Oral-History:Edwin Harder
- Oral-History:Keld Harder
- Oral-History:Ann Hardy
- Oral-History:Charles Harper
- Oral-History:Buddy Harris
- IEEE Harry Diamond Memorial Award
- Joseph P. Hart
- Robert L. Hartman
- Oral-History:Paula Hawthorn
- Oral-History:Izuo Hayashi
- Oral-History:Peter C. Hayes
- Oral-History:Gwen Hays
- Oral-History:Marlene Hazle
- Oral-History:Siegfried S. Hecker
- High-Tech and Market Bubbles Through History
- Oral-History:David Hill
- First-Hand:History of an ASEE Fellow - (Ron Barr)
- First-Hand:History of an ASEE Fellow - Frank Gourley
- First-Hand:History of an ASEE Fellow - Richard O. Mines, Jr.
- First-Hand:History of an ASEE Fellow - Ron Barr
- Archives:History of Eta Kappa Nu
- Ronald G. Hoelzeman
- Oral-History:Wallace Hoff
- Alexander Hollaender
- Frank Hollenbach
- Oral-History:Knud Holst
- Oral-History:Karl Honaman
- Herbert Hoover
- Hoover Medal
- Oral-History:Sara Hornby
- Oral-History:Mel Hotz
- David A. Hounshell
- First-Hand:How I Chose My Profession
- Oral-History:Ayanna Howard
- Oral-History:Stanley M. Howard
- Lisa G. Huettel
- Oral-History:Roger Hull
- Frederick L. Hutchinson
- Milestones:IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, 1960 - 1984
- First-Hand:IBM's Evolution, From Punch-Card Machines to High-Speed Computers
- Archives:ICL and the American Challenge: British Government Policies for the Computer Industry, 1945-1985
- Masayuki Ieda
- IEEE Future Directions Committee History
- Archives:IEEE History Center Book Publishing
- IEEE History Center Conferences
- IEEE Operations Center in Piscataway
- First-Hand:Changes In IEEE Are Needed To Create A "Self Directed Professional Society"
- IEEE’s Concerned Ethics Volunteers CEV-Who They Are
- Oral-History:Egbert U. Imomoh
- First-Hand:Ingenious Gender Detector
- Samuel Insull
- International Amateur Radio Union
- J. David Irwin
- First-Hand:It's a Small World
- Oral-History:Ivan A. Getting (1995)
- Oral-History:Tatsuo Izawa
- Archives:Progress in the Electronic Components Industry in Japan after World War II
- Archives:Technological Strength Needs and Feeds a New Research Infrastructure in Japan
- Oral-History:Japanese Engineers
- Oral-History:George A. Jedenoff
- Oral-History:Jacob Jensen
- Oral-History:Amos Joel (1993)
- Oral-History:Rudy Joenk
- Oral-History:James R. Jorden
- Murray Joslin
- Oral-History:Hilary Kahn
- Oral-History:In-Ku Kang
- Oral-History:Jin Ku Kang
- Oral-History:Ki Dong Kang
- Oral-History:Sung Mo (Steve) Kang
- Oral-History:Mitchell Kapor
- Oral-History:Michael Karmis
- Oral-History:Walter Karplus
- Oral-History:Katsutaro Kataoka
- Azmi Kaya
- Oral-History:Kenji Kazato and Kazuo Ito
- William Keister
- Oral-History:Laurie Keller
- Oral-History:Jack Kern
- Oral-History:Nobutoshi Kihara
- Oral-History:Makoto Kikuchi
- Oral-History:Jack Kilby
- Oral-History:Lee Kilgore
- James R. Killian, or how Sputnik paid for college educations
- Oral-History:Jae Kyoon Kim
- Oral-History:Yong Sun Kim
- Oral-History:Dieter Kind
- Oral-History:George E. King
- Oral-History:Mary Kircher
- Oral-History:Viggo Kjaer
- Oral-History:Leonard Kleinrock
- Oral-History:Ron Kline
- Oral-History:Richard Koch
- Oral-History:Jessica E. Kogel
- Oral-History:Petar Kokotovic (1995)
- Petar V. Kokotovic
- Oral-History:Jana Kosecka
- Oral-History:Danica Kragic
- Oral-History:Hans Kretz
- Oral-History:Norman B. Krim (1984)
- Milestones:Krka-Šibenik Electric Power System, 1895
- Yu Hsiu Ku
- Oral-History:David Kuck
- Oral-History:Ihor A. Kunasz
- Oral-History:Yoshihiro Kyotani
- Oral-History:Edward F. Labuda
- Oral-History:Ken Laker
- Dietrich R. Lambrecht
- Oral-History:Erich Langer
- Oral-History:Jay Lathrop
- Oral-History:Elizabeth Laverick
- Oral-History:Enrique J. Lavernia
- Oral-History:Robert Lawrence
- Oral-History:Benjamin Lax
- Edward U. Lee
- Oral-History:J. Kwon Lee
- Oral-History:Meir Lehman
- Oral-History:Gerard Lehmann
- Oral-History:Levent Onural
- Oral-History:Humboldt W. Leverenz
- Oral-History:Peter Lewis
- Oral-History:Ta M. Li
- Oral-History:Heather Liddell
- Marvin B. Lieberman
- Oral-History:Michael Lightner
- Links to Related Sites in the History of Technology
- Milestones:List of IEEE Milestones
- List of Presidents of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- Oral-History:Bede Liu
- Oral-History:Raymond L. Lowrie
- Oral-History:Robert Lucky
- Oral-History:Theodore F. Lyon
- Oral-History:J. Ross Macdonald
- Magnetic Tape
- Manhès constructs the first working converter for copper matte
- Archives:Competition and Consolidation in the Electrical Manufacturing Industry, 1889-1892
- Marconi School of Wireless
- Oral-History:Hans Marko
- Robert H. Marriott
- Oral-History:Margaret Marrs
- Karl E. Martersteck, Jr.
- Oral-History:James L. Massey
- Oral-History:Earl Masterson
- Jan Matzeliger
- Oral-History:Ferdy Mayer
- Oral-History:John Mayo
- Oral-History:Naomi McAfee
- J. J. G. McCue
- Eleanor McElwee
- Oral-History:Ronald McFarlan
- John McGhie
- Oral-History:Alexander McLean
- Archives:Papers of Fred Orville McMillan
- Oral-History:Wolfgang Mecklenbrauker
- Archives:Meeting the Future
- Archives:Memories - A Personal History of Bell Telephone Laboratories
- Oral-History:Mary Tsingou Menzel
- Oral-History:Lou Meren
- Oral-History:Mildred Dresselhaus
- First-Hand:Milestones in Consumer Electronics - Memories of a High-Tech PR Pioneer
- Oral-History:Judith Mills
- Steve M. Mills
- Takashi Mimura
- Sanjit Mitra
- Oral-History:John Moll
- James C. Morgan
- Oral-History:Fusao Mori
- Kiyoji Morii
- Masasuke Morita
- Archives:How They Won the Market Electric Motors in Competition with Steam Engines, 1890-1925
- Oral-History:James Mulligan
- First-Hand:My Development as an Engineer in the Years Before Atari
- First-Hand:My Experiences at Westinghouse
- First-Hand:My Growing Up Pre-Engineer Years' Historyː Walter Elden
- Archives:1994 PACE Conference and Workshop, MAC Plenary, GAC Plenary, Keynote Speaker
- Oral-History:Jorgen Palshoj
- Archives:Panel Discussion on Employer-Employee Relations
- Morton B. Panish
- Demetrius T. Paris
- Oral-History:Tom Parks
- Oral-History:Kumar Patel
- Oral-History:Patrick R. Taylor
- Oral-History:Harold W. Paxton
- First-Hand:PDP-8/E OMNIBUS Ride
- Oral-History:Aage Pedersen
- Richard A. Pedersen
- Oral-History:Arthur D. Pelton
- Oral-History:Syd S. Peng
- Archives:Pensions
- Oral-History:Arno Penzias
- Oral-History:Nicholas Peppas
- Harold A. Peterson
- Oral-History:Richard Petritz
- Petroleum Historical Bibliography
- Joseph M. Pettit
- IEEE Pittsburgh Section History
- Oral-History:Kenneth Plante
- Hylon Theron Plumb
- Pocket Protectors
- Oral-History:Michel Poloujadoff
- H. Vincent Poor
- Andrey Abraham Potter
- Oral-History:Joseph J. Poveromo
- Archives:Haraden Pratt Autobiographical Notes
- Archives:Sixty Years of Wireless and Radio Reminiscenses
- Oral-History:Walter Proebster
- IEEE Professional Communication Society History
- Archives:Professional Skill Development Program
- Professionalism and Ethics RAW Oral/Written Spectrum Institute Interview of Walter L Elden
- First-Hand:Project Engineering on a Broad Scale
- First-Hand:Proposed IEEE "Committee on Technologists' and Engineers' Professionalism", the CTEP, Walter Elden
- Archives:Oppositional Uses of Technology and Corporate Competition: The Case of Radio Broadcasting
- Oral-History:Raja V. Ramani
- Oral-History:Madhu G. Ranade
- First-Hand:RAW Interview of Walter L. Elden, P.E. (Ret) by the INSTITUTE on "Professionalism and Ethics"
- Raw Interview on “Professionalism and Ethics” of Walter L. Elden, P.E.(Ret)
- First-Hand:Re-Establishing IEEE Members' Right to Ethical Support in Employee-Employer Professional/Ethical Disputes
- Oral-History:Wally Read
- Oral-History:Eberhardt Rechtin
- Mass Producing Records
- Oral-History:Carl Rench
- Archives:Review of the Competitive Status of the United States Electronics Industry
- Oral-History:Tae-Won Rhee and Duck-Jin Kim
- Edwin W. Rice, Jr.
- Archives:Papers of Calvin Windsor Rice
- James N. Riess
- Wayne F. Rifer
- Milestones:Rincón del Bonete, 1945
- Risk Management
- Elgin B. Robertson
- Oral-History:Enders Robinson
- Oral-History:Jose M. Rodriguez-Ibabe
- Homer M. Rustebakke
- Archives:Papers of H.J. Ryan
- Oral-History:John Douglass Ryder
- Oral-History:Shoichi Saba
- Shoichi Saba
- Oral-History:John Saby
- Oral-History:Donald R. Sadoway
- Andrew P. Sage
- Viccy Salazar
- Oral-History:Fernando Samaniego-Verduzco
- Oral-History:Ronaldo Santos Sampaio
- Steven B. Sample
- Sarbanes-Oxley
- Oral-History:Tadashi Sasaki
- Oral-History:Harold Scherer
- Oral-History:Kurt Schips
- Oral-History:Johan Schleimann-Jensen
- Roland W. Schmitt
- Archives:Papers of Charles F. Scott
- Oral-History:Ray Sears
- First-Hand:Seeing Was Believing
- Tadahiro Sekimoto
- Oral-History:Lee Semiatin
- Oral-History:Jung Uk Seo
- Oral-History:Carol Shanesy
- Oral-History:Claude E. Shannon
- Oral-History:Gustave Shapiro
- Archives:Papers of Samuel Sheldon
- Oral-History:Chalmers Sherwin
- Oral-History:Masatoshi Shima
- Oral-History:Ken'ichi Shinoda
- Oral-History:Karen Shipp
- William Shockley
- Oral-History:Robert D. Shull
- Oral-History:Daniel Siewiorek
- Archives:How the West Was Won: The Military and the Making of Silicon Valley
- Oral-History:Douglas B. Silver
- Oral-History:William Skillman
- Oral-History:Merrill Skolnik
- Adolf K. H. Slaby
- Oral-History:Kenneth F. Slater
- Oral-History:Martha Sloan
- Oral-History:William Smanko
- Archives:50 Year History of SME
- Oral-History:George F. Smith
- Archives:Papers of H.B. Smith
- Oral-History:Raymond L. Smith
- Richard K. Snelling
- Oral-History:Joel Snyder
- Electrical Engineering in South Africa
- Oral-History:Jack Spangler
- Archives:Special Armistice Day Program with Marconi and Sarnoff
- Milestones:Special Citations Guidelines
- Oral-History:John G. Speer
- Technological Innovations in Sports Broadcasting
- Sportvision
- Oral-History:John Staehlin
- Earl L. Steele
- Oral-History:Karl Ulrich Stein
- Oral-History:Arthur Stern (1993)
- Alexander C. Stevens
- Oral-History:Irving Stokes
- Owen Storey
- Oral-History:Michael J. Strelbisky
- Oral-History:George Wilhelm Stroke
- Oral-History:Kenneth Sturley
- Yasuharu Suematsu
- Sun Microsystems
- Archives:From Megaflops to Total Solutions: The Changing Dynamics of Competitiveness in Supercomputing
- Oral-History:Jerome Suran
- Oral-History:Susan Coppersmith
- Oral-History:Len Svensson
- Ambrose Swasey
- Archives:Papers of Ambrose Swasey
- SWE and WITI
- Archives:Fighting for Lighting and Cooking: Competing Energy Systems in Sweden, 1880-1960
- Oral-History:Keiji Tachikawa
- Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- Bruce Tarleton
- Frederick Winslow Taylor
- Oral-History:Benjamin R. Teare Jr.
- Archives:Technical Literacy Counts
- Technical Tour -- Scotland
- Archives:The Strategy of System-Building Telecommunications and the American South, 1885-1920
- Frederick Terman
- Frederick Terman and Eta Kappa Nu
- Oral-History:Thaddeus Massalski
- Archives:The Engineer's Role in National Technology Policy
- First-Hand:The Only Woman in the Room
- W.L. Thrailkill
- Oral-History:Matthew Tirrell
- Oral-History:Erwin Tomash
- Shotaro Tominaga
- Oral-History:Charles A. Totten
- The Transistor and Portable Electronics
- First-Hand:Transitions in Engineering, Technology and Life
- Oral-History:Arno Treptow
- Oral-History:Nikhil C. Trivedi
- Oral-History:Edward Tudor
- Oral-History:Glen Wade
- Oral-History:Charles Wagner
- James D. Wallace
- Oral-History:J. T. Wallmark
- Oral-History:Walter Elden
- First-Hand:Walter Eldenː My Growing Up Pre-Engineer Years' History
- Oral-History:Roger Webster
- Oral-History:Bruno Weinschel
- Arnold Weinstock
- Oral-History:Max Weiss
- First-Hand:What I Learned Updating Page 2 of the IEEE ETHICS HISTORY REPOSITORY, IEHR
- Oral-History:Harold Wheeler (1991)
- Archives:Papers of Schuyler Skaats Wheeler
- Archives:Where is the Electrical Engineering profession headed?
- Oral-History:Stanley A. White
- Oral-History:Eugene Whitney
- Oral-History:Telle Whitney
- Archives:Papers of William E. Wickenden
- Oral-History:George Wilcox
- Oral-History:Emily Willbanks
- Oral-History:Arthur Winston
- Archives:Women in High Technology Industries
- Women of Westinghouse
- Gregory W. Wornell
- Oral-History:Diane Wray
Media in category "Profession"
The following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total.
- 4588-cardwell factory workers.jpg 1,241 × 1,000; 298 KB
- 4591-cardwell factory workers 2.jpg 1,247 × 1,000; 264 KB
- Terman Hewlett Packard 1977 0326.jpg 640 × 379; 33 KB