Oral-History:RCA Engineers


RCA Engineers Oral History Collection

The number that follows the interviewee's name is the interview's oral history code number, which uniquely identifies the interview in the IEEE History Center's archive. Please use this number when referring to an oral history.

The RCA Engineers Interviews collection is a series of oral histories conducted by Mark Heyer and Al Pinsky of RCA Laboratories in the mid-1970s. The collection does not necessarily contain every interview with an alum of RCA that can be found in the Center's collection.

  • James Hillier (#029) - Developed the first scanning electron microscope in the United States and served as the director of research at RCA.
  • Harold B. Law (#028) - Focused on the development of camera tubes, including work on the image orthicon, the vidicon camera tube, and the photo-deposition of phosphors.
  • Humboldt W. Leverenz (#027) - Worked on luminescent materials for development of an all-electronic television and made significant contributions to the development of the fluorescent lamp.
  • Charles W. Mueller (#025) - A pioneer in solid-state electronics, he worked in RCA's tube department.
  • Harry F. Olson (#026) - Known for his contributions to musical sound reproduction, he worked in acoustic research at RCA for 40 years.
  • Jan Rajchman (#024) - Did extensive work on computer memory and was involved in Project Lightning. He was also the director of RCA's computer research laboratory.
  • Paul Weimer (#022) - Helped produce the Image Orthicon television camera tube and a solid-state camera tube.
  • Irving Wolff (#030) - Worked in the acoustics department and on microwave development that led to the development of aviation radar.
  • Vladimir Zworykin (#021) - A director of electronic research at RCA and an honorary vice president. He was a pioneer of television technology and invented the Iconoscope.