Mary Ellen Randall


Mary Ellen Randall
Mary Ellen Randall


Representing the very essence of “volunteerism in action” within IEEE, Mary Ellen Randall leads by example in inspiring IEEE members to advance technology for the benefit of humanity. A long-term volunteer who has served IEEE in many capacities, Randall has been dedicated to increasing member participation and engagement within IEEE through collaborative design, coaching, and leadership. One of her most well-known initiatives is the IEEE MOVE (mobile outreach vehicle) program. MOVE involves a disaster assistance vehicle and a team of IEEE volunteers who respond to crises throughout the United States. She and a team of volunteers have personally assisted the Red Cross and other organizations by providing power, cell-phone charging capabilities, communications, networking, and other services to both disaster victims and relief workers. A prime example of IEEE member engagement in action, the vehicle itself was designed, is maintained, and is operated by IEEE members. MOVE allows IEEE members to volunteer in areas that resonated with their passions to keep them engaged in IEEE activities. She was the leader in bringing the IEEE MOVE concept forward and bringing it to reality. The MOVE truck has been used at science expos to show students and parents how engineering and science can be used to better the communities around them.

Randall was also a leader in IEEE’s Women in Engineering (WIE) program. Her leadership in developing WIE groups at the local levels to foster engagement and instilling a spirit of inclusion and diversity have led to WIE’s success. Other initiatives that reinforce a culture of engagement include the Senior Member Roundup, which has been successful in helping elevating IEEE members to the Senior Member grade. Randall is currently a member of the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board and director of the IEEE MOVE Community Outreach Program.

An IEEE Fellow and recipient of the IEEE-USA George F. McClure Citation of Honor (2016) and IEEE MGA Innovation Award (2018), Randall is the founder and chief executive officer of Ascot Technologies, Inc., Cary, NC, USA.