Robert C. Degeneff


Robert C. Degeneff
Robert C. Degeneff
Death date
Associated organizations
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Fields of study


Robert C. Degeneff was known in the power engineering field for his technical contributions of almost four decades to the modeling of transformer coils and windings. Dr. Degeneff’s research led to the development of industry standards in the computation of transient voltages within transformer windings, allowing for the efficient design of insulation structures, reducing power loss in a transformer. He was a professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N.Y., and founder and president of Utility Systems Technologies (UST), Inc. of Latham, N.Y. UST became a leading developer of electronic voltage regulators and sag mitigation equipment used to solve voltage sag problems in both utility and industrial power systems. An IEEE Fellow, Dr. Degeneff held eight patents, published seven dozen papers, and several chapters in books in the electric power area. In addition, he was a professional engineer in New York and a member of several professional societies including Eta Kappa Nu.

He died 16 March 2019 at his home in Schenectady, New York, U.S.A.