Jim Keller


Jim Keller


James M. Keller’s pioneering work on fuzzy pattern recognition and other fuzzy methods have advanced the ability of computers to interpret and understand images, impacting a broad range of real-world applications. His accomplishments include seminal work on a fuzzy k-nearest neighbor algorithm, a possibilistic clustering method, and combining possibilistic and fuzzy paradigms. He has also contributed to information fusion and texture description, and he was one of the first researchers to suggest incorporating basic ideas from fuzzy pattern recognition into the domain of classifier design with perceptrons. Medical image processing, smart-home sensing for eldercare, explosive hazard detection, and bioinformatics are just some of the applications benefitting from the advances in computer vision made possible by Keller.

An IEEE Life Fellow, Keller is the Curators’ Distinguished Professor Emeritus in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department at the University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA.