

Swenn Poulsen (

Hvidovre, Denmark

Curriculum Vitae.

Born 1932.
Married 1958. Two daugters, born in 1962 and 1968.

Education and employment
High school finished 1951.
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (Electronics) 1957 from the Technical University of Denmark. Two years naval service, the latter as Lieutenant ( R ) on the frigate “Diana” (which, along with three sisterships, was build in Italy), mostly on patrol in the Baltic Sea.
Member of I.R.E./IEEE since 1957. Senior Member from 1992. Life Senior Member from 1996. Member of IEEE Communications Society.
Worked at Philips Telecommunications, Copenhagen, from 1959 to 1991.
Worked at Copenhagen Telephone Business Division (KTAS Erhverv) 1991 to 1993 (when it was fused with Jutland Telephone Business Division into Tele Danmark Business Division).
Worked at KTAS Teledivision 1993 to 1995.
Worked at Tele Danmark NUI (Network- and servicedevelopment, infrastructure) 1995 to 1997.
Retired 1997.

Special items from the employment period
1961 to 1963 stationed in Hilversum, Holland, working in the development section for public exchanges of Philips Telecommunications on one of the first program-controlled fully electronic public exchanges. My responsibility was the interfaces and the signalling towards the L. M. Ericsson exchanges in the public telephone network in Århus, Jutland, where the system was in trial operation from 1967 to 1973.
Fluent in English and Dutch. Can manage Swedish, German and French.
1968 to 1970 personal assistant to the CTO of Philips Denmark, along with the job in Philips Telecommunications. Here I had contact with all professional groups of Philips Denmark.
Autumn 1970 I was the only non-Dutch pupil at the first PRX-course in Hilversum. PRX was Philips’ first saleable program-controlled public telephone exchange and was installed in Holland from 1972.
In 1973 discussions started with KTAS Business Division about the program-controlled PABX (private automatic branch exchange) EBX 8000. This led to an order for an EBX 8000 to the main offices of KTAS in 1974 and its delivery in 1976. A number of these PABXes were supplied to large KTAS customers over the next 6 years (KTAS still had a monopoly on such deliveries).
In 1975 lectures on EBX 8000 in Hilversum.
In 1975 and 1976 I developed with KTAS specifications for through-dialling with MFC (Multi Frequency Code) signalling. In this respect EBX 8000 became part of the public telephone network. It was without problems introduced in KTAS’ main offices in 1977 and later in three other EBX 8000 exchanges in Copenhagen (in a network for government offices).
1979 to 1982 supply of several EBX 800 (a smaller PABX) and one EBX 8000 to the Funen Municipal Telephone Company.
1979 to 1981 employee member of the supervisory board of Philips Denmark.
In 1982 member of a group of three in Hilversum, making an interim report about the development of what was later to become SOPHO-S 2500, Philips’ ISDN PABX (integrated services digital network, using PCM (pulse code modulation) time-division switching).
1983 to 1986 delivery of several hundred PABXes of the TBX type to KTAS. TBX was a program-controlled, PAM (pulse amplitude modulation) time-multiplexed minor PABX. We also supplied 6 TBXes to cruising ships, built in Ålborg and Malmö for Carnival Cruises, Miami (the only Philips PABXes sold to a US customer in the 80es!).
1984 to 1988 chairman of the employees club in Philips Denmark.
1986 introducing SOPHO-S 250 and 1000 at KTAS (these were hybrids with TBX control and SOPHO-S switching).
1987 transferred to Philips Nordic Tele to assist the Swedish and Norwegian Philips companies in entering the now liberalised PABX markets. This led to approval in Sweden of the SOPHO-K key telephone system in 1988 and of the SOPHO-S system in 1989 and approval in Norway of SOPHO-S in 1990.
1987 to 1990 I was part of the Swedish group writing standards for approval of PABXes.
1988 to 1996 I was part of the Danish group which made technical requirements for PABXes. The market was liberalised in 1990.
Autumn 1990 I had leave from Philips Denmark to work for Fischer and Lorenz European Telecommunications Consultants S. A. as their member of ETSI (European Telecommunications Standard Institute) project team 26, NET4 editing team. The other three members came from the teleadministrations of France, Germany and United Kingdom. Our job was to evaluate comments from the public hearing of candidateNET4 (a combined paper listing all the various requirements in European countries to telephone network terminals) during the first half of 1990 and propose to ETSI STC TE5 (standard technical committee, terminal equipment 5) if and how the comments should influence the standard.
Autumn 1991 I had leave from KTAS to again work for Fischer and Lorenz as member of an ETSI project team, now PT9V on preparations of standards for leased lines, to which the European Union directive on ONP (open network provision) could refer to.
1992 to 1994 representing KTAS (Tele Danmark) in ETSI STC BT2 (business telecommunications, complex subscriber installations). My special topic was transmission in private telecommunication networks.
1992 member of the Danish NET4 ad hoc group, supplying input and comments to ETSI PT17V. This project team analysed the possibilities for harmonisation of the connection requirements to terminals on the public switched telephone network in Europe. This was followed in 1993 by membership of a new group editing the Danish requirements in NET4, so they covered all types of terminals.
In 1992 I was project manager for the evaluation of whether Siemens Hicom 300 PABX should be introduced as an offer to KTAS’ large customers along with L. M. Ericsson’s MD110 PABX.
1992 and 1993 member of a group in KTAS to both supervise tests with cordless telephones (which were also done at the other Danish administrations) and to propose future strategies in this area.
1993 the work in the PABX-group led to membership of two other groups. One detailed the requirements to the 2 Mbit/s links to the public network (links with 30 time-division speech channels and signalling bits related to the individual channels). The other group considered the need for technical requirements to equipment with 2/4-wire transfer. It was found that such equipment would always be part of a terminal, for which there already were technical requirements.
1993 chairman of an ad hoc group under ETSI STC BT2 proposing requirements to out of band noise (the Rouban group) on leased lines under the European Union’s ONP-LL (open network provision, leased lines) directive and from digital PABXes.
1994 member of and 1996 chairman and secretary for a group under the Danish Telecommunications Supervisory Board, making technical requirements for connection of terminals to analogue leased lines (the TAFK group).