Lewis M. Hull


Lewis M. Hull
Lewis M. Hull
Great Bend, KS, USA
Associated organizations
Radio Frequency Laboratories


Lewis M. Hull, 1933, was the director of research and later the vice president of the Radio Frequency Laboratories.


Lewis M. Hull was born on February 27th, 1899 at Great Bend, Kansas. He graduated from the University of Kansas in 1917 and immediately entered the Radio Section of the Bureau of Standards. He was associated with the Bureau as assistant physicist, and later as associate and consulting physicist, at intervals until 1922. In 1922 he received the degree of Ph.D. in physics from Harvard University.

In 1922 Dr. Hull joined the Radio Frequency Laboratories of Boonton, N. J. as director of research. He was later vice president of that company.

Dr. Hull served as IRE president in 1933. He was also a Member of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers and the American Physical Society.