Sample Section Support Letter


There are three elements to the organizational unit support of the Milestone.
1) Payment for the cost of the plaque(s),
2) Arranging the dedication ceremony (the IEEE Section), and
3) Agreeing to monitor the plaque(s) (the IEEE Section) and to let IEEE History Center staff know in case the plaque(s) need(s) to be moved, is damaged, or is no longer secure. The Section must also monitor the plaque(s) to ensure that the plaque(s) remain publicly accessible.

Numbers 2 and 3 must be done by the IEEE Section(s) in which the plaque(s) is located, however any IEEE Organizational Unit can pay for the plaque(s). The dedication ceremony must be planned by the Section(s), but other IEEE entity(s), or the site owner (e.g. a corporate, academic, or government organization) may be involved.

All three elements must be agreed to in writing by the Section or other sponsoring organizational units. The completed letter(s) should be emailed to the IEEE Milestones Program Administrator at

Sample Section Sponsor Email


Subject: IEEE Milestone proposal docket number XXXX-XX [if known, if not leave blank] ______________

Title of Milestone: _____________________________

Dear _____________

The IEEE ____________ Section agrees to sponsor the Milestone proposal above. The Section accepts the responsibility of monitoring the plaque, and of letting IEEE History Center staff know in case the plaque(s) need(s) to be moved, is no longer secure, is damaged, or is no longer secure. The Section agrees to monitor the plaque(s) to ensure that the plaque(s) remain publicly accessible. For milestone plaque(s) to fulfill the requirements of public accessibility, they must be available to, and permitted to be viewed by, the public in a location in, or visible from, a public, non-restricted right-of-way and open to the general public without payment of a fee. A location that restricts access to customers, tenants, or employees generally does not meet the definition of public access. In cases where visitors to the plaque must be granted access by security or pass through a secured entrance, the milestone proposal must provide instructions for obtaining that access and the conditions under which the public will have a reasonable expectation of access.

The IEEE ________________ Section accepts the financial responsibility of paying for the plaque(s) _____ Yes _____No
If "Yes", please also include a letter of financial commitment
If "No", the plaque(s) will be paid for the following IEEE organizational unit(s): _____________________________________ )

As of this writing, the plaque costs are: US$937 per plaque plus shipping. Current shipping costs per plaque are: within U.S.A.: $63; to Canada: $42, to Europe: $495, India: 495, Asia and Pacific: $495. Other destinations vary.

The IEEE ________________ Section accepts the responsibility for arranging the Milestone dedication ceremony.


Name and email of Section Chair

Back to Milestone Guidelines. For information on plaque costs and ceremony planning, see especially sections 5 through 7 of the Guidelines.