Milestones:List of Milestones


IEEE Milestones By Year Dedicated And Region

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Interested in proposing a milestone? Any IEEE member can submit a milestone proposal. Here is a list of important achievements suitable for proposal, and which we encourage a proposer to submit. This list is not exclusive; if you know of other achievements you wish to submit, you are welcome to do so. For instructions on how to submit a milestone proposal, here are the Milestone Guidelines

There is a Gallery of selfies at IEEE Milestone plaques submitted by users.

Click on the little up or down arrows at the top of each column to sort by the category you wish to see.

 Year of AchievementDate DedicatedIEEE RegionsIEEE SectionDedication #
Vulcan Street Plant, 1882188215 September 19774Northeastern Wisconsin1
Mill Creek No. 1 Hydroelectric Plant, 1893189320 February 19776Foothill2
Alternating-Current Electrification of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad, 1907190722 May 19821Connecticut3
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, 196219621 February 19846Santa Clara Valley4
Landing of the Transatlantic Cable, 1866186615 June 19857Newfoundland-Labrador5
Reception of Transatlantic Radio Signals, 190119014 October 19857Newfoundland-Labrador6
Westinghouse Atom Smasher, 193719371 May 19852Pittsburgh7
First Central Station in South Carolina, 1882188224 July 19863Coastal South Carolina8
One-Way Police Radio Communication, 192819281 May 19874Southeastern Michigan9
Two-Way Police Radio Communication, 193319331 May 19871North Jersey10
FM Police Radio Communication, 194019401 June 19871Connecticut11
Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, 194619461 September 19872Philadelphia12
Demonstration of Practical Telegraphy, 183818387 May 19881North Jersey13
Ames Hydroelectric Generating Plant, 189118911 July 19885Pikes Peak14
Manufacture of Transistors, 195119511 April 19892Lehigh Valley15
Transcontinental Telegraph, 186118615 August 19905Denver16
Adams Hydroelectric Generating Plant, 1895189521 June 19901Buffalo17
Atanasoff-Berry Computer, 193919391 April 19904Central Iowa18
MIT Radiation Laboratory, 1940-194519401 October 19901Boston19
Shoshone Transmission Line, 1909190922 June 19915Denver20
Richmond Union Passenger Railway, 188818882 February 19923Richmond21
Alexanderson Radio Alternator, 1904190420 February 19921Schenectady22
Alouette-ISIS Satellite Program, 196219621 May 19937Ottawa23
Poulsen-Arc Radio Transmitter, 190219021 May 19948Denmark24
Westinghouse Radio Station KDKA, 192019201 June 19942Pittsburgh25
Directive Short Wave Antenna, 1924192417 June 199510Sendai26
Volta's Electrical Battery Invention, 1799179915 September 19998Italy27
Georgetown Steam Hydro Generating Plant, 1900190031 July 19995Denver28
First Operational Use Of Wireless Telegraphy, 1899-1902189929 September 19998South Africa29
Merrill Wheel-Balancing System, 194519451 September 19995Denver30
First Wearable Cardiac Pacemaker, 1957-195819571 October 19994Twin Cities31
County Kerry Transatlantic Cable Stations, 1866186613 July 20008United Kingdom and Ireland32
Opana Radar Site, 194119411 February 20006Hawaii33
Mount Fuji Radar System, 196419646 March 200010Tokyo34
Tokaido Shinkansen (Bullet Train), 1964196413 July 200010Nagoya35
Chivilingo Hydroelectric Plant, 1897189724 October 20019Chile36
Transmission of Transatlantic Radio Signals, 1901190112 December 20018United Kingdom and Ireland37
Long-Range Shortwave Voice Transmissions from Byrd's Antarctic Expedition, 193419341 February 20014Cedar Rapids38
US Naval Computing Machine Laboratory, 1942-194519421 October 20012Dayton39
Monochrome-Compatible Electronic Color Television, 1946-1953194629 November 20011Princeton/Central Jersey40
NAIC/Arecibo Radiotelescope, 196319631 November 20019Puerto Rico & Caribbean41
Electronic Technology for Space Rocket Launches, 1950-196919501 February 20013Canaveral42
Shannon Scheme for the Electrification of the Irish Free State, 1929192929 July 20028United Kingdom and Ireland43
First Transatlantic Reception of a Television Signal via Satellite, 196219621 July 20028France44
First Transatlantic Transmission of a Television Signal via Satellite, 196219621 July 20021Maine44
First Transatlantic Television Signal via Satellite, 196219621 July 20028United Kingdom and Ireland44
Pioneering Work on the Quartz Electronic Wristwatch, 1962-1967196228 September 20028Switzerland45
Benjamin Franklin's work in London, 1757-1775175731 March 20038United Kingdom and Ireland47
Panama Canal Electrical and Control Installations, 191419144 April 20039Panama48
Code-breaking at Bletchley Park during World War II, 1939-194519391 April 20038United Kingdom and Ireland49
Electric Fire Alarm System, 185218521 October 20041Boston50
Alternating Current Electrification, 188618862 October 20041Berkshire51
Power System of Boston's Rapid Transit, 1889188910 November 20041Boston52
Decew Falls Hydro-Electric Plant, 189818982 May 20047Hamilton53
Fleming Valve, 190419041 July 20048United Kingdom and Ireland54
Experimental Breeder Reactor I, 195119514 June 20046Eastern Idaho55
Electronic Quartz Wristwatch, 1969196925 November 200410Tokyo56
Lempel-Ziv Data Compression Algorithm, 197719771 September 20048Israel57
Popov's Contribution to the Development of Wireless Communication, 1895189520 May 20058Russia (Northwest)58
Vucje Hydroelectric Plant, 1903190325 June 20058Serbia and Montenegro59
RAMAC, 1956195626 May 20056Santa Clara Valley60
Taum Sauk Pumped-Storage Electric Power Plant, 196319631 September 20055Saint Louis61
First 735 kV AC Transmission System, 196519651 November 20057Quebec62
CERN Experimental Instrumentation, 1968196826 September 20058France63
Nelson River HVDC Transmission System, 197219723 June 20057Winnipeg64
Pioneering Work on Electronic Calculators, 1964-197319641 December 200510Kansai65
Callan's Pioneering Contributions to Electrical Science and Technology, 183618365 September 20068United Kingdom and Ireland66
First Intelligible Voice Transmission over Electric Wire, 1876187610 March 20061Boston67
Thomas Alva Edison Historic Site at Menlo Park, 187618769 September 20061Princeton/Central Jersey68
WEIZAC Computer, 195519555 December 20068Israel69
The First Submarine Transatlantic Telephone Cable System (TAT-1), 1956195624 September 20067
Canadian Atlantic
United Kingdom and Ireland
Liquid Crystal Display, 1968196830 September 20061Princeton/Central Jersey71
Development of VHS, a World Standard for Home Video Recording, 1976197611 October 200610Tokyo72
Early Developments in Remote-Control, 1901190115 March 20078Spain73
Railroad Ticketing Examining System, 1965-1971196527 November 200710Kansai74
First Distant Speech Transmission in Canada, 187618764 May 20087Hamilton75
Thomas A. Edison West Orange Laboratories and Factories, 1887188718 October 20081North Jersey76
Pinawa Hydroelectric Power Project, 190619066 June 20087Winnipeg77
First Wireless Radio Broadcast by Reginald A. Fessenden, 1906190613 September 20081Boston78
Largest Private (dc) Generating Plant in the U.S.A., 1929192925 September 20081New York79
The First Word Processor for the Japanese Language, 1971-197819711 November 200810Tokyo80
Yosami Radio Transmitting Station, 1929192919 May 200910Nagoya81
Development of the HP-35, the First Handheld Scientific Calculator, 1972197214 April 20096Santa Clara Valley82
Compact Disc Audio Player, 197919796 March 20098Benelux83
Speak & Spell, the First Use of a Digital Signal Processing IC for Speech Generation, 1978197815 October 20095Dallas84
Development of Electronic Television, 1924-1941192412 November 200910Nagoya85
Maxwell's Equations, 1860-1871186013 August 20098United Kingdom and Ireland86
Book “Experiments and Observations on Electricity” by Benjamin Franklin, 175117517 August 20092Philadelphia87
Development of Ferrite Materials and Their Applications, 1930-1945193013 October 200910Tokyo88
Invention of the First Transistor at Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., 194719478 December 20091North Jersey89
First Semiconductor Integrated Circuit (IC), 1958195815 October 20095Dallas90
IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, 1960 - 1984196016 October 20091New York91
First Transpacific Reception of a Television (TV) Signal via Satellite, 1963196323 November 200910Tokyo92
Semiconductor Planar Process and Integrated Circuit, 195919598 May 20096Santa Clara Valley93
Shilling's Pioneering Contribution to Practical Telegraphy, 1828-1837182818 May 20098Russia (Northwest)94
First External Cardiac Pacemaker, 195019501 September 20097Toronto95
Birthplace of the Internet, 1969196929 October 20096Coastal Los Angeles96
Inception of the ARPANET, 1969196916 September 20096Santa Clara Valley97
Kurobe River No. 4 Hydropower Plant, 1956-6319569 April 201010Kansai98
Commercialization and Industrialization of Photovoltaic Cells, 195919599 April 201010Kansai99
Star of Laufenburg Interconnection, 1958195818 August 20108Switzerland100
TIROS I Television Infrared Observation Satellite, 1960196027 September 20101Princeton/Central Jersey101
Discovery of Radioconduction by Edouard Branly, 1890189023 September 20108France102
Invention of Public-key Cryptography, 1969 - 197519695 October 20108United Kingdom and Ireland103
First Television Broadcast in Western Canada, 195319536 November 20107Vancouver104
First Working Laser, 1960196023 November 20106Metropolitan Los Angeles105
First Radio Astronomical Observations Using Very Long Baseline Interferometry, 1967196725 September 20107Vancouver106
16-bit Monolithic DAC, 198119816 December 20105
First 500 MeV Proton Beam from the TRIUMF Cyclotron, 1974197416 December 20107Vancouver108
Eel River High Voltage Direct Current Converter Station, 1972197224 February 20117New Brunswick109
Mercury Spacecraft MA-6, 1962196224 February 20115Saint Louis110
SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis), 1969-1970197120 February 20116Santa Clara Valley
Oakland-East Bay
Discovery of Superconductivity, 191119118 April 20118Benelux112
Marconi's Early Experiments in Wireless Telegraphy, 1895189529 April 20118Italy113
Pearl Street Station, 1882188210 May 20111New York114
Grumman Lunar Module, 1962-1972196220 July 20111Long Island115
First Direct Broadcast Satellite Service, 1984198418 November 201110Tokyo116
First Real-Time Speech Communication on Packet Networks, 1974 - 198219748 December 20111Boston117
Apollo Guidance Computer, 1962-1972196213 December 20111Boston118
First Practical Field Emission Electron Microscope, 1972197231 January 201210Tokyo119
International Standardization of G3 Facsimile, 198019805 April 201210Tokyo120
World's First Low-Loss Optical Fiber for Telecommunications, 197019701 May 20121Rochester121
Mainline Electrification of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 1895189521 June 20122Baltimore122
Loran, 1940 - 1946194027 June 20121Boston123
Whirlwind Computer, 1944-59194427 June 20121Boston124
SAGE-Semi-Automatic Ground Environment, 1951-1958195127 June 20121Boston125
World's First Reliable High Voltage Power Fuse, 190919093 August 20124Chicago126
The Floating Gate EEPROM, 1976 - 1978197620 August 20126Santa Clara Valley127
First Millimeter-wave Communication Experiments by J.C. Bose, 1894-96189415 September 201210Kolkata128
Raman Effect, 1928192815 September 201210Kolkata129
Birthplace of the Bar Code, 1948194822 October 20122Philadelphia130
First Optical Fiber Laser and Amplifier, 1961-1964196126 October 20121Worcester County131
Rincón del Bonete, 1945194514 December 20129Uruguay132
Invention of Holography, 1947194712 June 20138United Kingdom and Ireland133
Krka-Šibenik Electric Power System, 189518955 July 20138Croatia134
Toshiba T1100, a Pioneering Contribution to the Development of Laptop PC, 1985198529 October 201310Tokyo135
First Technical Meeting of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, 1884188415 December 20132Philadelphia136
Single-element Unidirectional Microphone - Shure Unidyne, 1939193931 January 20144Chicago137
Birth and Growth of Primary and Secondary Battery Industries in Japan, 1893189312 April 201410Kansai138
The CP/M Microcomputer Operating System, 1974197425 April 20146Santa Clara Valley139
Line Spectrum Pair (LSP) for high-compression speech coding, 1975197522 May 201410Tokyo140
Sharp 14-inch Thin-Film-Transistor Liquid-Crystal Display (TFT-LCD) for TV, 1988198810 June 201410Kansai141
First Breaking of Enigma Code by the Team of Polish Cipher Bureau, 1932-193919325 August 20148Poland142
Gapless Metal Oxide Surge Arrester (MOSA) for electric power systems,1975197518 August 201410Tokyo143
First Digitally Processed Image from a Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar, 197819789 September 20147Vancouver144
First Blind Takeoff, Flight and Landing, 1929192924 September 20141Long Island145
Rheinfelden Hydroelectric Power Plant, 1898 - 2010189825 September 20148Germany146
20-inch Diameter Photomultiplier Tubes, 1979 - 198719795 November 201410Nagoya147
TPC-1 Transpacific Cable System, 1964196411 November 20146
High-Temperature Superconductivity, 1987198717 November 20145Houston149
First Generation and Experimental Proof of Electromagnetic Waves, 1886-188818865 December 20148Germany150
Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., 1925-1983192518 December 20141North Jersey151
First RISC (Reduced Instruction-Set Computing) Microprocessor 1980-1982198012 February 20156Oakland-East Bay152
SPARC RISC Architecture, 1987198713 February 20156Santa Clara Valley153
Invention of Stereo Sound Reproduction, 193119311 April 20158United Kingdom and Ireland154
The MU (Middle and Upper atmosphere) radar, 1984198413 May 201510Kansai155
Vapor-phase Axial Deposition Method for Mass Production of High-quality Optical Fiber, 1977-1983197721 May 201510Tokyo156
Virginia Smith High-Voltage Direct-Current Converter Station, 1988198821 May 20155Denver157
Interactive Video Games, 1966196621 September 20151New Hampshire158
Enrico Fermi's Major Contribution to Semiconductor Statistics, 1924-192619245 December 20158Italy159
The High Definition Television System, 1964-1989196411 May 201610Tokyo160
Emergency Warning Code Signal Broadcasting System, 1985198511 May 201610Tokyo161
Development of Information Theory, 1939-1967193917 May 20161Boston162
American Standard Code for Information Interchange ASCII, 1963196319 May 20161New Jersey Coast163
Trans-Atlantic Telephone Fiber-Optic Submarine Cable (TAT-8), 1988198819 May 20161New Jersey Coast164
Ampex Videotape Recorder, 1956195610 June 20166Santa Clara Valley165
Grand Central Terminal Electrification, 1906-1913190615 June 20161New York166
Germany’s First Broadcast Transmission from the Radio Station Königs Wusterhausen, 1920192016 July 20168Germany167
Keage Power Station: The Japan’s First Commercial Hydroelectric Plant, 1890-1897189011 September 201610Kansai168
Weston Meters, 1887-1893188723 September 20161North Jersey169
Dadda's Multiplier, 1965196526 September 20168Italy170
First Public Demonstration of Television, 1926192626 January 20178United Kingdom and Ireland171
SHAKEY: The World’s First Mobile Intelligent Robot, 1972197216 February 20176Santa Clara Valley172
Map-Based Automotive Navigation System, 198119812 March 201710Tokyo173
Invention of a Temperature-Insensitive Quartz Oscillation Plate, 193319336 March 201710Tokyo174
Public Demonstration of Online Systems and Personal Computing, 1968196819 March 20176Santa Clara Valley175
Gotland High Voltage Direct Current Link, 1954195415 May 20178Sweden176
Zenit Parabolic Reflector L-band Pulsed Radar, 1938193831 May 20178Ukraine177
Nobeyama 45-m Telescope, 1982198214 June 201710Tokyo178
The Discovery of the Principle of Self-Complementarity in Antennas and the Mushiake Relationship, 1948194827 July 201710Sendai179
First Atomic Clock, 194819488 August 20172Washington180
Object-Oriented Programming, 1961-1967196127 September 20178Norway181
First Exploration and Proof of Liquid Crystals, 1889188911 October 20178Germany182
Development of CDMA for Cellular Communications, 198919897 November 20176San Diego183
Superconducting Magnet System for the Fermilab Tevatron Accelerator/Collider, 1973-1985197313 November 20174Chicago184
Outdoor large-scale color display system, 198019807 March 201810Fukuoka185
Electric Lighting Of The Kingdom of Hawaii 1886-1888188623 March 20186Hawaii186
Amorphous Silicon Thin Film Field-Effect Transistor Switches for Liquid Crystal Displays, 197919795 April 20188United Kingdom and Ireland187
Birthplace of Silicon Valley, 1956195615 August 20186Santa Clara Valley188
Moore's Law, 1965196515 August 20186Santa Clara Valley189
The First Two-Dimensional Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI), 197319735 September 20181Long Island190
French Transatlantic Telegraph Cable of 189818986 September 20181
First Studies on Ring Armature for Direct-Current Dynamos, 1860-186318604 December 20188Italy192
Salvá's Electric Telegraph, 1804180417 May 20198Spain193
Detection of Radar Signals Reflected from the Moon, 1946194617 May 20191New Jersey Coast194
DIALOG Online Search System, 1966196623 May 20196Santa Clara Valley195
SCR/Thyristor, 1957195714 June 20191Rochester196
Apollo 11 Lunar Laser Ranging Experiment (LURE), 196919691 August 20196Santa Clara Valley197
Superconductivity at 93 Kelvin, 1987198719 August 20193Huntsville198
Polymer Self-Regulating Heat-Tracing Cable, 1972197228 August 20196Santa Clara Valley199
Human Rescue Enabled by Space Technology, 198219829 September 20197Ottawa200
Standardisation of the Ohm, 1861-1867186117 September 20198United Kingdom and Ireland201
Parkes Radiotelescope, 1969196911 October 201910New South Wales202
Radar Predecessor, 1904190419 October 20198Germany203
WaveLAN, Precursor of Wi-Fi, 1987198729 October 20198Benelux204
Czochralski Process, 1916191614 November 20198Germany
HEMT, 1979197918 December 201910Tokyo206
Demonstration of the ALOHA Packet Radio Data Network, 1971197113 October 20206Hawaii207
Piezoelectric Oscillator, 1921-192319215 November 20201Connecticut208
MPD7720DSP, 1980198015 December 202010Tokyo209
First Large-Scale Fingerprint ID, 1982198215 December 202010Tokyo210
Rotating Fields and Early Induction Motors, 1885-1888188521 January 20218Italy211
Gravitational-Wave Antenna, 1972-198919723 February 20215
Baton Rouge
BASIC Computer Language, 1964196422 February 20211New Hampshire213
Fiber Optic Connectors, 198619865 March 202110Tokyo214
Inverter-Driven Air Conditioner, 1980-1981198016 March 202110Nagoya215
Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope, 1994199430 March 202110Pune216
Multiple Technologies on a Chip, 1985198518 May 20218Italy217
Folsom Powerhouse, 1895189513 July 20216Sacramento Valley218
RCA Central, 192119215 November 20211Long Island219
Rationalization of Units, 1901-1902190115 December 20218Italy220
Calcutta Electric Supply Corp, 1899189918 December 202110Kolkata221
String Galvanometer, 1901-190519018 April 20228Benelux222
Handheld Digital Camera, 1975197526 April 20221Rochester223
Active Shielding of Superconducting Magnets, 1984-1989198416 June 20228United Kingdom and Ireland224
Manchester University "Baby" Computer and its Derivatives, 1948-1951194821 June 20228United Kingdom and Ireland225
Atlas Computer and the Invention of Virtual Memory, 1957-1962195721 June 20228United Kingdom and Ireland226
The Trans-Canada Microwave System, 195819581 July 20227Canadian Atlantic
QR (Quick Response) Code, 1994199426 September 202210Nagoya228
Budapest Metroline No.1., 1896189620 October 20228Hungary229
Alvin Deep-Sea Research Submersible, 1965-1984196421 October 20221Providence230
First Computerized Tomography (CT) X-ray Scanner, 1971197126 October 20228United Kingdom and Ireland231
Harvard Mark 1 Computer, 1944 - 1959194410 November 20221Boston232
Development of Computer Graphics and Visualization Techniques, 1965-1978196524 March 20236Utah233
The Birth of Electrodynamics, 1820-182718203 April 20238France234
IEEE Standard 754 for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic, 198519853 May 20236Oakland-East Bay235
First Demonstration of a Fibre Bragg Grating, 1978197811 August 20237Ottawa236
First Geographic Information System (GIS), 1962-1968196211 August 20237Ottawa237
MPEG Multimedia Integrated Circuits, 1984-1993198428 September 20238France238
Perpendicular Magnetic Recording, 197719779 October 202310Sendai239
First Robotic Control from Human Brain Signals, 1988198810 October 20238North Macedonia240
TRON Real-time Operating System Family, 1984198414 October 202310Tokyo241
MTI Portable Satellite Communication Terminals, 1987-199519876 December 202310Taipei242
Invention of Sonar, 1915-191819157 December 20238France243
The Development of RenderMan® for Photorealistic Graphics, 1981-198819818 December 20236Oakland-East Bay244
Mode S Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System, 1969-199519692 February 20241Boston245
Development of 193-nm Projection Photolithography, 1984-199619842 February 20241Boston246
Semiconductor Laser, 196219622 February 20241Schenectady
New York
Deep Space Station 43, 1972-198719726 March 202410Australian Capital Territory248
Commercialization of Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors with Nickel Electrodes, 198219828 March 202410Kansai249
A-0 Compiler and Initial Development of Automatic Programming, 1951-195219527 May 20242Philadelphia250
The Xerox Alto Establishes Personal Networked Computing, 1972-1983197217 May 20246Santa Clara Valley251
Development of the Commercial Laser Printer, 1971-1977197117 May 20246Santa Clara Valley252
Ethernet Local Area Network (LAN), 1973-1985197317 May 20246Santa Clara Valley253
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Enables the Internet, 1974197420 May 20246Santa Clara Valley254
Origin of the IEEE 802 Family of Networking Standards, 1980-1999198020 May 20246Santa Clara Valley255
PageRank and the Birth of Google, 1996-1998199620 May 20246Santa Clara Valley256
Development of the Cavity Magnetron, 1939-194119394 June 20248United Kingdom and Ireland257
Large-Scale Commercialization of a CDMA Cellular Communication System, 1996199610 June 202410Seoul258
Neutrodyne Circuit, 1922192219 October 20241North Jersey259
Toyota Prius, the World's First Mass-Produced Hybrid Vehicle, 1997199730 October 202410Nagoya260
Pulse Oximetry, 1972197214 November 202410Tokyo261
Laser Ionization Mass Spectrometer, 1988198815 November 202410Kansai262
The Pioneering TRON Intelligent House, 1989198928 November 202410Tokyo263
Heavy Ion Accelerator Facility, 1973197326 February 202510Australian Capital Territory264

Special Citations by Year Dedicated And Region

 Year of AchievementDate DedicatedIEEE RegionsIEEE SectionDedication #
Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), Electrical Pioneer (Special Citation)18561 October 20068Serbia and Montenegro1
IEEE Special Citation Computer History Museum, 1979197929 October 20156Santa Clara Valley2
Special Citation Heinz Nixdorf Museum, 1996199623 October 20218Germany3
Commonwealth Solar - Mount Stromlo Observatory, 1924 (Special Citation)19246 September 202410Australian Capital Territory4