Murray G. Crosby
- Birthdate
- 1903/09/17
- Birthplace
- Elroy, WI, USA
- Awards
- IEEE Mervin J. Kelly Award
Murray G. Crosby was born on September 17, 1903 in Elroy, Wisconsin. He received the B.S. degree in 1927 and the Professional E.E. degree in 1943 from the University of Wisconsin.
His first employment was at the Radio Corporation of America Laboratories in Riverhead, Long Island, New York, where he was engaged for many years in communications research, principally on frequency and phase modulation. He was a pioneer in this work which included studies of propagation, noise characteristics and circuit design. In 1944 Mr. Crosby joined the Research Division of Press Wireless for a short period and then became associated with Paul Godley Company, Consulting Engineers, in Upper Montclair, New Jersey, where he was engaged in government communications research and frequency modulation broadcast engineering.
Four years later Mr. Crosby formed his own company, Crosby Laboratories, which carried out research and small-scale production in the communications field. This company merged with Teletronics Laboratory in 1959 to form the Crosby-Teletronics Corporation of which Mr. Crosby was President and Chairman of the Board. That company was discontinued in 1961 and Mr. Crosby has been engaged as an engineering consultant since that time.
Mr. Crosby's work in frequency and phase modulation has resulted in nearly two hundred patents in the United States and other countries. He has written numerous technical papers for Proceedings of the IRE, RCA Review and other technical publications. For his outstanding work in this field he was honored by the National Association of Manufacturers in 1940 with the Modern Pioneer Award.
Mr. Crosby is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. He is further distinguished by having been a Fellow of both the American Institute of Electrical Engineers and the Institute of Radio Engineers. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of New York. He has participated actively for many years in the affairs of the Institute, having served as a member of the Board of Directors and as chairman of numerous committees.
Mr. Crosby lives and works in Syosset, Long Island, New York. He is intensely devoted to his technical work, but he confesses that he enjoys cooking, principally outdoors, and operating his sea skiff out of Oyster Bay.
His wife, Marie, has taught for many years in several of the elementary schools on Long Island and currently she teaches at the Locust Valley Elementary School.