Leon Podolsky


Leon Podolsky
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Fields of study


Leon Podolsky (IRE Associate, 1930; Member, 1946; Senior Member, 1953; and Fellow, 1957) was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on 3 November 1910. He received the E.E. degree from the Drexel Institute of Technology, in Philadelphia, in 1934, and he did graduate work in medical physics at Temple University Medical School, in Philadelphia, from 1934 to 1937.

Podolsky's entire career in the electronics industry was associated with components. He acted as a consultant to the Armed Forces and was chairman of numerous military-industry task forces in the electronic components field, including D.O.D. AGREE Task Force V. He also served as Chairman of the EIA Component Parts Panel (c. 1962), Chairman of ASA Committee C83, and Chief Technical Advisor on Electronic Components to the U.S. National Committee of the International Electrotechnical Commission. As the Chief U.S. Delegate on Electronic Components, Podolsky attended meetings of the International Electrotechnical Commission in Europe and Asia for the years 1952 to 1960. In 1962, he was Technical Assistant to the President of the Sprague Electric Company, North Adams, Massachusetts.

Podolsky was a Fellow of both the IRE and the AIEE and a registered professional engineer in the states of Massachusetts and New York. He received numerous government and industry awards for outstanding service. In addition, he was the recipient of the IRE-EIA Fall Meeting Award in 1957.