User:Shizuo Mizushina
ity. Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, 1964, Ohio State University. Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering, 1965, Ohio State University. 2. Employment Technician and Research Assistant, Shizuoka University, March 1957. Lecturer Shizuoka University, April 1960. Research Assistant, Ohio State University, 1960. Member of Technical Staff, April 1965. Associate Professor, Shizuoka University, March 1968 Professor, Shizuoka University, April 1982. Dean, Graduate School of Electronic Science, Shizuoka University, April 1987. Director, Research Institute of Electronics, April 1994. Retirement from Shizuoka University, March 1997. Professor Emeritus, Shizuoka University, since 1997. 3. Books and Articles A. Books 1).Edited by Shizuo Miaushina: “Non-invasive Temperature Measurement,” Aspects of Medical Technology, A Series of Monographs and Conference Proceedings, Volume 1, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, New York, London, Paris, Montreux, Tokyo, Melbourne, 1989. 2). Guest Editors: R. Leroy and S. Mizushina: Special Issue on Short-Range Sensing, Journal of ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES and APPLICATIONS, Editor-in-Chief: J. A. Kong, Volume 7, Number 11, 1993, III VSP III. B. Articles (About 100 articles) 1).Shizuo Mizushina, “Triggered Operation of Tunnel Diode Oscillators and Pulse Generators,” IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, Vol. SC-2, No. 3, pp. 73-81, September 1967. 2).Shizuo Mizushina, “Tunnel-Diode-Pair Unilateral Pulse Regenerator for Unipolar Pulse Pattern Transmission,” IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, Vol. SC-6, No. 2, pp. 76-83, April 1971 3) .Shizuo Mizushina, Hiroshi Kondoh and Mitsuaki Ashiki, “ Corporate and Tandem Structures for Combining Power from 2N+1 Oscillators,” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, Vol. MTT-28, No. 12, pp. 1428-1432, December 1980. 4). Yoshinori Hamamura, Shizuo Mizushina and Toshifumi Sugiura, “ Non-invasive Measurement of Temperature-Versus-Depth Profile in Biological Systems using a Multiple-Frequency-Band Microwave Radiometer System,” pp. 39-58, of the book : “Non-invasive Temperature Measurement,” Edited by Shizuo Miaushina, Aspects of Medical Technology, A Series of Monographs and Conference Proceedings, Volume 1, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, New York, London, Paris, Montreux, Tokyo, Melbourne, 1989. This article first appeared in Automedica: A Multinational Journal for Automation in the Medical Sciences, Volume 8, Number 4, 1987. 5). K. Maruyama, S. Mizushina, T. Sugiura, G. M. J. Van Leeuwen, J. W. Hand, G. Marrocco, F. Bardati, A. D. Edwards, D. Azzopardi, and D. Land, “Feasibility of Noninvasive Measurement of Deep Brain Temperature in Newborn Infants by Multifrequency Microwave Radiometry, ” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, Vol. 48, No. 11, pp. 2141-2147, November 2000. 4. Academic Societies EIC (The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japan): Fellow. IEEE: Life Member 40354277 Membership IEEE Societies: Microwave Theory and Techniques, Communications, and Engineering in Medicine and Biology.