Kamal Sarabandi


Kamal Sarabandi
Kamal Sarabandi
Associated organizations
University of Michigan
Fields of study
IEEE Electromagnetics Award


Kamal Sarabandi’s contributions have shaped the remote sensing radar imaging field for over 20 years. His pioneering work on using radar for monitoring vegetation has important implications today for scientists studying the effects of global warming. He developed a multipolarization algorithm to remotely map the moisture content of the soil surface using airborne or space-borne imaging radar. His work will provide soil maps for hydrologists. Dr. Sarabandi was involved in mission planning and experimentation for NASA’s 1994 Shuttle Imaging Radar (SIR-C) and 2000 Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM). The active and passive polarimetric radar calibrators and external calibration techniques developed for these missions have become the standard approach used worldwide. His defense-related contributions include development of sensors and algorithms for space- or airborne detection of foliage-camouflaged targets and targets within buildings.

An IEEE Fellow, Dr. Sarabandi is the Rufus S. Teesdale Endowed Professor of Engineering and director of the Radiation Laboratory at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.