Michael A. Lieberman


Michael A. Lieberman
Michael A. Lieberman


Michael A. Lieberman’s advances in low-temperature plasma science have impacted integrated circuit fabrication, materials processing, and biomedicine. He developed and popularized global model conservation laws, which are used to predict plasma density and floating potential and electron temperature of plasmas. This was critical to the rapidly developing microelectronics industry being able to meet the challenges of continuing to shrink device size (Moore’s Law). His work on pulsed plasmas is vital to the semiconductor industry, where pulsing the plasma is a powerful means of reducing surface charging damage during etching and deposition. His series of field-defining papers on the dynamics of radiofrequency-excited atmospheric pressure plasmas has had important implications in plasma medicine applications.

An IEEE Fellow, Lieberman is a professor with the graduate school in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at the University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA.