


Lakeview gusher, an early oil spill, 1910

The relationship between humanity and the environment is a delicate balance. Since the industrial revolution, the world's population has increased exponentially, and with the population growth, the environment has been profoundly affected. Deforestation, pollution and global climate changes are amongst the adverse effects the population and technological expansion has introduced. Included in this category are both subjects dealing with attempts to reduce the negative impact on the environment, and subjects which aim to gain a greater understanding of the environment itself.


  • Air emissions - Topics related to man made emissions released into the atmosphere
  • Arctic engineering & offshore technology - Topics pertaining to the challenges of engineering in the Artic and offshore environments
  • Atmosphere - Topics pertaining to Earth's atmosphere including the ionosphere and magnetosphere
  • Biosphere - The Earth's biosphere encompasses all of its ecosystems and living beings
  • Climate change - Issues related to the changes to the Earth's climate caused by man-made emissions
  • Coasts & waterways - Engineering issues dealing with the coasts and waterways, including dams and locks
  • Cyclones - Issues relating to different kinds of cyclones such as hurricanes, tropical storms and typhoons
  • Disaster & hazard management - Attempts to minimize the damage by natural disasters and hazards
  • Earth - Topics which deal with the planet as a whole
  • Earthquakes - Massive forces of destruction, earthquakes present unique engineering challenges for infrastructure stability
  • Environmental factors - Environmental concerns that impact our daily lives including global warming and pollution
  • Environmental management - Topics related to active management of the environment
  • Geography - Concerns that apply to geographical areas such as cities, towns, rivers, forests
  • Geology - Topics dealing with the earth's crust and composition
  • Geophysics - The physics of the earth itself, including such topics like meteorology, seismology and tornadoes
  • Green engineering - Engineering processes which attempt to minimize the impact on the environment
  • Hydrology & hydraulics - Sciences related to the study of water
  • Irrigation & drainage - Topics related to the man made movement of bodies of water
  • Levee - Dams which regulate the flow of water, sometimes used for hydroelectric power generation
  • Life cycle analysis - The assessment of the environmental impact a product has during its life cycle from development to deployment
  • Marine technology - Underwater technology and devices including various forms of equipment and structures
  • Naturally occurring radioactive materials - Radioactive materials which occur naturally
  • Oceans - Topics pertaining to all aspects of oceanic engineering
  • Oil and chemical spills - Accidental discharges of hazardous materials into the environment
  • Pollution - emissions that damage human health or the environment
  • Recycling and secondary recovery - The reusing of discarded materials in order to have minimal impact on the environment
  • Remediation and land reclamation - The processes of creating new land formations from previous bodies of water
  • Sulfur abatement - The reduction of sulfur emissions
  • Sustainability - The study of the long term lifecycle of biological systems
  • Volcanoes - Topics relating to volcanic activity, ash and planetary volcanoes
  • Waste management - the system of managing the transportation and disposal of human or industrial waste
  • Water - Topics relating to water and water resources

Pages in category "Environment"

The following 232 pages are in this category, out of 232 total.

Media in category "Environment"

The following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total.