Category:Computational and artificial intelligence


Covers aspects dealing with artificial intelligence from a computational standpoint


  • Computation theory - the theory that deals with whether and how efficiently a problem can be solved using an algorithm
  • Context awareness - the ability of a computer or application to reconfigure to fit the context in which it is being used (e.g. the location of the computer)
  • Cooperative systems - computation systems that organize more than one machine into a collaborative device
  • Decision support systems - or DSS, a computer-based interactive information system that supports organizational decision making
  • Evolutionary computation - a subfield of artificial intelligence that deals with combinational optimization problems by using iterative progress
  • Fuzzy systems - systems that works using fuzzy logic, or logic with continuous variables between 1 and 0
  • Knowledge based systems - or KBS, artificial intelligence tools used to extend, search, or query a knowledge base
  • Learning - when a computer uses an algorithm to evolve behavior based on empiric evidence
  • Learning systems - systems which use algorithms to evolve behavior
  • Logic - the systematic study of the processes of inference and reasoning
  • Machine intelligence - the ability of a machine to mimic human thought and intelligence
  • Machine learning - a branch of artificial intelligence that allows machines to evolve behaviors based on empirical data using algorithms
  • Natural language processing - or NLP, a branch of artificial intelligence concerned with allowing machines to interact with human languages
  • Neural networks - a network or circuit of neurons, although this recently referred to only biological neurons, the term can now describe artificial neural networks
  • Sentience

Pages in category "Computational and artificial intelligence"

The following 67 pages are in this category, out of 67 total.