Category:Aerospace engineering


Telstar II Satellite for use at the parade of progress show at the public hall, Cleveland, Ohio, August 14th, 1964

Topics pertaining to designing vehicles and their electronic systems meant for flying in the atmosphere or in space. See also IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society History


  • Aerospace control - techniques, devices, and systems for the control of aircraft, spacecraft and related aerospace systems
  • Aerospace materials - materials, frequently metal alloys, used for aerospace purposes, typically requiring exceptional performance, strength, or heat resistance
  • Aircraft manufacture - designing, building, testing, selling, and maintaining aircraft
  • Command and control systems - also known as C2 systems, systems used to plan and execute a military's aerospace operations
  • Electronic warfare - military action involving the use of electromagnetic energy to determine, exploit, reduce, or prevent hostile use of the electromagnetic spectrum
  • Military aerospace equipment - aircraft, missiles, and spacecraft owned by a military and used for national defense
  • Satellites - artificial bodies placed in orbit around the earth, moon, or another planet for data collection or communication purposes
  • Sensor systems - equipment that detects physical properties and converts them to signals that can be read by observers or instruments
  • Sonar - method or device that uses the reflection of sound waves to detect and locate objects
  • Telemetry - the measurement and transmission of data from remote sources to receiving stations for recording and processing

Pages in category "Aerospace engineering"

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Media in category "Aerospace engineering"

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