Oral-History:Human Space Travel Primary Sources


For the full list of resources related to space travel captured during the 2009 FOOTSTEPS effort, see Human Space Travel Primary Sources

  • Robert Briskman Space communications, Unified S-band system
  • Merril Buckley project management for complex electronic systems (e.g., AEGIS, APOLLO)
  • Sajjad Durrani Space communications pioneer, COMSAT, NASA, and an IEEE Life Fellow
  • Ivan Getting President of The Aerospace Corporation, launches of Mercury and Gemini
  • Dimitry Grabbe electronic components for Apollo project, especially for Apollo guidance computer
  • William Gretsch TV camera for Apollo project
  • Myron Kayton lunar modular electronics, shuttle electronics
  • James Lovell Gemini and Apollo VIII and Apollo XIII missions, first person to make a second voyage to the Moon
  • Naomi McAfee Apollo lunar camera
  • Ian Ross Managing Director of Bellcom, systems engineering to NASA's Project Apollo, remote sensing of lunar surface (safe to land?)
  • Cary Spitzer NASA Langley Research Center
  • Gene Strull TV camera for Apollo project, work for NASA
  • Len Svensson managed team that built TV camera used in Apollo Moon landing
  • Arthur Winston - an an IEEE Life Fellow, Apollo heat shield technology, reminiscence about Buzz Aldrin