IEEE W.R.G. Baker Award


About Award

The IEEE W.R.G. Baker Award was established in 1956 and was presented by the IEEE Board of Directors for the most outstanding paper reporting original work published in any IEEE archival publications (such as Transactions, Journals and Letters), Magazines, or Proceedings. The paper must have been published during a three to five year window prior to the presentation year of the award on the fundamentals of electrical engineering, electronics, computing, and related arts and sciences as represented by IEEE. No more than one award may be given in any year.

The award was originally established through a donation of the Institute of Radio Engineers, one of the predecessor organizations of IEEE, by Dr. Walter R. G. Baker (1892-1960), who was a pioneer in the field of radio and television broadcast engineering.

This award was administered through the IEEE Prize Papers/Scholarship Awards Committee of the IEEE Awards Board, and was discontinued in 2016

Award Recipients

  • 2015: Thomas L. Marzetta, “Non-cooperative Cellular Wireless with Unlimited Numbers of Base Station Antennas,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 9, Issue 11, pp. 3590–3600, November 2010.
  • 2014: Stephen J. Wright, Robert D. Nowak, and Mário A.T. Figueiredo, “Sparse Reconstruction by Separable Approximation,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 57, Issue 7, July 2009, pp. 2479–2493.
  • 2013: Erdal Arikan, “Channel Polarization: A Method for Constructing Capacity-Achieving Codes for Symmetric Binary Input Memoryless Channels,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 5, Issue 7, July 2009, pp. 3051–3073.
  • 2012: Gerhard Krieger, Alberto Moreira, Hauke Fiedler, Irena Hajnsek, Marian Werner, Marwan Younic, and Manfred Zink, “TanDEM-X: A Satellite Formation for HighResolution SAR Interferometry”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing”, Vol. 45, Issue 11, Part 1, November 2007, pp. 3317–3341
  • 2011: no award
  • 2010: no award
  • 2009: no award
  • 2008: no award
  • 2007: no award
  • 2006: no award
  • 2005: no award
  • 2004: no award
  • 2003: no award
  • 2002: no award
  • 2001: Keshab Parhi, "Low Energy CSMT Carry Generators and Binary Adders," IEEE Trans. on Very Large Scale Intergration, Vol. 7, No. 4, December 1999, pp. 450-462
  • 2000: A. Lee Swindlehurst and Petra Stoica, “Maximum Likelihood Methods in Radar Array Signal Processing”, Proceedings of IEEE, Vol. 86, No. 2, February 1998, pp.421-441.
  • 1999: Wayne D. Grover, "Self Organizing Broadband Transport Networks", Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 85, No. 10, October 1997, pp. 1582-1611.
  • 1998: Paul F. Mcmanamon, Terry A. Dorschner, David L. Corkum, Larry J. Friedman, Douglas S. Hobbs, Michael Holz, Sergey Liberman, Huy Q. Nguyen, Daniel P. Resler, Richard C. Sharp, And Edward A. Watson, "Optical Phased Array Technology," PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, Vol. 84, No. 2, February 1996, pp. 268-298.
  • 1997: Rajiv Ramaswami And Kumar N. Sivarajan, "Routing and Wavelength Assignment in All-Optical Networks," IEEE/ACM TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING, Vol. 3, No. 5, October 1995, pp. 489-500.
  • 1996: Will E. Leland, Walter Willinger, Daniel V. Wilson, And Murad S. Taqqu, "On the Self-Similar Nature of Ethernet Traffic," IEEE/ACM TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING, Vol. 2, No. 1, February 1994, pp. 1-15.
  • 1995: Petros Maragos, James F. Kaiser, Thomas F. Quatieri, "Energy Separation in Signal Modulations with Application to Speech Analysis," IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, Vol. 41, No. 10, October 1993, pp. 3024-3051.
  • 1994: Michael M. Green, And Alan N. Willson, Jr., "How to Identify Unstable dc Operating Points," IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Circuits and Systems-I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, Vol. 39, No. 10, October 1992, pp. 820-832.
  • 1993: Narasimham Vempati, Ilya W. Slutsker And William F. Tinney, "Enhancements to Givens Rotations for Power System State Estimation, "IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Power Systems, Vol. 6, No. 2, May 1991, pp. 842-849
  • 1992: Alon Orlitsky, "Worse-Case Interactive Communication I: Two Messages are Almost Optimal, "IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Information Theory, Vol. 36, No. 5, September 1990, pp. 1111-1126
  • 1991: John C. Doyle, Keith Clover, Bruce A. Francis, Pramod P. Khargonekar, "State-Space Solutions to Standard H2 and H oo Control Problems," IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Automatic Control, August 1989
  • 1990: Allen C. Newell, "Error Analysis Technique" for Planar Near-Field Measurements," IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Antennas and Propagation, June 1988
  • 1989: Randal E. Bryant, "Algorithmic Aspects of Symbolic Switch Network Analysis" and "Boolean Analysis of MOS Circuits "IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Computer Aided Design. July 1987
  • 1988: Benjamin Kedem, "Spectral Analysis and Discrimination by Zero-Crossings," PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, November 1986
  • 1987: James L. Massey, Peter Mathys, "The Collision Channel Without Feedback," IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Information Theory, March 1985
  • 1986: Adi Shamir, "A Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Breaking the Basic Merkle-Hellman Cryptosystem,” IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Information Theory, September 1984.
  • 1985: John W. Adams, Alan N. Willson, Jr., "A New Approach to FIR Digital Filters with Fewer Multipliers and Reduced Sensitivity," IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Circuits and Systems, May 1983.
  • 1984: Yannis Tsividis, "Signal Processors with Transfer Function Coefficients Determined by Timing," IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Circuits and Systems, December 1982.
  • 1983: Ryszard Malewski, Chinh T. Nguyen, Kurt Feser, Nils Hylten-cavallius, "Elimination of the Skin Effect Error in Heavy-Current Shunts," IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Power Apparatus and Systems, March 1981.
  • 1982: Carl O. Bozler, Gary D. Alley, "Fabrication and Numerical Simulation of the Permeable Base Transistor," IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Electron Devices, June 1980.
  • 1981: Timothy C. May, Murray H. Woods, "Alpha-Particle-Induced Soft Errors in Dynamic Memories," IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Electron Devices, January 1979.
  • 1980: David J. Allstot, Paul R. Gray, Gordon M. Jacobs, Robert W. Brodersen, "Design Techniques for MOS Switched Capacitor Ladder Filters," IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Circuits and Systems, December 1978.
  • 1979: Stephen W. Director and Gary D. Hachtel, "The Simplicial Approximation Approach to Design Centering," IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Circuits and Systems, July 1977.
  • 1978: James S. Kresge, Eugene C. Sakshaug and Stanley A. Miske, Jr., "A New Concept in Station Arrester Design," IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Power Apparatus and Systems, March/April 1977.
  • 1977: Manfred R. Schroeder, "Models of Hearing," PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, September 1975.
  • 1976: Robert W. Keyes, "Physical Limits in Digital Electronics," PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, May 1975.
  • 1975: Stewart E. Miller, Enrique A.j. Marcatili, Tingye Li, "Research Toward Optical-Fiber Transmission Systems," PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, December 1973.
  • 1974: David B. Large, Lawrence Ball, Arnold J. Farstad, "Radio Transmission to and from Underground Coal Mines - Theory and Measurement, IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Communications, March 1973.
  • 1973: Leon O. Chua, "Memristor-The Missing Circuit Element," IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Circuit Theory, September 1971.
  • 1972: Dirk J. Kuizenga, Anthony E. Siegman, "FM and AM Mode Locking of the Homogeneous Laser - Parts I & II," IEEE JOURNAL on Quantum Electronics, November 1970.
  • 1971: Andrew H. Bobeck, Robert F. Fischer, Anthony J. Perneski, J. P. Remeika, And L. G. Van Uitert, "Application of Orthoferrites to Domain-Wall Devices," IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Magnetics, September 1969.
  • 1970: George J. Friedman, Cornelius T. Leondes, "Constraint Theory-Parts I, II, and III," IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Systems Science & Cybernetics, January, April, July, 1969.
  • 1969: Tosiro Koga, "Synthesis of Finite Passive n-Ports with Prescribed Positive Real Matrices of Several Variables," IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Circuit Theory, March 1968.
  • 1968: Jonny Andersen, Harry B. Lee, "Network Synthesis Using Lossy Reactances," IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Circuit Theory, September 1966.
  • 1967: Dean E. Mccumber, Alan G. Chynoweth, "Theory of Negative-Conductance Amplification and of Gunn Instabilities in 'Two-Valley' Semiconductors," IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Electron Devices, January 1966.
  • 1966: Robert G. Gallager, "A Simple Derivation of the Coding Theorem and Some Applications," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, January 1965.
  • 1965: Dante C. Youla, "A New Theory of Broad-Band Matching," IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Circuit Theory, March 1964.
  • 1964: Donald L. White, "The Depletion Layer Transducter," IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Professional Technical Group on Ultrasonics Engineering, July 1962.