Recipients of the IEEE Medal of Honor and the Nobel Prize


Recipients of the IEEE Medal of Honor and the Nobel Prize
Recipient Medal of Honor Nobel Prize
Guglielmo Marconi 1920 1909, Physics
Edward V. Appleton 1962 1947, Physics
Charles H. Townes 1967 1964, Physics
Dennis Gabor 1970 1971, Physics
John Bardeen 1971 1956 and 1972, Physics
William R. Shockley 1980 1956, Physics
Nicolaas Bloembergen 1983 1981, Physics
Jack S. Kilby 1986 2000, Physics
Paul C. Lauterbur 1987 2003, Physiology or Medicine
Leo Esaki 1991 1973, Physics
Herbert Kroemer 2002 2000, Physics