John S. Mayo
- Birthdate
- 1930/02/26
- Birthplace
- Greenville, NC, USA
- Associated organizations
- Bell Labs
- Awards
- IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal
John S. Mayo is the now retired former President of AT&T Bell Laboratories (1991-1995.) Earlier in his career he served as Vice President Electronics Technology at Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey. In that position he had responsibility for the development of electronic components including integrated circuits and systems assembly technologies.
Dr. Mayo joined Bell Laboratories in 1955 and has worked on transistorized digital computers, transmission systems utilizing pulse code modulation, ocean systems and toll electronic switching systems. He assumed his present position in 1975.
A native of Greenville, N.C., born on February 26, 1930, Dr. Mayo received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from North Carolina State University. He resides in New Jersey with his wife Lucille and four children, Mark, David, Nancy and Lynn. He enjoys the outdoors especially jogging, gardening, skiing, camping and fishing.
Dr. Mayo is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and has served on the Subcommittee on Feedback Control System Technology; the Subcommittee on Integrated Circuits and Chairman of that Subcommittee; on the Wire Communications Committee, and on the Administrative Committee of the Professional Group on Circuit Theory. Dr. Mayo served for eight years on the Program Committee of the International Solid State Circuits Conference. He was Chairman of the Program Committee in 1967 and Conference Chairman in 1968. He served for two years on the Program Committee of the NEREM Conference. He has chaired many sessions at various IEEE Conferences and delivered several keynote addresses.
His professional activities outside the IEEE include two years on the Board of Directors of the National Electronics Consortium, Program Chairman of the 1975 National Electronics Conference, three years on the Command, Control, and Communications Advisory Committee of the National Security Industrial Association (NSIA), and Chairman of the Global Communications Study Committee of the NSIA.
Dr. Mayo is co-recipient of the 1979 IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal, along with M. Robert Aaron and Eric E. Sumner 'For personal contributions to, and leadership in, the practical realization of high-speed digital communications.'
Further Reading