IEEE India Council History

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IEEE India Council History
Established date 1976/05/20
IEEE Region 10
Geographic region India
Home page
List of Sections in this Council
List of Subsections in this Council

What is IEEE India Council?

IEEE India Council is the umbrella organisation which coordinates IEEE activities in India. Its primary aim is to assist and coordinate the activities of local "Sections", in order to benefit mutually, and avoid duplication of effort and resources. IEEE India Council was established on 20th May 1976 and is one of the six councils in the Asia Pacific Region, ie Region 10.


At 2009, there are 10 IEEE Sections in India, listed alphabetically:

Student Branches

An "IEEE Student Branch" is an IEEE entity which helps students in a specific educational institution. Presently there are 327 student branches located in all major Universities and Engineering Colleges all over India. Each Student Branch is attached to the nearest IEEE Section.


An "IEEE Chapter" groups IEEE members who share a common interest in a specific domain. Usually Chapters are attached to the nearest IEEE Section. Some Chapters have decided to be directly attached to the India Council. The following Eight Chapters are attached to the IEEE India Council:

  1. NPS 05/IE 13: Joint IEEE Chapter of Nuclear & Plasma Sciences Society and Industrial Electronics Society
  2. AES 01/COM 19/LE 036: Joint IEEE Chapter of Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society, Communications Society, and Lasers & Electro- optics Society
  3. ED 15/MIT 17: Joint IEEE Chapter of Electronic Devices Society and Microwave Theory & Techniques Society
  4. CPMT 21: IEEE Component, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology Society
  5. EM 14/IA 34: Joint IEEE Chapter of Engineering Management Society and Industry Applications Society
  6. Co 16: IEEE Computer Society
  7. PE 31: IEEE Power Engineering Society
  8. E 25 : Education Society Chapter

Archival documents


Further Reading

India Council weblink