Oral-History:IEEE Foundation Oral Histories
The number that follows the interviewee's name is the interview's oral history code number, which uniquely identifies the interview in the IEEE History Center's archive. Please use this number when referring to an oral history.
As the philanthropic partner of IEEE, the IEEE Foundation inspires the generosity of donors to enable IEEE programs that improve access to technology, enhance technological literacy, and support education and the IEEE professional community. In anticipation of the IEEE Foundation 50th Anniversary celebration in 2023, an institutional history project was undertaken wherein the IEEE History Center collects and preserves the oral histories of leading IEEE Foundation Past Presidents and Board Members. These oral histories focus on the interviewees' experiences with the IEEE Foundation and how the role of the Foundation evolved over the past fifty years. Additional interviews are being conducted and processed, and will be posted when completed.
- Acero, Alex - (#894)- IEEE Fellow, President of IEEE Signal Processing Society (2014-2015), member of the Board of Directors of the IEEE Foundation. Leads the speech team in Siri, Apple’s personal assistant for iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV, and Carplay; and he is an Affiliate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computing Engineering at the University of Washington. (IEEE)
- Gowen, Richard (#522, #533, #568, #818) - 1984 IEEE President and Eminent Member of Eta Kappa Nu, President of the IEEE Foundation (1984 and 2005-2011), Gowen started work at the RCA Research Laboratories, but the Air Force called him to active duty. While in the Air Force he and his wife Nancy, moved around the USA, and he began graduate study at Iowa State University, earning an M.S. in 1959 and a Ph.D. in 1962, both in electrical engineering with a focus in the emerging field of biomedical engineering. He directed the joint NASA-Air Force space medical instrumentation program, and he supervised the design of medical experiments in the Apollo and Skylab space programs.
- Feisel, Lyle (#824) - Feisel, an IEEE Life Fellow, became the founding dean of the Watson School of Engineering at SUNY Binghamton in 1983. He has been an active member of IEEE's Educational Activities Board, the IEEE Education Society, the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), ABET as well as the IEEE Foundation. (IEEE)
- Lewis, Peter (#821) - Lewis, an IEEE Life Fellow, had thirty-three year career at PSE&G and then joined the IEEE staff as Managing Director of Educational Activities. He has been a member of IEEE and its predecessor organizations, the Institute of Radio Engineers and the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, since 1955. He joined the IEEE Foundation Board in 2002 and was elected an IEEE Foundation director emeritus in 2008. (IEEE)
- Lillie, Joseph (#819) - Lillie received the B.S. in Electrical Engineering (1974) and the M.S. in Telecommunications (1997) from the University of Southwestern Louisiana. He worked in telecommunications engineering and management for forty-six years and he has served in numerous IEEE positions at the section and region, and international levels, including as Region 5 Director (2000-2001). (IEEE)
- Pugh, Emerson (#521) - Pugh was the 1989 IEEE President, and worked for IBM for twenty-five years in the following positions: research scientist, product development manager, and corporate executive. (IEEE)