IEEE Region 1 (Northeastern U.S.) History
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Northeastern U.S.
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The initial version of this page was based on a report prepared by the Region 1 History Committee as part of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 125th year anniversary. This document is intended to be a living history of Region 1 and officers and members of the twenty-two Region 1 Sections are urged to provide data updates. Data desired includes special past Section activities, special history milestones that have not been reported to the IEEE History Center and activities by members who have made significant contributions to Region 1, and IEEE.
The Region 1 History Committee wishes to acknowledge the significant support received in the collection of Region 1 history data. History collection was started by the first Historian of Region 1, Rudy Stiefel, of the New York Section during his tenure of 1988-1989. He was followed by Frank Logan, also from the New York Section in 1990-1991. The third Historian was Roderic Lowman, from the Long Island Section who served from 1992-2000. The Historian during the 125th anniversary project, who served from 2001, was Richard Ackley of the Mohawk Valley Section. All of the Historians have collected data from the IEEE History Center, at Rutgers University; from the Regional Activities Board (RAB) at Piscataway; and from the Region and Sections. Roger Sullivan, the Director of Region 1 in 2004-2005, requested that the Historian start a Region 1 History document. At his request visits were made for the collection of data at both the History Center and RAB, which is part of this report. Again our special acknowledgement to the History Center and RAB. We wish to thank Dr. Howard Michel, 2008-2009 Region 1 Director for his support in the generation of this report.
Origin of the Districts in the AIEE
A description of the Vice-presidental election issues raised by Whitehead, which led to the forming of the AIEE districts. From AIEE Board of Director minutes, April 9th, 1920
Initial map of AIEE districts, from November 12th 1920 Bylaws
For a general history of the AIEE, see: AIEE History 1884-1963
The AIEE was founded in New York City, and as the Institute progressed outwards geographically, it started to form sections, the first of which was the Chicago section, formed in 1893. While the modern IEEE Regions are very closely affiliated and linked with their sections, the establishment of geographical districts within the AIEE arose not from a need to manage or coordinate with the sections themselves, but rather, from a need for election reform. During the 1920 election, John B. Whitehead had found himself on the official ballot for vice-president without his knowledge. A number of nomination ballots had been cast for him without his consent, which caused him to write to the secretary of the Institute, asking to investigate the matter and make improvements to the election procedure where appropriate. The board took up this matter on April 9th, appointing a committee of three to make recommendations.
The committee decided to increase the number of Vice-presidents from six to ten, and divide the membership into ten geographical districts, each of which would be represented by a Vice-president. These recommendations from the committee manifested in the Constitutional amendment approved on May 21st, 1920, in which the following provision was added:
24A. At the election of Vice-Presidents held in 1921 there shall be elected one Vice-President from each geographical district, those from the odd-numbered districts to serve for one year each, and those from the even-numbered districts two years each. All Vice-Presidents elected thereafter shall serve for two years each. In the event of a change in the geographical districts, the Vice-Presidents then in office shall complete their terms. In case of revisions of the geographical districts, the Board of Directors shall have the power to elect a Vice-President from each district not represented, to serve until the next election covering these districts.
The initial AIEE Geographical Districts were approved with the revision of November 12th, 1920 version of the By-laws. Aside from New York City and the immediately surrounding metropolitan area, these Districts were broken down by state, not AIEE geographical section.
The initial AIEE District composition was as follows:
- North Eastern:
- Connecticut (exclusive of NY Section Territory)
- Maine
- Massachusetts
- New Hampshire
- New York (exclusive of NY Section Territory)
- Rhode Island
- Vermont
- Middle Eastern:
- Delaware
- District of Columbia
- Maryland
- New Jersey (exclusive of NY Section Territory)
- Ohio
- Pennsylvania
- West Virginia
- New York City:
- Territory of the New York Section
- Canal Zone
- Puerto Rico
- All foreign countries (Canada excepted)
- Southern:
- Alabama
- Florida
- Georgia
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Mississippi
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Virginia
- Great Lakes:
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Michigan
- Wisconsin
- North Central:
- Colorado
- Iowa
- Minnesota
- Nebraska
- North Dakota
- South Dakota
- Wyoming
- South West:
- Arkansas
- Kansas
- Missouri
- New Mexico
- Oklahoma
- Texas
- Pacific:
- Arizona
- California
- Nevada
- Hawaii
- Philippines
- North West:
- Idaho
- Montana
- Oregon
- Utah
- Washington
- Alaska
- Canada
Origin of the Regions in the IRE
For a general history of the IRE, see: IRE History 1912-1963
Unlike the AIEE, the IRE regional structure was much more closely linked its geographical sections. The eight initial regions established by the September 10th, 1947 revision to the Bylaws were as follows:
- North Atlantic
- North Central Atlantic
- Central Atlantic
- East Central
- Central
- Southern
- Pacific
- Canadian
Several provisions in the bylaws directly linked the regions to sections, including provisions that state "regions which fail to maintain reasonable activity may, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, be dissolved and the Sections may be absorbed into other Regions", (Section 58) "Each member of the Regional Committee shall be, ex-officio, a member of the Executive Commitee of his own Section", (Section 58) and "Pending installation of the first Regional Director of each Region, the chairman of the largest Section numerically in the Region shall act as chairman pro tem, and the chairman pro tem shall appoint a secretary-treasurer pro tem who shall act until the secretary-treasurer of the Regional Committee is appointed." (Section 59)
IEEE Region 1 is Formed
AIEE Districts, pre-merger
Proposed regional structure post-merger which was adopted by the IEEE
For a general overview of the merger, see: Formation of IEEE by the Merger of AIEE and IRE
District and regional re-alignment was one of the major questions considered by the lengthy merger effort. By 1962, AIEE Districts had grown to fifteen in number and had become more closely linked with the operations of sections, while the IRE regions had remained constant at eight - seven in the United States and one for Canada.
The proposed regional re-alignment for the merged IEEE was largely based on the IRE regional structure, condensing the seven United States regions into six, and Region 1 of the IEEE was to be formed out of a consolidation of Regions 1 and 2 of the IRE, encompassing all of New England, New York State, the northern half of New Jersey, and a small part of Pennsylvania that is part of the Binghamton section.
The first IEEE Region 1 director was Lynn C. Holmes, who served in the position from 1963-1965. Holmes was a Fellow of both the AIEE (1951) and the IRE (1949). In the AIEE, he served as the AIEE District 1 Chair (Empire District) from 1958 to 1960, and served as a Director-at-Large on the AIEE Board of Directors from 1961 until the merger.
Regional boundaries have remained constant since 1963 until a proposed regional re-alignment was approved by the Board of Directors in November 2022, that would merge Region 1 with Region 2, currently scheduled to take place in 2028.
Region 1 Sections
Board of Governors (BOG) Region 1 Meeting and Berkshire Section
Centennial Celebration conducted on 27-29 August 2004.
On 25 March 1904, Pittsfield became the 19th Branch of the AIEE, and the 4th in Region 1. Note that Pittsfield was the AIEE designation, which was changed to Berkshire when IEEE was formed. The AIEE designation was changed from Branch to Section in 1907. The first Chairman of Pittsfield was C.C. Chesney, and the first Secretary was H. H. Barnes. Pittsfield was very active in AIEE, assuming many Institute leadership positions. In 1942-43, K. B. McEachron became Chairman of District 1 of AIEE. Note that the AIEE District was a geographical entity similar to our Regions, and District 1 covered an area similar to Region 1, without the NY metropolitan area. Note also that the District Chairman was also a Vice-President of AIEE. McEachron was followed by another Pittsfield member in 1952-1953, W. Scott Hill.
The only information in the archives regarding Pittsfield and IRE was their name: Western Massachusetts, and their membership date was 1958.
Edward Ptak, Berkshire Historian prepared an excellent history document which covers Section history from 1884-1984, which they called a “ Living History.” The document was appropriately named, since an addendum was issued in 1985, a second addendum in 1989, and a third now in preparation. The history document is provided on the Berkshire section web site. (Under the Berkshire Section at Some excerpts from this excellent history follows.
William Stanley joined the Section (AIEE) in 1887, making him one of the first members of AIEE. He started the Stanley Electrical Manufacturing Company in Pittsfield in 1890, which was annexed by General Electric as their Pittsfield works. Stanley was the developer of alternating current, with encouragement from George Westinghouse, which resulted in the electrification of America. Their Section meetings had over 1000 attendees, with speakers that were well known in Science and society. Charles Steinmetz discussed Einstein’s Theory of Relativity; Floyd Bennett discussed The North Pole and back Again; Lowell Thomas discussed his adventures around the world; Amelia Earhart discussed adventures in the air; and Willy Ley discussed conquest of space, to name a few.
Binghamton became a Sub-Section of Ithaca Section of AIEE in 1947, but did not become a Section of the Institute. Binghamton became a Section of IRE on 7 March 1952 which is their IEEE anniversary date. The first IRE officers were: J.H. Merchant, Chairman; and R. F. New, Secretary. A careful check of all available archives and the Binghamton Section Web Site provided no further historical data on Binghamton.
Region 1 BOG Meeting, and Boston Section Centennial
Celebration Conducted on 7-9 February 2003.
Boston was the 12th Branch in AIEE, and the 3rd in Region 1. This meeting not only Celebrated the centennial but also celebrated the election of Dr. Arthur Winston as IEEE President. Boston was very active in the founding of IRE, and provided three of the first five Presidents; John Greenleaf Pickard, Director of the Wireless Specialty Apparatus Company, in 1913; John Stone Stone, President of Stone Wireless and Telegraph Company, in 1915; and Arthur Kennelly, Professor of Engineering at Harvard and MIT, in 1916. Arthur Kennelly was also President of the AIEE in 1898-1900. There were three other Presidents of AIEE from Boston; Alexander Graham Bell, who taught and did his original telephone work in Boston; Comfort Adams, Professor at Harvard; and Frank Jewett, Professor at MIT. The first officers of IRE were: A. E. Kennelly, Chairman; and Melville Eastham, Secretary. The archives start in 1904, the year after Boston Joined the AIEE, and the officers for 1904 were: R. Fleming, Chairman; and G. H. Stickney, Secretary.
Boston Section has continued its very active support after the formation of IEEE in 1963. Richard Damon was elected IEEE President in 1981, and as previously mentioned Dr. Arthur Winston in 2004. Nine Boston members have been elected Region 1 Directors and Chairman of the Region 1 BOG; Dr. W. Crawford Dunlap, 1966-1967; Dr. Harry Mimno, 1968-1969; Dr. James Storer, 1970-1971, Harold Goldberg, 1972-1973; Dr. James Shepherd, 1978-1979; Dr. Bruce Wedlock, 1982-1983; John Kaczorowski, 1990-1991; Dr. Arthur Winston, 1996-1997; and Dr. Howard Michel, 2008-2009. Boston has conducted twenty-three Regional Meetings for Region 1. From 1980-1988 Dr. Bruce Wedlock conducted the Spring Meetings at the MIT Stratton building, Student Center.
The Boston Section has been continually involved in the development of engineering knowledge, and new electronic inventions and product development. The Section formed the New England Research and Engineering Meeting (NEREM), which they operated until 1976 when NEREM merged with the New York IEEE International Conference (INTERCON) to form the Trade Show ELECTRO. The Boston and NEW York Sections continued to operate ELECTRO shows annually for twenty years until the program ceased to be financially self supporting. Boston area also provided key research and development in Electronics, with MIT, Lincoln Laboratory, and large firms such as Raytheon. There were key activities in Military Electronics.
BOG meeting for 10-12 August 2001.
The Niagara Frontier Section was chartered by the AIEE on 10 February 1925.
Curiously a small area around Niagara Falls was not included, or was later removed and incorporated into the Niagara International Section which was chartered in 1948. Niagara International included Niagara Falls, USA; Niagara Falls, Canada and St. Catherines, Canada. The first Chairman of the Niagara Frontier Section was J. Allen Johnson and the first Secretary was A.W. Underhill Jr. The Section was closely associated with local electrical industries and the Secretaries frequently listed their addresses as: GE, Niagara Electric. Westinghouse, NY Telephone, and Dupont.
The IRE was incorporated in 1927, as the Buffalo-Niagara Section, with L. C. F. Hoyle listed as its first Chair, a position he held for at least three years. Several Section Officers listed their addresses as Colonial Radio Corporation, 1280 Main Street, Buffalo, N.Y. After the merger of the founding Societies to form IEEE in 1963, the name of the Section was changed to Buffalo.
The first Region 1 BOG meeting in the Buffalo Section was held on 27 September 1980, at the Niagara Hilton, Niagara Falls, NY, and the second Buffalo Region 1 BOG meeting was again held at the Niagara Hilton on 19 August 1989.
and Region 1 BOG Meeting conducted on 1 February 2001.
The AIEE Connecticut Section was formed on 16 April 1921. The first officers were: C. F. Scott, chairman; and A.E. Knowlton, Secretary. The IRE Section was formed in 1928 and was named Connecticut Valley. The first officers were: W. G. Cady, Chairman; and George W. Pettingill Jr., Secretary. The Connecticut Valley Section had officers from both the Hartford area and Springfield MA, therefore Springfield Section should perhaps also be listed as an IRE member.
Michael Whitelaw from CT was elected Regional Director in 1986-1987. Due to Mike’s strong encouragement many of us became active in the IEEE. Region 1 BOG Meetings have been held at Windsor Locks, CT on 3 February 1996; 3 February 2001; and February 2007.
Green Mountain
and Region 1 BOG Meeting on 11 August 2007.
The AIEE formed a Student Branch at Norwich University, in Norwich, VT on 28 June 1916. The University was moved from Norwich to Northfield, VT, and there is no indication the Branch continued after 1920. However, in 1994 the IEEE had a Student Branch at Norwich University, which is not mentioned on the Vermont Section WEB Site, unless the college name has been changed. In 1954, a Sub-Section of Pittsfield, MA was formed in Vermont, and in 1960 AIEE formed the Vermont Section.
The first Section Officers were: R. O. King, Chair; and P.M. Seal, Secretary. IRE formed a Sub-Section called Northern Vermont, but the parent Section is not identified. Other BOG meetings were held in September 1986, and February 2000. The name of the Section was changed from Vermont to Green Mountain in 2001.
Region 1 BOG Meeting and Ithaca Section Centennial Celebration conducted on 16-18 August 2002.
Ithaca was the first Section in Region 1 to reach the enviable milestone of being a century section having been made a Cornell University Branch of AIEE on 15 October 1902. Ithaca shares 4th Section honors in AIEE with Lehigh University and The University of Wisconsin that had the same entry date. Cornell University Branch became a Section in 1908 and the name was changed to Ithaca. The archives are not available prior to 1904, therefore officers for 1904 are provided and were: Harris J. Ryan, Chairman; and George S. Macomber, Secretary. Starting in 1938, the archives show Ithaca had 47 members, which increased to 158 in 1949, the last year data was available. In 1947, Binghamton was made a Sub-Section of Ithaca.
Ithaca was also active in IRE, and a Sub-Section of Syracuse was formed in 1953.
They advanced to full IRE membership in 1954. The first officers were: Ben Warriner, Chairman; and R.L. Wooley, Secretary. Since the merger of AIEE and IRE in 1963, Ithaca has not been active in Regional affairs, No data exists in the archives regarding Section activities, and Ithaca does not have a Section site on the IEEE Geographic Activity Web Site.
Long Island
and Region 1 BOG Meetings
The archives show no Long Island association with AIEE. Long Island was far more active in Electronics, having many companies doing Military work as well as home electronics. Long Island therefore formed an IRE Section on 6 May 1953. The first officers were: Vincent Learned, Chair; and J. F. Bisby, Secretary. Eight winter meetings were held on Long Island, most of which were held at or near LaGuardia Field. Dates of these meetings were 1976, 1978,1979, 1989, 1990, 1992, 1997, and 2006. The archives do not indicate whether NY or Long Island sponsored these meetings. Long Island has been very active in The IEEE, having two members elected President; Henry Bachman, in 1987, and Joel Snyder in 2001. Five Region 1 Directors have been elected from Long Island: Arthur Rossoff in 1976-1977; Alex Gruenwald in 1984-1985; Victor Zourides in 1988-1989; Joel Snyder in 1992-1993; and Louis Luceri in 1998-1999. We want to give Peter Eckstein special recognition since he served as Secretary of the BOG for twelve years. Eckstein not only did an excellent job on his Secretary activities but did all the planning for the 24 BOG meetings conducted during his tenure.
and Region 1 BOG Meeting on 20 August 2005.
The Maine AIEE Section was formed on 30 June 1955, and the first officers were: H. W. Murdock, Chair, and Basil Payne, Secretary. The archives do not show that Maine had any IRE entity. The only archival IEEE activity shown is the Regional Board of Governors Meeting noted above.
Mid-Hudson became a Section of AIEE on 1 June 1960, with the name Hudson Valley.
The first officers were: D. R. Zeissett, Chair; and H. M. Round, Secretary. The archives do not indicate that Mid-Hudson had any association with the IRE. Mid-Hudson had two IEEE Regional Directors: Hans Cherney, 1980-1981; and Barry Shoop, 2006-2007. Region 1 BOG Meetings were held in Mid-Hudson in 1983, 1992, and 1994. West Point Military Academy, and the IBM Company are very active in the Mid-Hudson region; teaching, inventing and developing electronics.
Mohawk Valley
Mohawk Valley had no direct AIEE involvement, however, in 1950 Syracuse formed a St. Lawrence AIEE Sub-Section which was International because it included Cornwall, Ontario. Canada. When the IEEE was formed in 1963, the St. Lawrence area including Cornwall became part of the Mohawk Valley Section, as a Sub-Section thereby making it an International Section. The first Officers were: P. F. Mengel, Chair; and G. W. Reed, Secretary. This area has now become a direct part of the Mohawk Valley Section. IRE formed a Section on 11 November 1953, called Rome-Utica Section. The first Officers of the Mohawk Valley Section were: Harry Davis, Chair; and M.V. Ratynski, Secretary. Mohawk Valley has held two Regional BOG Meetings. The first was held at Clarkson University in, Potsdam, NY, on 11 August 1990. The second meeting was held in Cornwall, Ontario, Canada, on 19 August 2000. The US Air Force Rome Air Development Center (Now Rome Laboratory) was very active in the design and development of Radar, Communications, Electronic Countermeasures, Intelligence, and Electronic Warfare. General Electric Aerospace was active in the design and development of Electronic Systems. Two Mohawk Valley members have been elected Region 1 Directors; Richard Benoit in 1974-1975, and Richard Ackley in 1994-1995.
New Hampshire
New Hampshire AIEE Section was formed on 3 September 1953. The first Officers were: R. W. Hunt, Chair; and R. A. Nichols, Secretary. The archives do not show an IRE entity for New Hampshire. The Region 1 BOG held a meeting at Durham, New Hampshire on 1 October 1982.
New Jersey Coast
New Jersey Coast is the only Section in Region 1 that was formed after the AIEE/IRE Merger, on 20 March 1965. The archives do not have any information regarding the first Officers. Section petition documents indicate Dr. David C Hogg to have been Chairman of the Monmouth Sub-section of the New York Section at the time of the approval to form the New Jersey Coast Section. Region 1 BOG held a meeting at South Seaside Park, NJ on 26 September 1981.
New York
New York AIEE Section was formed on 10 December 1919. The first Officers were: H. W. Buck, Chair; and H. A. Pratt, Secretary. Although the first technical session of AIEE was held in Philadelphia, most of the early meetings were held in New York City. The New York IRE Section was formed in 1943, and the first Officers were: H. M. Lewis, Chair; and H. F. Dart, Secretary. New York Section sponsored several Region 1 BOG Meetings: 1965, 1975, 1979, 1981, 1983,1985, 1989, 1991, and 1993. Laguardia meetings mentioned for Long Island may have been co-sponsored by NY. New York Section had two members elected President of IEEE; Eric E. Sumner, and Lewis M. Terman. Roger Sullivan served as Director of Region 1 in 2004-05. We want to give special recognition to Karl Sommer who ably conducted the BOG office of Treasurer for nine different Directors over a period of eighteen years. The New York Section has been continually involved in the development of electrical engineering knowledge and electronic development. New York formed the IEEE International Conference (INTERCON) to interchange electrical and electronics knowledge and show new products and ideas. The INTERCON merged with Boston’s New England Research and Engineering Meeting (NEREM) to form the trade show ELECTRO. New York and Boston continued to operate ELECTRO shows annually for twenty years until it ceased to be self-supporting.
North Jersey
The IEEE North Jersey Section grew out of the IRE Northern New Jersey Sub-Section of the New York Section, which was formed in 1947, with the name Northern New Jersey. The first Officer was Jerry B. Minter, chair. BOG Meetings were held in North Jersey in 1998, 1999, 2002, 2004 and 2008. North Jersey has Edison Menlo Park located within their Section, where much of the early electrical and electronics marvels were invented and reduced to practice, which we don’t feel we can get along without today. North Jersey has another very critical location, the IEEE Headquarters, in Piscataway.
In the AIEE, the territory that is currently part of the IEEE North Jersey Section was a part of the AIEE New Jersey Subsection of the New York Section, which was formed in 1947. The first Officers of the AIEE New Jersey Subsection were: Leland F. Stone, Chair; and L.J. Lunas Secretary.
Princeton-Central Jersey
Princeton was an AIEE Sub-Section of Philadelphia in 1962, with Officers: H. M. Chandler, Chair; and J. L. VanDine, Secretary. Two Region 1 Directors are from the Princeton-Central Jersey Section: Dr. Gerard Alphonse in 2001-2002; and Irving Engelson in 2000-2001.
Providence became a Section of AIEE on 12 March 1920, with Walter C. Slade, Chair and F. N. Tompkins, Secretary. The archives do not show any IRE involvement in Providence. Providence held a Region 1 BOG meeting in Newport, RI on 12 August 1987.
Rochester became a Section of AIEE on 9 October 1914, with E. L. Wilder, Chair, and F. E. Haskell, Secretary. Rochester became a Section of IRE in 1926, with V. N. Graham Chair, and Harvey Klumb Secretary. When the founding Societies merged Lynn C. Holmes, Rochester Section was the first Region 1 Director and the only Director that served three terms; 1963, 1964, and 1965. Rochester hosted a summer Region 1 BOG Meeting on 8 August 1998.
Region 1 BOG Meeting on 15-17 August 2003, and Schenectady Centennial Celebration
Schenectady Section is congratulated for reaching that coveted milestone of century membership in the Institute and in the same year, 2003, by having one of their members, Dr. Michael Adler elected President of IEEE. Dr. Adler was the second IEEE President from Schenectady, the first being; Harold Chestnut in 1973. Other Region 1 BOG Meetings were held in the Schenectady Section in 1993, 1994, and 2008.
Schenectady became a Branch of AIEE on 26 January 1903, and was the 10th/11th Branch in AIEE, and the 2nd Branch in Region 1 area.
Any discussion of Schenectady and AIEE must also consider the General Electric Company (GE) and its founding entities. Note that GE was formed in 1892, only eight years after AIEE. GE was formed by the merger of the Edison General Electric Company of New York and Thompson-Houston Company of Lynn, MA.
The great electrical engineering company and the great electrical engineering society grew together in Schenectady and basically utilized the same personnel. The Chair and Secretary of Schenectady AIEE invariably had a GE address GE grew rapidly annexing several smaller firms. One of these was Rudolph Eichemayers Manufacturing Company in Yonkers, NY. Whose Chief Draftsman was Charles Steinmetz. GE continued to grow in Schenectady when Thomas Edison moved his NY Tool Works there in 1886.
In 1894, Charles Steinmetz was transferred to Schenectady GE and was elected AIEE President in 1901-1902. An Employees Engineering Society was formed at GE in 1898 which grew rapidly and transferred into the AIEE as a Branch as noted above. In 1904 Dr. Steinmetz served as the AIEE Branch Chair, and R. Neil Williams was Secretary. In 1907, AIEE Branches were renamed Sections.
A Section of IRE was formed in Schenectady in 1950 with: H. L. Thorson as Chair, and J. D. Cobine as Secretary. Both had addresses at GE. Schenectady IRE Section was relatively late in being formed. It should be noted that GE was the major electrical manufacturer, and they concentrated on large power equipment and electronics did not become critical in these large systems until later.
Springfield became a Section of AIEE on 29 June 1922, with Officers: W. A. Dick, Chair, and J. Frank Murray Secretary. The archives do not show any IRE membership for Springfield. Two Region 1 BOG Meetings were sponsored by the Springfield Section; both of which were held at the Sturbridge Host Hotel in Sturbridge, MA. The first was held on 19 August 1988, and the second on 26 August 1995.
and BOG Meeting held on 19 August 2006.
An AIEE University Branch was formed at Syracuse University on 24 February 1905, and has been active since that time. The first Officer was W. P. Graham who was Chair and Secretary. The Syracuse AIEE Section was formed on 12 August 1920, with Edward T. Moore Chair and Frank Simpson Secretary. The Syracuse IRE Section was formed in 1947 with C. A. Priest Chair and R. E. Moe Secretary. At the time the Section was formed Dr. W. R. G. Baker, a Vice-President of GE Electronics was elected President of IRE. The support the History committee received from Syracuse in the preparation of this report was outstanding. Syracuse members contributing were: George Kirkpatrick, LFIEEE; Jay Lee, Syracuse University representative; Mike Hayes, Syracuse Section Chair; and our Regional long-term colleague Donald Herres. Mr. Kirkpatrick was very active in IRE and represented Dr. Baker at many IRE functions He was also a contemporary of Arthur Stern who was IEEE President in 1975 and Jerome Suran who was IEEE President in 1979.
Both Stern and Suran were at GE Electronics Park, Syracuse, but it is unknown if they were there when they were Presidents.He also did considerable volunteer work with Dr. George Haller who was also at GE Syracuse. Dr. Haller worked with engineers at Wright Patterson Air force Base to form the IRE Professional Group on Airborne and Navigational Electronics (PGANE). After the merger of IRE with AIEE, the PGANE became a part of IEEE Aerospace and Electronics Systems Society (AESS). Mike Hayes reported that Nick Holonyak Jr. While at GE Syracuse, invented the first visible Semiconductor Laser in 1957.
Worcester County
The Worcester Section of AIEE was formed on 18 February 1920, with C. R. Oliver Chair and Dean J. Locke Secretary. Worcester County did not have any indication of IRE involvement in the archives. Worcester County had no Regional BOG meetings unless they co-chaired with Springfield in 1988 or 1995.
Larry Nelson is commended for his tireless and active support for the Worcester Section and IEEE, and also Larry Nelson Jr. for his support of Regional Electronic Communications.
Region 1 Founders of AIEE
Region 1 Founders of IRE
AIEE Presidents From Region 1
IRE Presidents From Region 1
IEEE Presidents From Region 1
Region 1 Section Anniversary Dates
IEEE Region 1 Directors and Secretaries
Lynn C. Holmes, Rochester, NY
F. A. Mitchell, Unknown
Dr. W. Crawford Dunlap, W. Newton, MA
Dr. Harry Mimno, Lexington, MA
Dr. James Storer, Lexington, MA
Harold Goldberg, Lexington, MA
Richard Benoit, Utica, NY
Rex Beers, Rome, NY
Arthur Rossoff, Huntington Station, NY
Gondolfo Gallegro, Unk.
Dr. James Shepherd, Concord, MA
Dr. Bruce Wedlock, Arlington, MA
Hans Cherney, Mount Kisko, NY
Dr. Bruce Wedlock, Arlington, MA
Dr. Bruce Wedlock, Arlington, MA
Richard D’Onofrio, Boston, MA
Alex Gruenwald, Hicksville, NY
Lou Luceri, Lindenhurst, NY
Michael Whitelaw, Newington, CT
Richard Kubica, Glastonbury, CT
Victor Zourides, Wheatley Heights, NY
Peter Eckstein, Smithtown, NY
John Kaczorowski, Boston, MA
William Carakatsane, Saugus, MA
Joel Snyder, Plainview, NY
Arthur Hudson, Bedford, NH
Richard Ackley, Rome, NY
Daniel Kenneally, Rome, NY
Dr. Arthur Winston, Winchester, MA
James Britt, Peabody, MA
Louis Luceri, Lindenhurst, NY
Peter Eckstein, Smithtown, NY
Dr. Irving Engelson, Jamesburg, NJ
Peter Eckstein, Smithtown, NY
Dr. Gerard Alphonse, Princeton, NJ
Peter Eckstein, Smithtown, NY
Roger K. Sullivan, Bergenfield, NJ
Peter Eckstein, Smithtown, NY
Dr. Barry Shoop, West Point, NY
Peter Eckstein, Smithtown, NY
Dr. Howard Michel, N. Dartmouth, MA
Mary Reidi, Erie Blvd., Syracuse, NY
Dr. Charles P. Rubenstein, Massapequa, NY
Stanley Karoly, NY
Dr. Charles P. Rubenstein, Massapequa, NY
Santo Mazzola, Long Island
Peter Eckstein, Smithtown, NY
Santo Mazzola, Long Island
Vincent Socci, Binghamton, NY
Santo Mazzola, Long Island
Ronald Tabroff, Boston, MA
William Carakatsane, Boston, MA
Dr. Babak Beheshti, Long Island
Region 1 BOG Meeting Locations
Sponsoring Section
NY City, NY
New York
NY City, NY
New York
Travelers Hotel, LI, NY
Long Island
Sheraton, Boston, MA
Sheraton, Laguardia, NY
New York or Long Island
Sheraton, Laguardia, NY
New York or Long Island
Sheraton Center, New York City, NY
New York
Sheraton, Boston, MA
Hilton, Niagara Falls, NY
MIT, Cambridge, MA
Sheraton, New York City, NY
New York
South Seaside Park, NJ
New Jersey Coast
Sheraton, Boston, MA
Durham, NH
New Hampshire
Sheraton, New York City, NY
New York
Holiday Inn, Fishkill, NY
Sheraton, Boston, MA
Portland, Maine
Sheraton, New York City, NY
New York
Lenox, MA
Sheraton, Boston, MA
Raddisson, Burlington, VT
Green Mountain
Viking Hotel, Newport, RI
Sheraton, Boston, MA
Sturbridge Resort, Sturbridge, MA
Marriott, Long Island, NY
New York or Long Island
Marriott Marquis, NY City, NY
New York
Hilton, Niagara Falls, NY
Marriott, Laguardia, NY
New York or Long Island
Sheraton, Boston, MA
Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY
Mohawk Valley
Ramada, Boston, MA
Marriott Marquis, NY City, NY
New York
Marriott, Peabody, MA
Marriott, Laguardia, NY
New York or Long Island
Sheraton, Boston, MA
Nevelle Hotel, Ellenville, NY
Logan Ramada, Boston, MA
Electro 93, NY City, NY
New York
Roaring Brook, Lake George, NY
Holiday Inn, Albany, NY
Nevele Hotel, Ellenville, NY
Holiday Inn, Albany, NY
Sturbridge Resort, Sturbridge, MA
Springfield and/or Worcester
Windsor Locks, CT
Sheraton, Syracuse, NY
Radisson, Happauge, NY
Long Island
Marriott, Andover, MA
Totawa, NJ
North Jersey
Rochester, NY
Waltham, MA
Hyatt, New Brunswick, NJ
North Jersey
Sheraton, Burlington, VT
Green Mountain
Best Western, Cornwall, Ontario, Canada
Mohawk Valley
Windsor Locks, CT
Niagara Falls, NY
Newark, NJ
North Jersey
Cornell Hotel, Ithaca, NY
Boston, MA
Schenectady, NY
Elizabeth, NJ
North Jersey
Sturbridge Resort, Sturbridge, MA
Boston, MA
Portland, Maine
E. Elmhurst, NY
Long Island
Sheraton, Syracuse, NY
Windsor Locks, CT
Burlington, VT
Green Mountain
Hyatt, New Brunswick, NJ
North Jersey
Crowne Plaza, Albany, NY
Southbridge Hotel and Conference Center, Southbridge, MA
08/13/2022 - 08/24/2022
Region 1 Milestones
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Dedication: June 1990 - IEEE Buffalo Section. Only the 1895 transformer house,(long, grey-roofed building in center of satellite photo) designed by the famous architects McKim, Mead and White, remains at the original location. The entrance to the first Adams plant has been re-erected in the park on Goats Island (between the falls). When the Adams Plant went into operation on August 26, 1895, it represented a key victory for alternating-current systems over direct-current. The clear advantage of high voltage AC for long distance power transmission and the unprecedented size of the plant (it reached its full capacity of ten 5,000-HP generators in May 1900) influenced the future of the electrical industry worldwide.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"Adams Hydroelectric Generating Plant, 1895","link":"","lat":43.081784,"lon":-79.042946,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:Alexanderson_Radio_Alternator,_1904#_143bbe0684b166e995d973d6bca6f622\" title=\"Milestones:Alexanderson Radio Alternator, 1904\"\u003EMilestones:Alexanderson Radio Alternator, 1904\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EGeneral Electric Co., 1 River Rd, Building 37, Schenectady, New York, U.S.A. Dedication: February 1992 - IEEE Schenectady Section. The Alexanderson radio alternator was a high-power, radio-frequency source which provided reliable transoceanic radiotelegraph communication during and after World War I. Ernst F.W. Alexanderson (1878-1975), a General Electric engineer, designed radio alternators with a frequency range to 100 kHz and a power capability from 2 kW to 200 kW. These machines, developed during the period 1904 to 1918, were used in research on high-frequency properties of materials as well as for international communications.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"Alexanderson Radio Alternator, 1904","link":"","lat":42.809949,"lon":-73.951549,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:Alternating_Current_Electrification,_1886#_318a4b7e0c6fde589913c455e03eb5b0\" title=\"Milestones:Alternating Current Electrification, 1886\"\u003EMilestones:Alternating Current Electrification, 1886\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003E1886 Corner of Cottage and Main Streets, Great Barrington, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Dedication: 2 October 2004, IEEE Berkshire Section. On 20 March 1886 William Stanley provided alternating current electrification to offices and stores on Main Street in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. He thus demonstrated the first practical system for providing electrical illumination using alternating current with transformers to adjust voltage levels of the distribution system.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"Alternating Current Electrification, 1886","link":"","lat":42.198443,"lon":-73.361209,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:Alternating-Current_Electrification_of_the_New_York,_New_Haven_%26_Hartford_Railroad,_1907#_7daa0c86afd42c3b3cb759bea022961a\" title=\"Milestones:Alternating-Current Electrification of the New York, New Haven \u0026amp; Hartford Railroad, 1907\"\u003EMilestones:Alternating-Current Electrification of the New York, New Haven \u0026#38; Hartford Railroad, 1907\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EDedicated May 1982 - IEEE Connecticut Section. (ASME National Historic Engineering Landmark, jointly designated with IEEE). This was a pioneering venture in mainline railroad electrification. It established single-phase alternating current as a technical and economical alternative to direct current. This concept exerted considerable influence over subsequent systems both in the United States and abroad. The major components of the system were developed by the engineering staffs of the New York, New Haven \u0026amp; Hartford Railroad and the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company of East Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"Alternating-Current Electrification of the New York, New Haven \u0026 Hartford Railroad, 1907","link":"","lat":41.030191,"lon":-73.598839,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:Alvin_Deep-Sea_Research_Submersible,_1965-1984#_728883cc33fb574ecdeec4d7f067732a\" title=\"Milestones:Alvin Deep-Sea Research Submersible, 1965-1984\"\u003EMilestones:Alvin Deep-Sea Research Submersible, 1965-1984\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EIn 1965, the U.S. Navy commissioned the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution\u2019s deep-sea submersible, \u003Ci\u003EAlvin\u003C/i\u003E. From 1974-84, \u003Ci\u003EAlvin\u2019s\u003C/i\u003E engineers developed acoustical navigation (ALNAV), communications, photography, lighting, and life support systems specifically intended for the deepest oceans. It became one of the world\u2019s most important deep-sea scientific instruments. \u003Ci\u003EAlvin\u003C/i\u003E discovered effects of pressure on seafloor microbes, and \u003Ci\u003EAlvin's\u003C/i\u003E study of hydrothermal vents revolutionized our understanding of life\u2019s origins.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"Alvin Deep-Sea Research Submersible, 1965-1984","link":"","lat":41.525,"lon":-70.6717,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:American_Standard_Code_for_Information_Interchange_ASCII,_1963#_e26e954b399e4fe4450e2f76de3fb007\" title=\"Milestones:American Standard Code for Information Interchange ASCII, 1963\"\u003EMilestones:American Standard Code for Information Interchange ASCII, 1963\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EASCII, a character-encoding scheme originally based on the Latin alphabet, became the most common character encoding on the World Wide Web through 2007. ASCII is the basis of most modern character-encoding schemes. The American Standards Association X3.2 subcommittee published the first edition of the ASCII standard in 1963. Its first widespread commercial implementation was in the American Telephone \u0026amp; Telegraph (AT\u0026amp;T) Teletypewriter eXchange network and Teletype Model 33 teleprinters.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"American Standard Code for Information Interchange ASCII, 1963","link":"","lat":40.3973552,"lon":-74.1376984,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:Apollo_Guidance_Computer,_1962-1972#_be0eb21c72242fa74ed3339a7ff00a96\" title=\"Milestones:Apollo Guidance Computer, 1962-1972\"\u003EMilestones:Apollo Guidance Computer, 1962-1972\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003ECharles Stark Draper Laboratory, 555 Technology Square Cambridge, MA, U.S.A. The Apollo Guidance Computer provided spacecraft guidance, navigation, and control during all of NASA\u2019s Apollo Moon missions. It was developed under the leadership of Dr. Charles Stark Draper at the MIT Instrumentation Lab - now Draper Laboratory. This pioneering \u0026#160;digital flight computer was the first real-time embedded computing system to collect data automatically and provide mission-critical calculations for the Apollo Command Module and Lunar Module.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"Apollo Guidance Computer, 1962-1972","link":"","lat":42.364842,"lon":-71.090839,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:BASIC_Computer_Language,_1964#_a24cd643b2ef6edb594dbec46e74c484\" title=\"Milestones:BASIC Computer Language, 1964\"\u003EMilestones:BASIC Computer Language, 1964\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EBeginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code (BASIC) was created in this building. During the mid-1970s and 1980s, BASIC was the principal programming language used on early microcomputers. Its simplicity and wide acceptance made it useful in fields beyond science and mathematics, and enabled more people to harness the power of computation.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"BASIC Computer Language, 1964","link":"","lat":43.702668,"lon":-72.289845,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:Bell_Telephone_Laboratories,_Inc.,_1925-1983#_b5f78069c52809699663eda091f36f71\" title=\"Milestones:Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., 1925-1983\"\u003EMilestones:Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., 1925-1983\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EThe plaque may be viewed at Alcatel-Lucent, 600 Mountain Ave., Murray Hill, NJ, U.S.A.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., 1925-1983","link":"","lat":40.684376,"lon":-74.401628,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:Demonstration_of_Practical_Telegraphy,_1838#_d3e95a8e31580ae4fb00a187553edf30\" title=\"Milestones:Demonstration of Practical Telegraphy, 1838\"\u003EMilestones:Demonstration of Practical Telegraphy, 1838\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003E333 Speedwell Avenue, Morristown, New Jersey, U.S.A. Dedication: May 1988 - IEEE North Jersey Section. In this building in January 1838, Samuel F. B. Morse and Alfred Vail first demonstrated publicly crucial elements of their telegraph system, using instruments that Vail had constructed during the previous months. Electrical pulses, transmitted through two miles of wire, caused an electromagnet to ink dots and dashes (grouped to represent letters and words) on a strip of paper. Commercialization began in 1844 when funding became available.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"Demonstration of Practical Telegraphy, 1838","link":"","lat":40.812,"lon":-74.4812,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:Detection_of_Radar_Signals_Reflected_from_the_Moon,_1946#_81bc1b2813ef2253ea63056ced669a55\" title=\"Milestones:Detection of Radar Signals Reflected from the Moon, 1946\"\u003EMilestones:Detection of Radar Signals Reflected from the Moon, 1946\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EOn 10 January 1946, a team of military and civilian personnel at Camp Evans, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, USA, reflected the first radar signals off the Moon using a specially modified SCR-270/1 radar. The signals took 2.5 seconds to travel to the Moon and back to the Earth. This achievement, Project Diana, marked the beginning of radar astronomy and space communications.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"Detection of Radar Signals Reflected from the Moon, 1946","link":"","lat":40.18486,"lon":-74.05652,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:Development_of_193-nm_Projection_Photolithography,_1984-1996#_84ee7ae25f31002c15855f44d5fc579e\" title=\"Milestones:Development of 193-nm Projection Photolithography, 1984-1996\"\u003EMilestones:Development of 193-nm Projection Photolithography, 1984-1996\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EMIT Lincoln Laboratory pioneered the research, development, and demonstration of 193-nm projection lithography. This technology became the dominant high-resolution patterning technique, enabling the continuous performance scaling of integrated circuits for decades. During 1984\u20131996, Lincoln Laboratory established an international research center with industrial partners and consortia to guide microelectronic chip manufacturing with 193-nm lithography, which paved the way for its widespread commercial adoption.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"Development of 193-nm Projection Photolithography, 1984-1996","link":"","lat":42.459061,"lon":-71.266997,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:Development_of_Information_Theory,_1939-1967#_4e6a510ca72d3a7579d9869b3cf3e9d1\" title=\"Milestones:Development of Information Theory, 1939-1967\"\u003EMilestones:Development of Information Theory, 1939-1967\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EThe mathematical principles of Information Theory, laid down by Claude Elwood Shannon during the period 1939-1967, set in motion a revolution in communication system engineering. They quantified the concept of information, established fundamental limits in the representation and reliable transmission of information, and revealed the architecture of systems for approaching them. Today, Information Theory continues to provide the foundation for advances in information collection, storage, distribution, and processing.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"Development of Information Theory, 1939-1967","link":"","lat":42.3616823,"lon":-71.0905606,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:Electric_Fire_Alarm_System,_1852#_678e930ca827d219393799e098009ee5\" title=\"Milestones:Electric Fire Alarm System, 1852\"\u003EMilestones:Electric Fire Alarm System, 1852\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003E59 Fenway, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. On 28 April 1852 the first municipal electric fire alarm system using call boxes with automatic signaling to indicate the location of a fire was placed into operation in Boston. Invented by William Channing and Moses Farmer, this system was highly successful in reducing property loss and deaths due to fire and was subsequently adopted throughout the United States and in Canada.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"Electric Fire Alarm System, 1852","link":"","lat":42.343968,"lon":-71.090885,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:FM_Police_Radio_Communication,_1940#_caca4c07aeef655f445e5ef953ae91e3\" title=\"Milestones:FM Police Radio Communication, 1940\"\u003EMilestones:FM Police Radio Communication, 1940\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EDepartment of Public Safety, State Police, 100 Washington St., Hartford, Connecticut, U.S.A. Dedication: June 1987 - IEEE Connecticut Section. A major advance in police radio occurred in 1940 when the Connecticut state police began operating a two-way, frequency modulated (FM) system in Hartford. The statewide system developed by Daniel E. Noble of the University of Connecticut and engineers at the Fred M. Link Company greatly reduced static, the main problem of the amplitude modulated (AM) system. FM mobile radio became standard throughout the country following the success of the Connecticut system.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"FM Police Radio Communication, 1940","link":"","lat":41.759612,"lon":-72.681905,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:First_Blind_Takeoff,_Flight_and_Landing,_1929#_18a6fd8107e395975d7031b8b91761b7\" title=\"Milestones:First Blind Takeoff, Flight and Landing, 1929\"\u003EMilestones:First Blind Takeoff, Flight and Landing, 1929\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EThe plaque may be viewed at the Cradle of Aviation Museum, 1 Charles Lindberg Blvd, Garden City, NY, U.S.A. On 24 September 1929, the first blind takeoff, flight and landing occurred at Mitchel Field, Garden City, NY in a Consolidated NY-2 biplane piloted by Lt. James Doolittle. Equipped with specially designed radio and aeronautical instrumentation, it represented the cooperative efforts of many organizations, mainly the Guggenheim Fund\u2019s Full Flight Laboratory, U.S. Army Air Corps, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Sperry Gyroscope Company, Kollsman Instrument Company and Radio Frequency Laboratories.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"First Blind Takeoff, Flight and Landing, 1929","link":"","lat":40.728077,"lon":-73.597389,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:First_Intelligible_Voice_Transmission_over_Electric_Wire,_1876#_768c78ef7dbbf8ebfc67d4b8d1afb822\" title=\"Milestones:First Intelligible Voice Transmission over Electric Wire, 1876\"\u003EMilestones:First Intelligible Voice Transmission over Electric Wire, 1876\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003ECity Hall Plaza, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Dedication: 10 March 2006. The first transmission of intelligible speech over electrical wires took place on March 10, 1876. Inventor Alexander Graham Bell called out to his assistant Thomas Watson, \"Mr. Watson, come here! I want to see you.\" This transmission took place in their attic laboratory located in a building near here at 5 Exeter Place.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"First Intelligible Voice Transmission over Electric Wire, 1876","link":"","lat":42.359377,"lon":-71.058043,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:First_Optical_Fiber_Laser_and_Amplifier,_1961-1964#_4e9a3e2d8ed992c1e97082f3eebb1d8c\" title=\"Milestones:First Optical Fiber Laser and Amplifier, 1961-1964\"\u003EMilestones:First Optical Fiber Laser and Amplifier, 1961-1964\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EPlaque may be viewed on the Southbridge, Massachusetts town common across from the old American Optical building and next to the Eyeglass Sculpture, Southbridge, MA, U.S.A. In 1961, Elias Snitzer and colleagues constructed and operated the world's first optical fiber laser in the former American Optical complex at 14 Mechanic Street. Three years later this team demonstrated the first optical fiber amplifier. Fiber lasers that can cut and weld steel have since become powerful industrial tools and fiber amplifiers routinely boost signals in the global optical fiber network allowing messages to cross oceans and continents without interruption.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"First Optical Fiber Laser and Amplifier, 1961-1964","link":"","lat":42.075022,"lon":-72.026767,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:First_Real-Time_Speech_Communication_on_Packet_Networks,_1974_-_1982#_ae9dd56663dd5cf6cda03f608861fb57\" title=\"Milestones:First Real-Time Speech Communication on Packet Networks, 1974 - 1982\"\u003EMilestones:First Real-Time Speech Communication on Packet Networks, 1974 - 1982\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EIn August 1974, the first real-time speech communication over a packet-switched network was demonstrated via ARPANET between MIT Lincoln Laboratory and USC Information Sciences Institute. By 1982, these technologies enabled Internet packet speech and conferencing linking terrestrial, packet radio, and satellite networks. This work in real-time network protocols and speech coding laid the foundation for voice-over-internet-protocol (VoIP) communications and related applications including Internet videoconferencing.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"First Real-Time Speech Communication on Packet Networks, 1974 - 1982","link":"","lat":42.458626,"lon":-71.263568,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:First_Transatlantic_Transmission_of_a_Television_Signal_via_Satellite,_1962#_101d3a7913286f4f1a76cc152b95e9fd\" title=\"Milestones:First Transatlantic Transmission of a Television Signal via Satellite, 1962\"\u003EMilestones:First Transatlantic Transmission of a Television Signal via Satellite, 1962\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EAndover, Maine, U.S.A. Dedication: July 2002 - IEEE Maine Section. On 11 July 1962 this site transmitted the first transatlantic TV signal to a twin station in Pleumeur-Bodou, France via the TELSTAR satellite. The success of TELSTAR and the earth stations, the first built for active satellite communications, illustrated the potential of a future world-wide satellite system to provide communications between continents.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"First Transatlantic Transmission of a Television Signal via Satellite, 1962","link":"","lat":44.93875,"lon":-70.75005,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:First_Wireless_Radio_Broadcast_by_Reginald_A._Fessenden,_1906#_a1805dd757865fb6d32999b7f0af4a15\" title=\"Milestones:First Wireless Radio Broadcast by Reginald A. Fessenden, 1906\"\u003EMilestones:First Wireless Radio Broadcast by Reginald A. Fessenden, 1906\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EBlackman\u2019s Point, Brant Rock, in the County of Plymouth Massachusetts. On 24 December 1906, the first radio broadcast for entertainment and music was transmitted from Brant Rock, Massachusetts to the general public. This pioneering broadcast was achieved after years of development work by Reginald Aubrey Fessenden (1866-1932) who built a complete system of wireless transmission and reception using amplitude modulation (AM) of continuous electromagnetic waves. This technology was a revolutionary departure from transmission of dots and dashes widespread at the time.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"First Wireless Radio Broadcast by Reginald A. Fessenden, 1906","link":"","lat":42.081973,"lon":-70.640951,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:French_Transatlantic_Telegraph_Cable_of_1898#_6a4ed60f651e5b5f85864bba1d1ca6d0\" title=\"Milestones:French Transatlantic Telegraph Cable of 1898\"\u003EMilestones:French Transatlantic Telegraph Cable of 1898\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EThe submarine telegraph cable known as Le Direct provided communication between Europe and North America without intermediate relaying. In a remarkable feat of oceanic engineering, the cable was laid in the deepest waters of the Atlantic Ocean between Brest, France, and Orleans, Massachusetts. When completed in 1898 by La Compagnie Francaise des Cables Telegraphiques, it spanned 3174 nautical miles (5878 km), making it the longest and heaviest cable in service.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"French Transatlantic Telegraph Cable of 1898","link":"","lat":41.7878355,"lon":-69.9874943,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:Grand_Central_Terminal_Electrification,_1906-1913#_2e0041ddf27513654d7beee3821e3926\" title=\"Milestones:Grand Central Terminal Electrification, 1906-1913\"\u003EMilestones:Grand Central Terminal Electrification, 1906-1913\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EGrand Central Terminal, in continuous use since 1913, was the first large-scale railroad electrification project, a development that enabled it to become a major railroad terminal. The design of the Terminal included several notable achievements in the field of electric traction such as innovative designs of electric locomotives, multiple unit (MU) control of electric rolling stock and the pioneering use of underrunning third rail.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"Grand Central Terminal Electrification, 1906-1913","link":"","lat":40.7527262,"lon":-73.9772294,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:Grumman_Lunar_Module,_1962-1972#_04b03fa61578e62b533cdbbd0f67804d\" title=\"Milestones:Grumman Lunar Module, 1962-1972\"\u003EMilestones:Grumman Lunar Module, 1962-1972\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003ENorthrop Grumman Aerospace Systems, 600 Grumman Road West, Bethpage, New York, U.S.A. The Grumman Lunar Module was the first vehicle to land man on an extraterrestrial body, the Moon. Because it was designed to fly solely in space, its design, construction and testing continuously pushed the technology envelope for lightweight metals and unique electrical and electronic systems resulting in one of the most important and successful engineering achievements of mankind.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"Grumman Lunar Module, 1962-1972","link":"","lat":40.751609,"lon":-73.501845,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:Handheld_Digital_Camera,_1975#_3b53ed496b9852087812fb5200885af8\" title=\"Milestones:Handheld Digital Camera, 1975\"\u003EMilestones:Handheld Digital Camera, 1975\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EA self-contained portable digital camera was invented at an Eastman Kodak Company laboratory. It used movie camera optics, a charge-coupled device as an electronic light sensor, a temporary buffer of random-access memory, and image storage on a digital cassette. Subsequent commercial digital cameras using flash memory storage revolutionized how images are captured, processed, and shared, creating opportunities in commerce, education, and global communications.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"Handheld Digital Camera, 1975","link":"","lat":43.198318,"lon":-77.630898,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:Harvard_Mark_1_Computer,_1944_-_1959#_ab82e604dda37f28aaa00c4bc088e7cb\" title=\"Milestones:Harvard Mark 1 Computer, 1944 - 1959\"\u003EMilestones:Harvard Mark 1 Computer, 1944 - 1959\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EThe Mark I computer was a general-purpose electro-mechanical computer that could execute long computations automatically. It was conceived by Harvard University's Dr. Howard Aiken, and built by International Business Machines Corporation in New York. The machine used mechanical punch-card tabulating equipment. Considered the first large-scale electro-mechanical computer, it was a leap forward in modern computing.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"Harvard Mark 1 Computer, 1944 - 1959","link":"","lat":42.3763452,"lon":-71.1166043,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:IBM_Thomas_J._Watson_Research_Center,_1960_-_1984#_f9a3b4a70002eab12e7182d0869f3cf0\" title=\"Milestones:IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, 1960 - 1984\"\u003EMilestones:IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, 1960 - 1984\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EWatson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY. In its first quarter century, the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center produced numerous seminal advances having sustained worldwide impact in electrical engineering and computing. Semiconductor device innovations include dynamic random access memory (DRAM), superlattice crystals, and field effect transistor (FET) scaling laws. Computing innovations include reduced instruction set computer (RISC) architecture, integer programming, amorphous magnetic films for optical storage technology, and thin-film magnetic recording heads.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, 1960 - 1984","link":"","lat":41.216193,"lon":-73.806002,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:Interactive_Video_Games,_1966#_51b2adc2e4200a8a61620ed9fc276d76\" title=\"Milestones:Interactive Video Games, 1966\"\u003EMilestones:Interactive Video Games, 1966\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EThis site commemorates the creation of the Modified READ two-dimensional coding for G3 facsimile developed through the careful collaboration of NTT and KDDI. Strong Japanese leadership with intense international discussion, testing, and cooperation produced the International Telecommunications Union G3 recommendation in 1980. This innovative and efficient standard enabled the worldwide commercial success of facsimile\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"Interactive Video Games, 1966","link":"","lat":42.7640789,"lon":-71.4581544,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:Invention_of_the_First_Transistor_at_Bell_Telephone_Laboratories,_Inc.,_1947#_2d90ed3ec56e1a7d708283d9085ce526\" title=\"Milestones:Invention of the First Transistor at Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., 1947\"\u003EMilestones:Invention of the First Transistor at Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., 1947\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EBell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ. At this site, in Building 1, Room 1E455, from 17 November to 23 December 1947, Walter H. Brattain and John A. Bardeen -- under the direction of William B. Shockley -- discovered the transistor effect, and developed and demonstrated a point-contact germanium transistor. This led directly to developments in solid-state devices that revolutionized the electronics industry and changed the way people around the world lived, learned, worked, and played.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"Invention of the First Transistor at Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., 1947","link":"","lat":40.684153,"lon":-74.401174,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:Largest_Private_(dc)_Generating_Plant_in_the_U.S.A.,_1929#_230caec70cbc86e8171f1e34cae66ef0\" title=\"Milestones:Largest Private (dc) Generating Plant in the U.S.A., 1929\"\u003EMilestones:Largest Private (dc) Generating Plant in the U.S.A., 1929\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EHotel New Yorker, 8th Avenue and 34th st. New York, New York. The Direct Current (dc) generating plant installed at the New Yorker Hotel in 1929, capable of supplying electric power sufficient for a city of 35,000 people, was the largest private generating plant in the U.S.A. Steam engines drove electric generators, with exhaust steam used for heating and other facilities. The installation used more than two hundred dc motors, and was controlled from a seven-foot (two-meter) high, sixty-foot (eighteen-meter) long switchboard.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"Largest Private (dc) Generating Plant in the U.S.A., 1929","link":"","lat":40.752193,"lon":-73.993465,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:Liquid_Crystal_Display,_1968#_27a5fbd167584ee070053a351e667f77\" title=\"Milestones:Liquid Crystal Display, 1968\"\u003EMilestones:Liquid Crystal Display, 1968\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EDavid Sarnoff Library, 201 Washington Road, Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.A. Dedication: 30 September 06. Between 1964 and 1968, at the RCA David Sarnoff Research Center in Princeton, New Jersey, a team of engineers and scientists led by George H. Heilmeier with Louis A. Zanoni and Lucian A. Barton, devised a method for electronic control of light reflected from liquid crystals and demonstrated the first liquid crystal display. Their work launched a global industry that now produces millions of LCDs annually for watches, calculators, flat-panel displays in televisions, computers and instruments.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"Liquid Crystal Display, 1968","link":"","lat":40.331685,"lon":-74.631637,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:Loran,_1940_-_1946#_f3a8c41ef34d2d3e10a1816045e7b26a\" title=\"Milestones:Loran, 1940 - 1946\"\u003EMilestones:Loran, 1940 - 1946\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003E211 Massachusetts Ave, Boston, viewable by pedestrians from street. The rapid development of Loran -- long range navigation -- under wartime conditions at MIT\u2019s Radiation Lab was not only a significant engineering feat but also transformed navigation, providing the world\u2019s first near-real-time positioning information. Beginning in June 1942, the United States Coast Guard helped develop, install and operate Loran until 2010.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"Loran, 1940 - 1946","link":"","lat":42.3616823,"lon":-71.0905606,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:MIT_Radiation_Laboratory,_1940-1945#_aa366c03567bbc9d8ad21b8c3a2f6c21\" title=\"Milestones:MIT Radiation Laboratory, 1940-1945\"\u003EMilestones:MIT Radiation Laboratory, 1940-1945\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EOriginal Radiation Lab, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Dedication: October 1990 - IEEE Boston Section. The MIT Radiation Laboratory, operated on this site between 1940 and 1945, advanced the allied war effort by making fundamental contributions to the design and deployment of microwave radar systems. Used on land, sea, and in the air, in many adaptations, radar was a decisive factor in the outcome of the conflict. The laboratory's 3900 employees made lasting contributions to microwave theory and technology, operational radar, systems engineering, long-range navigation, and control equipment.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"MIT Radiation Laboratory, 1940-1945","link":"","lat":42.37447,"lon":-71.105759,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:Mode_S_Air_Traffic_Control_Radar_Beacon_System,_1969-1995#_eb56de856748983ae2bfabe76e5d854c\" title=\"Milestones:Mode S Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System, 1969-1995\"\u003EMilestones:Mode S Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System, 1969-1995\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EIn 1969, MIT Lincoln Laboratory began developing the Mode S selective secondary surveillance radar beacon system to enable safe air traffic control in busy, spectrum-congested airspace. This technology made more efficient use of the radio spectrum than previous systems. By 1995, the Mode S techniques and transmission codes became the worldwide standard for air traffic control radars.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"Mode S Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System, 1969-1995","link":"","lat":42.459061,"lon":-71.266997,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:Monochrome-Compatible_Electronic_Color_Television,_1946-1953#_becb3d03e1a353da8a962f7a7a856657\" title=\"Milestones:Monochrome-Compatible Electronic Color Television, 1946-1953\"\u003EMilestones:Monochrome-Compatible Electronic Color Television, 1946-1953\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EPrinceton, New Jersey, U.S.A. Dedication: November 2001, IEEE Princeton/Central New Jersey Section. On this site between 1946 and 1950 the research staff of RCA Laboratories invented the world's first electronic, monochrome-compatible, color television system. They worked with other engineers in the industry for three years to develop a national analog standard based on this system, which lasted until the transition to digital broadcasting.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"Monochrome-Compatible Electronic Color Television, 1946-1953","link":"","lat":40.331685,"lon":-74.631637,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:Neutrodyne_Circuit,_1922#_cecb61558b5d935375fe2f9c4462f839\" title=\"Milestones:Neutrodyne Circuit, 1922\"\u003EMilestones:Neutrodyne Circuit, 1922\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EThe Neutrodyne Circuit, invented near this site in 1922, used neutralizing capacitors to eliminate squeals from parasitic oscillation that plagued early radios. Improved clarity of reception and easier tuning facilitated broader radio adoption by the general public. Multiple manufacturers licensed the circuit to make affordable consumer products, expanding the marketplace from amateur radio operators into a mass consumer market for news, information, music, and culture.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"Neutrodyne Circuit, 1922","link":"","lat":40.742287,"lon":-74.027778,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:Pearl_Street_Station,_1882#_af1ce09a41a2e029804d930298827098\" title=\"Milestones:Pearl Street Station, 1882\"\u003EMilestones:Pearl Street Station, 1882\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EConEd Building, 4 Irving Place, New York, NY, U.S.A. Thomas Alva Edison established the Edison Electric Illuminating Company of New York, now Consolidated Edison, to commercialize his 1879 incandescent lamp invention. On 4 September 1882, Edison\u2019s direct current (dc) generating station at 257 Pearl Street, began supplying electricity to customers in the First District, a one-quarter square mile (0.65 square km) area. This installation was the forerunner of all central electric generating stations.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"Pearl Street Station, 1882","link":"","lat":40.734135,"lon":-73.988637,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:Piezoelectric_Oscillator,_1921-1923#_1ee7e8e6717cf182170541c4d683775b\" title=\"Milestones:Piezoelectric Oscillator, 1921-1923\"\u003EMilestones:Piezoelectric Oscillator, 1921-1923\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EIn 1921, research at Wesleyan led to development of the first circuit to control frequencies based on a quartz crystal resonator. This technique was later applied in standards of frequency as a filter and for coupling between circuits. Piezoelectric quartz oscillators advanced ultrasonics, sonar, radar, and myriads of other electronic applications. They appeared in everyday life through their use in quartz wristwatches.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"Piezoelectric Oscillator, 1921-1923","link":"","lat":41.553366,"lon":-71.657601,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:Power_System_of_Boston%27s_Rapid_Transit,_1889#_57a1adb10a75ec89f07f44e3165be0d6\" title=\"Milestones:Power System of Boston\u0026#39;s Rapid Transit, 1889\"\u003EMilestones:Power System of Boston\u0026#39;s Rapid Transit, 1889\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EDedication: 10 November 2004, IEEE Boston Section. Ten Park Plaza, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Boston was the first city to build electric traction for a large-scale rapid transit system. The engineering challenge to design and construct safe, economically viable, and reliable electric power for Boston's rapid transit was met by the West End Street Railway Company, beginning in 1889. The company's pioneering efforts provided an important impetus to the adoption of mass transit systems nationwide.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"Power System of Boston's Rapid Transit, 1889","link":"","lat":42.356478,"lon":-71.062507,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:RCA_Central,_1921#_b6b850b7c60fca202f92b3948e29d206\" title=\"Milestones:RCA Central, 1921\"\u003EMilestones:RCA Central, 1921\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EOn 5 November 1921, the world\u2019s most powerful transoceanic radio facility at the time, RCA Radio Central, was inaugurated. Located at Rocky Point and Riverhead, New York, its Alexanderson 220 kW, 18.3 kHz transmitters and Beverage long-wire receiving antennas provided reliable worldwide radio communications. In succeeding years, RCA's research laboratory also developed diversity radio reception, rhombic and folded-dipole antennas, the first transoceanic single side-band channels, and commercial facsimile service.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"RCA Central, 1921","link":"","lat":40.89668,"lon":-72.94543,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:SAGE-Semi-Automatic_Ground_Environment,_1951-1958#_ee678dbcb4af0358280cf39330b8b4ef\" title=\"Milestones:SAGE-Semi-Automatic Ground Environment, 1951-1958\"\u003EMilestones:SAGE-Semi-Automatic Ground Environment, 1951-1958\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003ELincoln Laboratory, MIT, Cambridge, MA. In 1951 the Massachusetts Institute of Technology undertook the development of an air defense system for the United States. The centerpiece of this defense system was a large digital computer originally developed at MIT. The MIT Lincoln Laboratory was formed to carry out the initial development of this system and the first of some 23 SAGE control centers was completed in 1958. SAGE was the forerunner of today\u2019s digital computer networks.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"SAGE-Semi-Automatic Ground Environment, 1951-1958","link":"","lat":42.458626,"lon":-71.263568,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:SCR/Thyristor,_1957#_a332b63b38030463f0e6472367643e40\" title=\"Milestones:SCR/Thyristor, 1957\"\u003EMilestones:SCR/Thyristor, 1957\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EGeneral Electric introduced the silicon controlled rectifier (SCR), a three-terminal p-n-p-n device, in 1957. The gas-filled tubes used previously were difficult to operate and unreliable. The symmetrical alternating current switch (TRIAC), the gate turn-off thyristor (GTO), and the large integrated gate-commutated thyristor (IGCT) evolved from the SCR. Its development revolutionized efficient control of electric energy and electrical machines.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"SCR/Thyristor, 1957","link":"","lat":43.084319,"lon":-76.875856,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:Semiconductor_Laser,_1962#_b9c2a26d75cf2a532117e8a85d2014ac\" title=\"Milestones:Semiconductor Laser, 1962\"\u003EMilestones:Semiconductor Laser, 1962\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EIn the autumn of 1962, General Electric\u2019s Schenectady and Syracuse facilities, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, and MIT Lincoln Laboratory each independently reported the first demonstrations of the semiconductor laser. Smaller than a grain of rice, powered using direct current injection, and available at wavelengths spanning the ultraviolet to the infrared, the semiconductor laser became ubiquitous in modern communications, data storage, and precision measurement systems.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"Semiconductor Laser, 1962","link":"","lat":42.8312,"lon":-73.8797,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:TIROS_I_Television_Infrared_Observation_Satellite,_1960#_4be971039c78277973c9bfc8e93bb786\" title=\"Milestones:TIROS I Television Infrared Observation Satellite, 1960\"\u003EMilestones:TIROS I Television Infrared Observation Satellite, 1960\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003ESarnoff Library, Princeton, NJ. On 1 April 1960, the National Aeronautical and Space Administration launched TIROS I, the world's first meteorological satellite, to capture and transmit video images of the Earth's weather patterns. RCA staff at Defense Electronics Products, the David Sarnoff Research Center, and Astro-Electronics Division designed and constructed the satellite and ground station systems. TIROS I pioneered meteorological and environmental satellite television for an expanding array of purposes.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"TIROS I Television Infrared Observation Satellite, 1960","link":"","lat":40.331685,"lon":-74.631637,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:The_First_Two-Dimensional_Nuclear_Magnetic_Resonance_Image_(MRI),_1973#_bf2de732311c1d616bfe52f2816f2750\" title=\"Milestones:The First Two-Dimensional Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI), 1973\"\u003EMilestones:The First Two-Dimensional Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI), 1973\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EResearchers at Stony Brook University produced the first two-dimensional image using nuclear magnetic resonance in 1973.The proton distribution of the object, a test tube of water, was distinctly encoded using magnetic field gradients. This achievement was a major advance for MRI and paved the way for its worldwide usage as a noninvasive method to examine body tissue for disease detection.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"The First Two-Dimensional Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI), 1973","link":"","lat":40.9126624,"lon":-73.1298849,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:Thomas_A._Edison_West_Orange_Laboratories_and_Factories,_1887#_cb0fe26e2371c30fcf18a68e42374ef3\" title=\"Milestones:Thomas A. Edison West Orange Laboratories and Factories, 1887\"\u003EMilestones:Thomas A. Edison West Orange Laboratories and Factories, 1887\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EWest Orange, NJ. Thomas Alva Edison, a West Orange resident from 1886 until his death in 1931, established his final and most comprehensive laboratory and factory complex about one-half mile (0.8 km) north of here in 1887. Edison's visionary combination in one organization of basic and applied research, development, and manufacturing became the prototype for industrial enterprises worldwide. Work here resulted in more than half of Edison's 1,093 patents.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"Thomas A. Edison West Orange Laboratories and Factories, 1887","link":"","lat":40.778479,"lon":-74.239051,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:Thomas_Alva_Edison_Historic_Site_at_Menlo_Park,_1876#_e1eca6a46eeb1e31274af86bf499ee6d\" title=\"Milestones:Thomas Alva Edison Historic Site at Menlo Park, 1876\"\u003EMilestones:Thomas Alva Edison Historic Site at Menlo Park, 1876\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EMenlo Park, Edison, NJ. Dedication: 9 September 2006. Between 1876 and 1882 at Menlo Park, New Jersey, Thomas Edison developed the world's first industrial research and development laboratory devoted to developing new technology. At this laboratory. Edison and his staff developed the first system of incandescent electric lighting and electric power generation, and invented recorded sound and a commercially successful telephone transmitter.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"Thomas Alva Edison Historic Site at Menlo Park, 1876","link":"","lat":40.56503,"lon":-74.33743,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:Trans-Atlantic_Telephone_Fiber-Optic_Submarine_Cable_(TAT-8),_1988#_8c4aded66e705960613d2da41e4ddf04\" title=\"Milestones:Trans-Atlantic Telephone Fiber-Optic Submarine Cable (TAT-8), 1988\"\u003EMilestones:Trans-Atlantic Telephone Fiber-Optic Submarine Cable (TAT-8), 1988\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003ETAT-8, the first fiber-optic cable to cross an ocean, entered service 14 December 1988. AT\u0026amp;T, British Telecom, and France Telecom led the consortium that built TAT-8, which spanned a seabed distance of 5,846 km between North America and Europe. AT\u0026amp;T Bell Laboratories developed the foundational technologies: 1.3 micron fiber, cable, splicing, laser detector, and 280 Mbps repeater for 40,000 telephone-call capacity. Bell Labs led the integration at Freehold, New Jersey.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"Trans-Atlantic Telephone Fiber-Optic Submarine Cable (TAT-8), 1988","link":"","lat":40.3974427,"lon":-74.1356015,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:Two-Way_Police_Radio_Communication,_1933#_8935cb7a117b8f5a8aae9b28e30068a5\" title=\"Milestones:Two-Way Police Radio Communication, 1933\"\u003EMilestones:Two-Way Police Radio Communication, 1933\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003E26th Street and Avenue C, Bayonne, New Jersey, U.S.A. Dedication: May 1987 - IEEE North Jersey Section. In 1933, the police department in Bayonne, New Jersey initiated regular two-way communications with its patrol cars, a major advance over previous one-way systems. The very high frequency system developed by radio engineer Frank A. Gunther and station operator Vincent J. Doyle placed transmitters in patrol cars to enable patrolmen to communicate with headquarters and other cars instead of just receiving calls. Two-way police radio became standard throughout the country following the success of the Bayonne system.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"Two-Way Police Radio Communication, 1933","link":"","lat":40.667603,"lon":-74.11844,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:Weston_Meters,_1887-1893#_7967928ed89828b60b41ab0c4d3610f2\" title=\"Milestones:Weston Meters, 1887-1893\"\u003EMilestones:Weston Meters, 1887-1893\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EEdward Weston and the Weston Electrical Instrument Company introduced the first portable and direct-reading current and voltage meters in 1888-1893. Weston's inventions enabling these meters included: the first truly permanent magnets; temperature-insensitive conductors; low-resistance and non-magnetic springs; metal coil frames where induced eddy currents provided pointer damping (1887); the electric shunt (1893) for the measurement of large currents; and multiple current ranges in a single meter.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"Weston Meters, 1887-1893","link":"","lat":40.7424805,"lon":-74.1770996,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:Whirlwind_Computer,_1944-59#_2fc9892dd536998878a63ac2d4e8a944\" title=\"Milestones:Whirlwind Computer, 1944-59\"\u003EMilestones:Whirlwind Computer, 1944-59\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EThe Whirlwind computer was developed at 211 Massachusetts Avenue by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It was the first real-time high-speed digital computer using random-access magnetic-core memory. Whirlwind featured outputs displayed on a CRT, and a light pen to write data on the screen. Whirlwind\u02bcs success led to the United States Air Force\u02bcs Semi Automatic Ground Environment - SAGE - system and to many business computers and minicomputers\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"Whirlwind Computer, 1944-59","link":"","lat":42.361244,"lon":-71.096663,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"},{"text":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Milestones:World%27s_First_Low-Loss_Optical_Fiber_for_Telecommunications,_1970#_0b85242b53194bd65b76870c4e2556ff\" title=\"Milestones:World\u0026#39;s First Low-Loss Optical Fiber for Telecommunications, 1970\"\u003EMilestones:World\u0026#39;s First Low-Loss Optical Fiber for Telecommunications, 1970\u003C/a\u003E\n\u003C/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EIn 1970, Corning scientists Dr. Robert Maurer, Dr. Peter Schultz, and Dr. Donald Keck developed a highly pure optical glass that effectively transmitted light signals over long distances. This astounding medium, which is thinner than a human hair, revolutionized global communications. By 2011, the world depended upon the continuous transmission of voice, data, and video along more than 1.6 billion kilometers of optical fiber installed around the globe.\n\u003C/p\u003E","title":"World's First Low-Loss Optical Fiber for Telecommunications, 1970","link":"","lat":42.162019,"lon":-77.094137,"icon":"/w/images/6/6a/Purplemarker.png"}],"imageLayers":[]}
Alternating-Current Electrification of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad, 1907 | 1907 | 22 May 1982 | 1 | Connecticut | 3 |
Two-Way Police Radio Communication, 1933 | 1933 | 1 May 1987 | 1 | North Jersey | 10 |
FM Police Radio Communication, 1940 | 1940 | 1 June 1987 | 1 | Connecticut | 11 |
Demonstration of Practical Telegraphy, 1838 | 1838 | 7 May 1988 | 1 | North Jersey | 13 |
Adams Hydroelectric Generating Plant, 1895 | 1895 | 21 June 1990 | 1 | Buffalo | 17 |
MIT Radiation Laboratory, 1940-1945 | 1940 | 1 October 1990 | 1 | Boston | 19 |
Alexanderson Radio Alternator, 1904 | 1904 | 20 February 1992 | 1 | Schenectady | 22 |
Monochrome-Compatible Electronic Color Television, 1946-1953 | 1946 | 29 November 2001 | 1 | Princeton/Central Jersey | 40 |
First Transatlantic Transmission of a Television Signal via Satellite, 1962 | 1962 | 1 July 2002 | 1 | Maine | 44 |
Electric Fire Alarm System, 1852 | 1852 | 1 October 2004 | 1 | Boston | 50 |
Alternating Current Electrification, 1886 | 1886 | 2 October 2004 | 1 | Berkshire | 51 |
Power System of Boston's Rapid Transit, 1889 | 1889 | 10 November 2004 | 1 | Boston | 52 |
First Intelligible Voice Transmission over Electric Wire, 1876 | 1876 | 10 March 2006 | 1 | Boston | 67 |
Thomas Alva Edison Historic Site at Menlo Park, 1876 | 1876 | 9 September 2006 | 1 | Princeton/Central Jersey | 68 |
Liquid Crystal Display, 1968 | 1968 | 30 September 2006 | 1 | Princeton/Central Jersey | 71 |
Thomas A. Edison West Orange Laboratories and Factories, 1887 | 1887 | 18 October 2008 | 1 | North Jersey | 76 |
First Wireless Radio Broadcast by Reginald A. Fessenden, 1906 | 1906 | 13 September 2008 | 1 | Boston | 78 |
Largest Private (dc) Generating Plant in the U.S.A., 1929 | 1929 | 25 September 2008 | 1 | New York | 79 |
Invention of the First Transistor at Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., 1947 | 1947 | 8 December 2009 | 1 | North Jersey | 89 |
IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, 1960 - 1984 | 1960 | 16 October 2009 | 1 | New York | 91 |
TIROS I Television Infrared Observation Satellite, 1960 | 1960 | 27 September 2010 | 1 | Princeton/Central Jersey | 101 |
Pearl Street Station, 1882 | 1882 | 10 May 2011 | 1 | New York | 114 |
Grumman Lunar Module, 1962-1972 | 1962 | 20 July 2011 | 1 | Long Island | 115 |
First Real-Time Speech Communication on Packet Networks, 1974 - 1982 | 1974 | 8 December 2011 | 1 | Boston | 117 |
Apollo Guidance Computer, 1962-1972 | 1962 | 13 December 2011 | 1 | Boston | 118 |
World's First Low-Loss Optical Fiber for Telecommunications, 1970 | 1970 | 1 May 2012 | 1 | Rochester | 121 |
Loran, 1940 - 1946 | 1940 | 27 June 2012 | 1 | Boston | 123 |
Whirlwind Computer, 1944-59 | 1944 | 27 June 2012 | 1 | Boston | 124 |
SAGE-Semi-Automatic Ground Environment, 1951-1958 | 1951 | 27 June 2012 | 1 | Boston | 125 |
First Optical Fiber Laser and Amplifier, 1961-1964 | 1961 | 26 October 2012 | 1 | Worcester County | 131 |
First Blind Takeoff, Flight and Landing, 1929 | 1929 | 24 September 2014 | 1 | Long Island | 145 |
Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., 1925-1983 | 1925 | 18 December 2014 | 1 | North Jersey | 151 |
Interactive Video Games, 1966 | 1966 | 21 September 2015 | 1 | New Hampshire | 158 |
Development of Information Theory, 1939-1967 | 1939 | 17 May 2016 | 1 | Boston | 162 |
American Standard Code for Information Interchange ASCII, 1963 | 1963 | 19 May 2016 | 1 | New Jersey Coast | 163 |
Trans-Atlantic Telephone Fiber-Optic Submarine Cable (TAT-8), 1988 | 1988 | 19 May 2016 | 1 | New Jersey Coast | 164 |
Grand Central Terminal Electrification, 1906-1913 | 1906 | 15 June 2016 | 1 | New York | 166 |
Weston Meters, 1887-1893 | 1887 | 23 September 2016 | 1 | North Jersey | 169 |
The First Two-Dimensional Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI), 1973 | 1973 | 5 September 2018 | 1 | Long Island | 190 |
French Transatlantic Telegraph Cable of 1898 | 1898 | 6 September 2018 | 1 8 | France Providence | 191 |
Detection of Radar Signals Reflected from the Moon, 1946 | 1946 | 17 May 2019 | 1 | New Jersey Coast | 194 |
SCR/Thyristor, 1957 | 1957 | 14 June 2019 | 1 | Rochester | 196 |
Piezoelectric Oscillator, 1921-1923 | 1921 | 5 November 2020 | 1 | Connecticut | 208 |
BASIC Computer Language, 1964 | 1964 | 22 February 2021 | 1 | New Hampshire | 213 |
RCA Central, 1921 | 1921 | 5 November 2021 | 1 | Long Island | 219 |
Handheld Digital Camera, 1975 | 1975 | 26 April 2022 | 1 | Rochester | 223 |
Alvin Deep-Sea Research Submersible, 1965-1984 | 1964 | 21 October 2022 | 1 | Providence | 230 |
Harvard Mark 1 Computer, 1944 - 1959 | 1944 | 10 November 2022 | 1 | Boston | 232 |
Mode S Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System, 1969-1995 | 1969 | 2 February 2024 | 1 | Boston | 245 |
Development of 193-nm Projection Photolithography, 1984-1996 | 1984 | 2 February 2024 | 1 | Boston | 246 |
Semiconductor Laser, 1962 | 1962 | 2 February 2024 | 1 | Schenectady New York Boston | 247 |
Neutrodyne Circuit, 1922 | 1922 | 19 October 2024 | 1 | North Jersey | 259 |
Region 1 Student Branches