People who use applied science mathematics to develop solutions to real world problems
Pages in category "Engineers"
The following 511 pages are in this category, out of 511 total.
- Michael Adler
- Oral-History:Norbert Adler
- Robert Adler
- Oral-History:William Ross Aiken
- Oral-History:Charles Alexander
- Charles K. Alexander
- Ernst F. W. Alexanderson
- Oral-History:Royal P. Allaire
- W. Cleon Anderson
- Oral-History:Fred Andrews
- Bion J. Arnold
- Oral-History:Robert Arzbaecher
- Oral-History:Eric Ash
- Oral-History:Karl Astrom
- Oral-History:Werner F. Auerbacher
- Archives:Jack Avins, The Essence of Engineering
- Hertha Ayrton
- Oral-History:Albert "Les" Babb
- Oral-History:James J. Bailey and Rosalie Dunn
- Oral-History:Kenneth T. Bainbridge
- Oral-History:Earl Bakken
- Oral-History:Jack Balde
- Charles Stuart Ballantine
- Oral-History:Paul Baran
- Walter J. Barrett
- Oral-History:C.E. Barrette
- Cecil Barrette
- Oral-History:Lionel Barthold
- Oral-History:James Bassingthwaighte
- Carleton Bayless
- Oral-History:Arnold Beck
- Oral-History:Maurice Bellanger
- Oral-History:Ottorino Beltrami
- Oral-History:Leo Beranek (1996)
- Oral-History:Leo Beranek (2005)
- Arthur Berresford
- Harold H. Beverage
- Oral-History:Harold H. Beverage
- Oral-History:Harold H. Beverage and H. O. Peterson
- Oral-History:Rene Bidard
- Oral-History:Gottfried Biegelmeier
- Oral-History:Harold S. Black
- Oral-History:Woodrow Wilson Bledsoe
- Oral-History:Richard L. Bodnar
- Oral-History:Gary Boone
- Oral-History:Berthold Bosch
- John G. Brainerd
- Charles Eugene Lancelot Brown
- Archives:Papers of Charles F. Brush
- Oral-History:Janis Bubenko
- Oral-History:Merrill Buckley
- Oral-History:Richard L. Bullock
- Oral-History:Richard Burden
- Oral-History:C. Sidney Burrus
- Vannevar Bush
- Henri Busignies
- Oral-History:Mick Byford, Robert Williams and Bob Winton
- Oral-History:James Thomas Cain
- Oral-History:Francesco Carassa
- Oral-History:Alicia Casals
- Oral-History:John Chadwick
- First-Hand:Challenges IEEE Faced Supporting Ethical Behavior and Professionalism
- Oral-History:Robert Chapuis
- Harry Charlesworth
- Oral-History:John C. Chato
- Harold Chestnut
- Oral-History:Shu Chien
- Oral-History:Marvin Chodorow
- Oral-History:Jacques Clade
- Oral-History:John Coales
- Oral-History:Charles Concordia
- Lynn Conway
- Oral-History:James W. Cooley
- Oral-History:Andrew Corry
- Oral-History:William E. Cory
- Oral-History:Donald Cox
- Francis B. Crocker
- Oral-History:C. Chapin Cutler
- Oral-History:James Early
- J. Presper Eckert
- Oral-History:Bruce A. Eisenstein
- Bruce Eisenstein
- Charles Eldon
- Oral-History:Charles Eldon
- Oral-History:Irving Engelson
- Oral-History:Lloyd Espenschied
- Archives:New Applications of the Computer: Thelma Estrin and Biomedical Engineering
- Oral-History:Thelma Estrin (1992)
- Oral-History:Hong Eu
- Oral-History:Walter Ewanus
- Oral-History:Charles Fairhurst
- James F. Fairman
- F. Malcolm Farmer
- Oral-History:Wayne Fegely
- Oral-History:Gabriel Ferrate
- Oral-History:Alfred Fettweis
- Oral-History:Barbara A. Filas
- Oral-History:Ray Findlay
- Oral-History:Joseph Fischer
- Oral-History:James L. Flanagan
- Oral-History:Steward Flaschen
- Oral-History:Virgilio Floriani
- Oral-History:Charles Flurscheim
- Oral-History:Art Fong
- James Foote
- Oral-History:G. David Forney
- Oral-History:Ted Foster
- Oral-History:Kathryn and Charles Fowler
- Oral-History:Herbert Freeman
- Oral-History:Tetsuo Fujimura
- Oral-History:Bert Fung
- Nevin Funk
- Oral-History:Anita Gale
- Oral-History:Wanda Gass
- Oral-History:Phyllis Gaylard and Pamela Strong
- Oral-History:Paolo Gazzana-Priaroggia
- Oral-History:Leslie Geddes
- Oral-History:Ron Gedney
- Oral-History:Ivan A. Getting (1995)
- Oral-History:James Gibbons
- Oral-History:Edward Ginzton
- Oral-History:Joseph Giordmaine
- Oral-History:Frank W. Godsey
- Oral-History:Ben Gold
- Peter Goldmark
- Oral-History:Alfred N. Goldsmith
- Oral-History:Thomas Goldsmith
- Archives:Richard Gowen Speech (1984)
- Oral-History:Dimitry Grabbe
- Oral-History:Susan Graham
- Oral-History:John Granger
- John Granger
- Oral-History:Robert M. Gray (1991)
- Oral-History:Wilson Greatbatch
- John Guarrera
- Oral-History:John Guarrera
- Oral-History:Klaus Gueldenpfennig
- Patrick E. Haggerty
- Oral-History:Robert N. Hall
- George A. Hamilton
- Laurens Hammond
- Oral-History:Ki Sun Han
- Oral-History:Carolyn Hansson
- Archives:Calculating Power: Edwin L Harder and Analog Computing in the Electric Power Industry
- Oral-History:Edwin Harder
- Oral-History:Keld Harder
- Oral-History:Buddy Harris
- Oral-History:Peter C. Hayes
- Alan Hazeltine
- Oral-History:Marlene Hazle
- Oral-History:Fred Heath
- Oral-History:Siegfried S. Hecker
- Raymond A. Heising
- Carl Hering
- Seymour Herwald
- L. F. Hickernell
- Oral-History:Clarence Nichols Hickman
- Oral-History:James Hillier
- Ted Hoff
- Oral-History:Nick Holonyak
- Oral-History:Knud Holst
- Oral-History:Karl Honaman
- Morris D. Hooven
- Herbert Hoover
- Oral-History:Ayanna Howard
- Oral-History:Thomas Huang
- Blake Hull
- Lewis M. Hull
- Lawrence A. Hyland
- List of Presidents of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- IEEE History Center Events and Conferences
- First-Hand:IEEE’s Concerned Ethics Volunteers CEV-Who They Are
- Oral-History:Egbert U. Imomoh
- List of Presidents of the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE)
- Oral-History:Fumitada Itakura
- Oral-History:Tatsuo Izawa
- A. Christian Jacobaeus
- Leah Jamieson
- Cyril M. Jansky, Jr.
- Oral-History:Japanese Engineers
- Oral-History:Dov Jaron
- Oral-History:George A. Jedenoff
- Oral-History:F. Suzanne Jenniches (2010)
- Frank B. Jewett
- Oral-History:Amos Joel (1993)
- Archives:The Magic of Your Dial: Amos Joel and the Advent of Electronic Telephone Switching
- Oral-History:Richard J. Johns
- Oral-History:Lawrence Johnston
- Oral-History:William Jones
- Oral-History:Robert Kahn
- Oral-History:James Kaiser
- Oral-History:Jin Ku Kang
- Oral-History:Ki Dong Kang
- Oral-History:Sung Mo (Steve) Kang
- Oral-History:Milton Kant
- Oral-History:Charles Kao
- Oral-History:Walter Karplus
- Oral-History:Katsutaro Kataoka
- Oral-History:Kenji Kazato and Kazuo Ito
- William Keister
- Oral-History:Arthur C. Keller
- Oral-History:Richard Kellerman and Alix Kocher
- Oral-History:Jack Kern
- Raymond W. Ketchledge
- Oral-History:Nobutoshi Kihara
- Oral-History:Jack Kilby
- Oral-History:Lee Kilgore
- Oral-History:Jae Kyoon Kim
- Oral-History:Yong Sun Kim
- Oral-History:Dieter Kind
- Oral-History:Archie King
- Oral-History:George E. King
- Oral-History:Richard Kirby
- Oral-History:Viggo Kjaer
- Oral-History:C. Raymond Knight
- Oral-History:Koji Kobayashi
- Oral-History:Richard Koch
- Oral-History:Jessica E. Kogel
- Oral-History:Petar Kokotovic (1995)
- Oral-History:Hans Kretz
- Oral-History:Norman B. Krim (1984)
- Oral-History:David Kuck
- Oral-History:Robert Kyhl
- Oral-History:Yoshihiro Kyotani
- Oral-History:Ken Laker
- Kenneth Laker
- Oral-History:William Lang
- Oral-History:Erich Langer
- Archives:Clarence E. Larson Collection
- Oral-History:Robert E. Larson
- Robert Larson
- Oral-History:Jay Lathrop
- Oral-History:Elizabeth Laverick
- Oral-History:Enrique J. Lavernia
- Oral-History:Harold B. Law
- Oral-History:Robert Lawrence
- Oral-History:Benjamin Lax
- Oral-History:Ernst Lederer
- Albert G. Lee
- Oral-History:J. Kwon Lee
- Oral-History:Meir Lehman
- Oral-History:Gerard Lehmann
- Oral-History:Levent Onural
- Oral-History:Humboldt W. Leverenz
- Oral-History:Frank Lewis
- Oral-History:Ta M. Li
- Oral-History:Michael Lightner
- Oral-History:Barbara Liskov (1991)
- Oral-History:Bede Liu
- Frederick Llewellyn
- Oral-History:James Lovell
- Oral-History:Raymond L. Lowrie
- Oral-History:Robert Lucky
- Oral-History:Theodore F. Lyon
- Oral-History:J. Ross Macdonald
- Cyprien O. Mailloux
- Theodore H. Maiman
- Oral-History:Marconi Fellows Oral Histories
- Oral-History:Hans Marko
- Oral-History:Margaret Marrs
- T. Commerford Martin
- Oral-History:Warren P. Mason
- Oral-History:Earl Masterson
- Oral-History:Robert Mates
- Max Mathews
- Oral-History:Joseph Maxfield
- Oral-History:Ferdy Mayer
- Oral-History:John Mayo
- Stanley Mazor
- Oral-History:Naomi McAfee
- William McClellan
- Oral-History:Ronald McFarlan
- Oral-History:Alexander McLean
- Fred O. McMillan
- Andrew G.L. McNaughton
- Oral-History:James McNaul
- Donald M. McNicol
- Kathleen McNulty
- Oral-History:John McPherson
- James McRae
- Oral-History:Wolfgang Mecklenbrauker
- Oral-History:Mary Tsingou Menzel
- Oral-History:Lou Meren
- Oral-History:Russell Mersereau
- Oral-History:Robert Metcalfe
- Edward Meyer
- Oral-History:Julian Z. Millar
- Oral-History:Laurence Milstein
- Oral-History:Jerry B. Minter
- Oral-History:Gordon Earl Moore
- Oral-History:Louis F. Moose
- John Harold Morecroft
- Oral-History:Fusao Mori
- Oral-History:Charles W. Mueller
- James H. Mulligan
- Oral-History:James Mulligan
- Oral-History:Robert Mumma
- Oral-History:Saburo Muroga
- Oral-History:Hans Musmann
- H. Troy Nagle
- Oral-History:Troy Nagle
- Oral-History:Tsuneo Nakahara
- Oral-History:Heitaro Nakajima
- Oral-History:Shigeru Nakajima
- Oral-History:John "Jack" Nieberding
- Milestones:Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), Electrical Pioneer (Special Citation)
- Oral-History:Kazuhiko Nishi
- Oral-History:Takao Nishitani
- Oral-History:Robert N. Noyce
- Oral-History:Herb Nunnally
- Harry Nyquist
- Oral-History:Cyril T. O'Connor
- Oral-History:Thomas J. O'Neil
- Oral-History:Russel S. Ohl
- Russell Ohl
- Bernard Oliver
- Oral-History:Harry F. Olson
- Oral-History:Henry Oman
- Oral-History:Russell D. O'Neal
- Oral-History:Eugene O'Neill
- Oral-History:RCA Engineers
- Oral-History:Vincente Ortega
- Harold Osborne
- Farley Osgood
- Oral-History:Tom Parks
- Oral-History:Kumar Patel
- Oral-History:Harold W. Paxton
- Oral-History:Aage Pedersen
- Oral-History:Gunnar Pedersen
- Oral-History:Syd S. Peng
- Oral-History:Arno Penzias
- Oral-History:Nicholas Peppas
- Oral-History:Richard Petritz
- Greenleaf W. Pickard
- George W. Pierce
- Oral-History:John Pierce
- Oral-History:John Pierce (Part 2)
- Oral-History:John Pierce (Part 3)
- Oral-History:Michel Poloujadoff
- Oral-History:Joseph J. Poveromo
- Charles Powel
- David Prince
- Oral-History:Walter Proebster
- Oral-History:Edward Purcell
- Oral-History:Lawrence Rabiner
- Oral-History:Charles Rader
- Oral-History:Jan Rajchman
- Oral-History:Ralph Strong
- Oral-History:Raja V. Ramani
- Oral-History:William Rambo
- Oral-History:Simon Ramo
- Oral-History:Madhu G. Ranade
- Oral-History:Bertram Raphael
- Oral-History:Buddy Ratner
- Oral-History:Wally Read
- Eberhardt Rechtin
- Oral-History:Eberhardt Rechtin
- Oral-History:Robert Rediker
- Oral-History:Tae-Won Rhee and Duck-Jin Kim
- Elgin B. Robertson
- Oral-History:Enders Robinson
- Oral-History:Nathaniel Rochester
- Oral-History:Jose M. Rodriguez-Ibabe
- Oral-History:Richard Rollman
- Oral-History:Ian Ross
- Oral-History:George T. Royden
- Oral-History:John Douglass Ryder
- Oral-History:Chandos Rypinski
- Oral-History:Theodore Saad
- Oral-History:Murray Sachs
- Oral-History:Ronaldo Santos Sampaio
- Oral-History:Peter Sandretto
- Oral-History:Tadashi Sasaki
- Oral-History:Robert Saunders
- Oral-History:Ron Schafer
- Oral-History:Harold Scherer
- Oral-History:Donald Schilling
- Oral-History:Kurt Schips
- Oral-History:Johan Schleimann-Jensen
- Oral-History:William F. Schreiber
- Oral-History:Hans Wilhelm Schuessler
- Oral-History:Herman Schwan (1992)
- Oral-History:Herman Schwan (1999)
- Archives:Working to Establish a New Discipline: Herman P. Schwan and the Roots of Biomedical Engineering
- Oral-History:Mischa Schwartz
- Oral-History:Ray Sears
- Oral-History:Samuel Seely
- Oral-History:Jung Uk Seo
- Benjamin E. Shackelford
- Oral-History:Claude E. Shannon
- Oral-History:Edwin Douglas Ramsay Shearman
- Motoji Shibusawa
- Oral-History:Masatoshi Shima
- Oral-History:Ken'ichi Shinoda
- Oral-History:Robert D. Shull
- Werner von Siemens
- Oral-History:Daniel Siewiorek
- Oral-History:Jack Sipress
- Charles Skinner
- Oral-History:Merrill Skolnik
- Martha Sloan
- Oral-History:Martha Sloan
- Oral-History:Chester Smith
- George E. Smith
- Oral-History:George F. Smith
- Oral-History:Philip H. Smith
- Philip Smith
- Oral-History:Raymond L. Smith
- Oral-History:Richard Snelling
- Oral-History:Allan Whitenack Snyder
- Royal Sorensen
- Oral-History:John G. Speer
- Oral-History:Cary Spitzer
- Oral-History:Earl Steele
- Oral-History:Arthur Stern (1993)
- Thomas G. Stockham
- Oral-History:Irving Stokes
- Oral-History:Ellery W. Stone
- John Stone Stone
- Henry Stott
- Oral-History:George Wilhelm Stroke
- Oral-History:Kenneth Sturley
- Oral-History:Takuo Sugano
- Oral-History:Guy Suits
- Eric E. Sumner
- Jerome J. Suran
- Oral-History:Jerome Suran
- Oral-History:Keiji Tachikawa
- Robert H. Tanner
- Oral-History:Gerald F. Tape
- Albert H. Taylor
- Archives:Finding the Right Material: Gordon Teal as Inventor and Manager
- Oral-History:Gordon K. Teal
- B. Richard Teare, Jr.
- Oral-History:Benjamin R. Teare Jr.
- Oral-History:Frederick E.Terman Associates
- Oral-History:Leonard Thomas Sr.
- Oral-History:Bertil Thoren
- Oral-History:Jill Tietjen, Kristy Schloss, and Sandra Scanlon
- Oral-History:Matthew Tirrell
- Oral-History:Erwin Tomash
- Oral-History:Carme Torras
- Oral-History:Charles Townes (1991)
- Archives:From Radar Bombing Systems to the Maser: Charles Townes as Electrical Engineer
- Calvert Townley
- Oral-History:Arno Treptow
- Oral-History:Nikhil C. Trivedi
- Oral-History:Edward Tudor
- Hubert Turner
- Oral-History:George E. Valley
- Arthur F. Van Dyck
- Oral-History:Lionel Van Deerlin and Charles Jackson
- Oral-History:Theodore Van Duzer (1991)
- Oral-History:Guido Vannucchi
- Oral-History:Ben Vester
- Oral-History:Oswald Garrison Villard
- Oral-History:Andrew Viterbi
- Oral-History:Fred Vogel
- Oral-History:Joseph Vogelman
- Oral-History:Glen Wade
- Charles F. Wagner
- Oral-History:Charles Wagner
- Oral-History:J. T. Wallmark
- First-Hand:War-Time Production and Design at Wheeler Labs, Mine Detection and IFF Radar
- Archives:Bridger of Cultures: Ernst Weber as Researcher, Educator, and Statesman
- Oral-History:Ernst Weber (1988)
- Oral-History:Roger Webster
- Oral-History:Paul K. Weimer
- Oral-History:Bruno Weinschel
- Bruno Weinschel
- Oral-History:Max Weiss
- Oral-History:Walter Welkowitz
- Edward Weston
- Archives:From Automatic Volume Control to the Stationmaster Antenna: Harold Alden Wheeler and Applied Electronics
- Oral-History:Harold A. Wheeler (1985)
- Lynde Wheeler
- Oral-History:John Whinnery
- Oral-History:Edwin Lee White
- Oral-History:Marvin White
- Oral-History:Stanley A. White
- Oral-History:Eugene Whitney
- Oral-History:Bernard Widrow
- Oral-History:Jerome Wiesner
- Oral-History:George Wilcox
- F. Karl Willenbrock
- Arthur Winston
- Oral-History:Irving Wolff
- Oral-History:Victor Wouk
- Oral-History:Diane Wray
Media in category "Engineers"
The following 58 files are in this category, out of 58 total.
- 1177(28).jpg 640 × 439; 50 KB
- Armstrong on WJZ Transmitter 0257.jpg 480 × 612; 46 KB
- Armstrong Paris 0303.jpg 582 × 480; 46 KB
- Berthold Bosch 1462b.jpg 640 × 452; 49 KB
- Conrad Tube 1142a.jpg 480 × 615; 53 KB
- Dieter Kind 1461a.jpg 640 × 468; 33 KB
- Dillard 1176b.jpg 640 × 434; 57 KB
- Dillard 1176f.jpg 640 × 296; 34 KB
- Dillard Portrait 1174.jpg 480 × 618; 46 KB
- Dillard Portrait 1175.jpg 452 × 640; 42 KB
- Dillard Series 1177a.jpg 640 × 433; 45 KB
- Dillard Series 1177b.jpg 640 × 429; 55 KB
- Dillard Series 1177c.jpg 437 × 640; 44 KB
- Eberhardt Rechtin 1453b.jpg 640 × 435; 43 KB
- Edmund Laport BC 127 radio 0339.jpg 438 × 640; 60 KB
- Edwin Armstrong 0251.jpg 480 × 621; 26 KB
- Emerson Pugh 2078.jpg 459 × 640; 26 KB
- Eric Ash 1458a.jpg 640 × 465; 55 KB
- Ernst Weber 1483a.jpg 444 × 640; 43 KB
- F Karl Willenbrock 0664.jpg 427 × 640; 36 KB
- Faraday Statue London IEE 1463.jpg 433 × 640; 55 KB
- Franklin L Pope 2194.jpg 470 × 640; 61 KB
- George W. Bailey 2760.jpg 617 × 480; 38 KB
- Goldsmith Young 1579.jpg 615 × 480; 47 KB
- Guarrera with Schulke 1173.jpg 627 × 480; 50 KB
- Hans-George Musmann 1460a.jpg 640 × 456; 40 KB
- Harry Dart 1188.jpg 468 × 640; 33 KB
- Henry Rowland 0459a.jpg 480 × 611; 45 KB
- Henry Rowland 0459b.jpg 444 × 640; 43 KB
- Inventor Stamps 0583.jpg 595 × 480; 55 KB
- Ivan Getting 1449a.jpg 640 × 431; 38 KB
- James Flanagan 1717.jpg 480 × 614; 46 KB
- John A.Pierce 2257.jpg 452 × 640; 46 KB
- John Guarrera 1451a.jpg 640 × 435; 44 KB
- John Ryder 0658.jpg 441 × 640; 35 KB
- Joseph Henry 0448.jpg 480 × 581; 31 KB
- Karl J. Astrom 2256.jpg 412 × 640; 28 KB
- Koenig computer 1576b.jpg 480 × 597; 74 KB
- Koenig Nobel prize 1622.jpg 387 × 640; 37 KB
- Konrad Zuse 1459b.jpg 640 × 438; 41 KB
- Kumar Patel 1452a.jpg 640 × 435; 56 KB
- Leonard Thomas 1482a.jpg 640 × 452; 54 KB
- Moses Farmer 0447.jpg 480 × 591; 49 KB
- Older Weston 1094.jpg 185 × 261; 5 KB
- Petar Kokotovic 1455b.jpg 640 × 471; 48 KB
- Pratt Goldsmith 0736.jpg 1,869 × 1,500; 418 KB
- Ralph W. Pope 2193.jpg 1,484 × 2,000; 457 KB
- Richard Burden 1457a.jpg 395 × 640; 45 KB
- Robert Saunders 1456a.jpg 640 × 434; 31 KB
- Robert Watson Watt 1187.jpg 462 × 640; 48 KB
- Sanjit Mitra 1454a.jpg 640 × 463; 52 KB
- Simon Ramo 1448.jpg 640 × 432; 41 KB
- Stan White 1450b.jpg 640 × 438; 49 KB
- Steinmetz Bright 1236.jpg 480 × 616; 33 KB
- Terman Hewlett Packard 1977 0326.jpg 640 × 379; 33 KB
- Von Neuman Von Braun 0587.jpg 581 × 480; 46 KB
- White with Apparatus 1150.jpg 1,012 × 1,500; 306 KB
- Williams James C eoh.png 300 × 390; 204 KB