Category:Computer science
The mathematical, algorithmic and scientific elements of computing are included here, such as algorithm analysis, programming and graph theory.
- Algorithm analysis - the analysis of the method and the amount of resources required to execute an algorithm
- Automatic programming - the use of mechanisms to write aspects of computer programs so as to allow human programmers to focus on higher level abstractions
- Concurrency control - methods to ensure that concurrent operations produce correct results efficiently
- Formal languages - the set of words that makes up a logic language, sometimes called artificial languages
- Logic programming - the use of mathematical logic for computer programming
- Microprogramming - the writing of microcode, or hardware-level or circuit-level instructions involved in the implementation of higher-level instructions
- Object oriented methods - a subroutine that defines behaviors for a particular class in object oriented programming
- Object oriented programming - or OOP, using "objects," such as data structures or methods, to design applications and computer programs
- Parallel processing - the ability of computers to carry out multiple tasks simultaneously
- Performance analysis - the profiling of the performance characteristics of a computing system
- Programming - or coding, the process of writing, designing, and maintaining the source codes of computers
- Programming profession - individuals concerned with writing computer programs
- Robot programming - writing computer programs to facilitate the functioning of robots
This category has the following 13 subcategories, out of 13 total.
Pages in category "Computer science"
The following 288 pages are in this category, out of 288 total.
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Garry J. Tee Discusses Charles Babbage
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Garry J. Tee Discusses Charles Babbage, segment 1
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Garry J. Tee Discusses Charles Babbage, segment 2
- John Backus
- Oral-History:Jean Bacon
- Amir Ban
- C. Gordon Bell
- Richard Bellman
- Leo L. Beranek
- Oral-History:Fran Berman
- Timothy Berners-Lee
- Marek E. Bialkowski
- Joel S. Birnbaum
- Richard M. Bloch
- Oral-History:Jim Bobrow
- Lewis M. Branscomb
- A Brief History of Early British Computers
- C
- Oral-History:Rosemary Candlin
- William S. Carter
- Oral-History:Alicia Casals
- Aileen Cavanagh
- First-Hand:Chad is Our Most Important Product: An Engineer's Memory of Teletype Corporation
- Oral-History:Carl Chang
- Oral-History:Judy Clapp
- David D. Clark
- John Cocke
- Edgar F. Codd
- Colossus
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: An Experiment in Video Oral History Part One: Origins of Electronic Computation During World War II
- Archives:Workshop on Computer Languages for Process Control
- Archives:Computer Aided Network and Circuit Analysis and Design
- Computer Language Compiler
- Archives:Computer Timesharing - What Is It, and What Can it do for the Electrical Engineer
- Jingsheng Jason Cong
- Oral-History:Wayne Cowell
- John H. Crawford
- First-Hand:Early PC History
- Les Earnest
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Electronic Developments During World War II
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Electronic Developments During World War II, segment 1
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Electronic Developments During World War II, segment 2
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Electronic Developments During World War II, segment 3
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Electronic Developments During World War II, segment 4
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Electronic Developments During World War II, segment 5
- Milestones:Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, 1946
- John Ellenby
- Oral-History:Gerald Engel
- Oral-History:Ernst Dickmanns
- Gerald Estrin
- Thelma Estrin
- Oral-History:Thelma Estrin (2006)
- Delores M. Etter
- David Evans
- First-Hand:Experiences and Reflections of a Computer Pioneer
- First-Hand:Hacking Apollo's Guidance Computer
- Carl Hammer
- Richard W. Hamming
- Archives:Handbook of Electronic Design and Analysis Procedures Using Programmable Calculators
- Michael J. Hawley
- Oral-History:Paula Hawthorn
- Oral-History:Marlene Hazle
- Oral-History:William Hewlett
- First-Hand:History of an ASEE Fellow - Donna Reese
- First-Hand:History of an ASEE Fellow - Michael C. Loui
- Oral-History:Albert Hoagland
- Tony Hoare
- Betty Holberton
- John Hopcroft
- Grace Murray Hopper
- Oral-History:Ayanna Howard
- First-Hand:Howard Wise Gallery Show of Digital Art and Patterns (1965): A 50th Anniversary Memoir
- David A. Huffman
- Harry Huskey
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: IBM Discussion Group, segment 1
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: IBM Discussion Group, segment 2
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: The Development of the IBM 701
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: The Development of the IBM 701, segment 1
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: The Development of the IBM 701, segment 2
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: The Development of the IBM 701, segment 3
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: The Development of the IBM 701, segment 4
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: The Development of the IBM 701, segment 5
- IBM 1800
- IEEE Wichita State University Student Branch History
- Archives:History and Overview of the Internet
- Oral-History:James Isaak
- IT History Society
- Oral-History:Laurel Kaleda
- Takeo Kanade
- Oral-History:Walter Karplus
- Oral-History:Rangachar Kasturi
- Oral-History:Willis King
- Oral-History:Leonard Kleinrock
- Oral-History:Ron Kline
- Donald E. Knuth
- Oral-History:Jana Kosecka
- Oral-History:Danica Kragic
- David J. Kuck
- Oral-History:David Kuck
- D. Richard Kuhn
- Leslie Lamport
- Butler W. Lampson
- Oral-History:Susan K. (Kathy) Land
- Susan K. (Kathy) Land
- Jerry Lawson
- First-Hand:Learning About Computers, Programming, and Computer System Design Circa 1963 - 1981
- Oral-History:Clayton Lewis (Dec 2020)
- Oral-History:Clayton Lewis (Nov 2020)
- Barbara H. Liskov
- Oral-History:Barbara Liskov (1991)
- Simon Litsyn
- Chung Laung Liu
- Oral-History:Lennart Ljung
- William C. Lowe
- Michael G. Luby
- First-Hand:Maxum Memoirs: Climbing Technical Mountains
- Stanley Mazor
- Oral-History:John McCarthy
- Kathleen McNulty
- Oral-History:Nancy Mead
- Marlyn Meltzer
- Oral-History:Howard Michel
- Archives:Microprogramming
- Oral-History:Dejan Milojicic
- Oral-History:Max Mintz
- Cleve B. Moler
- Dov Moran
- First-Hand:My recollections as an educator
- Chester H. Page
- Oral-History:Alice C. Parker
- George W. Patterson
- Oral-History:Fay Cobb Payton
- Chuck Peddle
- Oral-History:John Pierce (Part 3)
- Past programming languages and their influences on today's languages and programming paradigms
- Archives:Principles for Programming Process Computers
- Archives:Programming Languages for the Layman
- Oral-History:Jean Sammet
- Ravi Sandhu
- Eric Schmidt
- Fred B. Schneider
- Lui Sha
- Amin Shokrollahi
- Peter W. Shor
- Oral-History:Bruce Shriver
- Oral-History:Barbara Simons
- Oral-History:Martha Sloan
- Joel Snyder
- Evolution of Social Networking
- First-Hand:Solid State Circuits Society First Hand Histories
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: An introduction by Richard Solomon
- Frances Spence
- Milestones:SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis), 1969-1970
- Madhu Sudan
- Randy Suess
- Ivan E. Sutherland
- Robert Taylor
- Ruth Teitelbaum
- First-Hand:The Birth of IMS/360
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: An Experiment in Video Oral History Part One: Origins of Electronic Computation During World War II (film)
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: IBM Discussion Group
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Switched Output: Time-sharing at MIT
- First-Hand:The Development of Pong: Early Days of Atari and the Video Game Industry
- First-Hand:The First Commercial Computer Application at General Electric
- First-Hand:The Title Plant Operating System: A Data Base System of Index Files for Recorded Documents
- Kenneth L. Thompson
- Timeline of Early Digital-Graphics Innovations and Accomplishments at Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Time-sharing at MIT, segment 1
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Time-sharing at MIT, segment 10
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Time-sharing at MIT, segment 2
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Time-sharing at MIT, segment 3
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Time-sharing at MIT, segment 4
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Time-sharing at MIT, segment 5
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Time-sharing at MIT, segment 6
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Time-sharing at MIT, segment 7
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Time-sharing at MIT, segment 8
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Time-sharing at MIT, segment 9
- First-Hand:Today's Metaverse:A Hazy Universe From the Past
- Oral-History:Carme Torras
- Linus Benedict Torvalds
- Stephen Trimberger
- Leonard Tripp
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: The TX-0
- Charles L. Wagner
- Oral-History:Benjamin Wah
- Bob Wallace
- John Warnock
- Milestones:WEIZAC Computer, 1955
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers, Weizmann Institute segment 1
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers, Weizmann Institute segment 10
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers, Weizmann Institute segment 11
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers, Weizmann Institute segment 12
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers, Weizmann Institute segment 13
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers, Weizmann Institute segment 2
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers, Weizmann Institute segment 3
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers, Weizmann Institute segment 4
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers, Weizmann Institute segment 5
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers, Weizmann Institute segment 6
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers, Weizmann Institute segment 7
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers, Weizmann Institute segment 8
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers, Weizmann Institute segment 9
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Weizmann Institute Video Oral History
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: The Whirlwind Computer
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: The Whirlwind Computer, segment 1
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: The Whirlwind Computer, segment 2
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: The Whirlwind Computer, segment 3
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: The Whirlwind Computer, segment 4
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: The Whirlwind Computer, segment 5
- Archives:The Computer Pioneers: The Whirlwind Computer, segment 6
- Oral-History:Brian Wilcox
- Robert Wilensky
- Maurice V. Wilkes
- Oral-History:Michael Williams
- Oral-History:Alan Winfield
- William M. Wolf
- Women Computers in World War II
- Steve Wozniak
Media in category "Computer science"
The following 2 files are in this category, out of 2 total.
- ENIAC0025.jpg 614 × 480; 64 KB
- Univac0021.jpg 561 × 282; 22 KB