2004 IEEE Honors Ceremony


2004 Honors Ceremony
2004 Honors Ceremony, Medal of Honor receipient Tadahiro Sekimoto
2004 Honors Ceremony, IEEE Presidents Art Winston (left), Kenneth Laker (center) and Cleon Anderson (right)
2004 Honors Ceremony, IEEE President Kenneth Laker

2004 Honors Ceremony

Audio only, no recorded video footage.

Audio File
MP3 Audio
(2004 honors ceremony.mp3)

Award Winners

Medal of Honor

IEEE Medal of Honor: Tadahiro Sekimoto

Major Medals

Edison Medal: Federico Capasso

James H. Mulligan, Jr. Education Medal: Paul R. Gray

Medal for Engineering Excellence: Richard L. Doughty, H. Landis Floyd, Thomas E. Neal

Founders Medal: Mildred Dresselhaus

Richard W. Hamming Medal: Jack Keil Wolf

Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal: Thomas W. Parks, James H. McClellan

Jun-ichi Nishizawa Medal: Frederick H. Dill

Robert N. Noyce Medal: Craig R. Barrett

Dennis J. Picard Medal for Radar Technologies and Applications: David Atlas

Simon Ramo Medal: Boris E. Chertok, Nikolai N. Sheremetevsky

John von Neumann Medal: Barbara H. Liskov

IEEE Service Awards

Richard M. Emberson Award: Kenneth R. Laker

Haraden Pratt Award: Jerry Yeargan

IEEE Corporate Recognitions

Ernst Weber Engineering Leadership Recognition: Pasquale Pistorio