Julius Molnar


Julius Molnar
Death date
Associated organizations
Bell Labs


Julius Molnar was born on February 23, 1916, and died on January 11th, 1973. He was Executive Vice-President and a Member of the Board of Directors of Bell Laboratories, among other achievements.

He was born in Detroit, received a Bachelor of Arts in physics from Oberlin College in 1937, then a Doctor of Philosophy degree in physics from MIT in 1940. Before joining Bell Labs in 1945, he worked for the National Defense Research Committee in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and the Gulf Research and Development Company in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

He began work at Bell Labs in physical electronics and development of microwave tubes. In 1955 Molnar was appointed Director of Electron Tube Development, and in 1957 he was the Director of Military Systems. He became President of Sandia Corporation and Vice President of Western Electric in 1958, where he continued contributions to the defense and security of the country. In 1960 he returned to Bell Labs as Executive Vice President.

In 1967, Dr. Molnar was named to the Committee of Science and Technology of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. He was a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and the American Physical Society. He was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 1969 for his work in the development of radio guidance systems. Molnar also served as a trustee of the American Optical Company. In 1971 he received the George Washington Award from the American Hungarian Studies Foundation in recognition of his contributions "to research, human knowledge, the arts, and understanding among men and nations."

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