Allen H. Schooley


Allen H. Schooley
Allen H. Schooley


Allen H. Schooley (IRE: A'35, SM'47, F'54), Associate Director of Research for Electronics at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C., has been invited by the Brazilian Navy to visit the Brazilian Naval Research Institute (Instituto de Pesquisas da Marinha) in Rio de Janeiro. The Director of the Institute wishes to have Mr. Schooley present at an inauguration ceremony and to review the program of the Institute. The Brazilians regard Mr. Schooley as one of the founders of their Naval Research Laboratory because of his assistance in the initial planning of the facilities and program during the year he worked with them in Rio de Janeiro in 1956.

Mr. Schooley is a native of Terril, Iowa , and received his undergraduate and graduate training at Iowa State University and Purdue University, Ind. He has done original research and published numerous scientific papers on related aspects of the diverse fields of electronics, optics, oceanography, hydrodynamics, and research management.