IRE Professional Groups, 1962


IRE Professional Groups, 1962
Professional Group Number Name of Professional Group Annual Fee
G-11 Aerospace and Navigation $3.00
G-3 Antennas and Propagation $6.00
G-1 (1948) Audio $2.00
G-23 Automatic Control $3.00
G-18 Bio-Medical Electronics $3.00
G-8 Broadcast and Television Receivers $4.00
G-2 (1948) Broadcasting $2.00
G-4 Circuit Theory $4.00
G-19 Communication Systems $2.00
G-21 Components Parts $3.00
G-25 Education $3.00
G-15 Electron Devices $3.00
G-16 Electronic Computers $4.00
G-14 Engineering Management $3.00
G-16 Engineering Writing and Speech $3.00
G-29 (1961) Geoscience Electronics None
G-28 Human Factors in Electronics $2.00
G-13 Industrial Electronics $3.00
G-2 Information Theory $4.00
G-9 Instrumentation $3.00
G-17 Microwave Theory and Techniques $3.00
G-24 Military Electronics $2.00
G-5 Nuclear Science $3.00
G-22 Product Engineering and Production $2.00
G-27 Radio Frequency Interference $2.00
G-7 Reliability and Quality Control $3.00
G-10 Space Electronics and Telemetry $3.00
G-20 Ultrasonics Engineering $2.00
G-6 Vehicular Communications $3.00


IRE, Twenty-Nine Professional Groups, 1962. Proceedings of the IRE, 50, no. 5 (May 1962) 26A and 28A. Institute of Radio Engineers, 1 East 79th Street, New York 21, N.Y.

IRE established the Professional Group System established in 1948 and it included two groups. By 1961, the system expanded to 29 Groups.