ETHW:Action Item Follow-ups


Code To whom assigned Deadline Item Description

10-2013-05 Geselowitz 03/2015 Work with Region 8 on technical cosponsorship of HISTELCON 2015; send call for papers to Committee (next update due 03/2015)
10-2013-10 Geselowitz 03/2015 Work with Japan Council History Committee to explore history conference in Japan in 2017 (next update due 03/2015)
10-2013-11 Geselowitz/Colburn/ Johnston DONE Pursue making proceedings of HISTELCON available on GHN (attempt unsuccessful)
03-2014-03 Kawamoto/Colburn DONE Work with Beijing Section to finalize Abacus Milestone (nomination withdrawn)
03-2014-04 Burger/Magoun DONE Review and make recommendations for STARS program
03-2014-06 Burger/Challenge Subcommittee (Marsh, chair; Albert-Howard; Feisel; Impagliazzo)/ Colburn
DONE Initial Report on Milestone challenge #1
03-2014-07 Burger/Challenge Subcommittee (Marsh, chair; Albert-Howard; Feisel; Impagliazzo)/ Colburn
DONE Initial Report on Milestone challenge #2
03-2014-09 Bickart 03/2015 Represent IEEE on joint website project being conducted by staff on UEF grant (next update due 03/2015)
03-2014-10 Fellowship Subcommittee (Marsh, chair; Israel; Schwartz)/Colburn DONE Transition Fellowship Subcommittee into Awards Subcommittee; prepare nomination for first Middelton Prize (for book published in 2011, 2012 or 2103) to be considered at 11/2014 meeting; update History Committee Information to reflect new award
03-2014-11 Burger/Geselowitz/ Colburn DONE Plan Committee meeting for 9 November in Dearborn, MI, USA, to be held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Society for the History of Technology
11-2014-01 Geselowitz 12/2014
Send list of potential participating societies in ETHW to Committee members and Corresponding membs.
11-2014-02 Colburn/Ruggieri 12/2014 Submit approved Milestones to IEEE BoD for final approval in January 2015
Milestone Challenge Subcommittee (Marsh, chair; Albert-Howard; Feisel; Impagliazzo)/ Colburn
Develop clarifying wording for the Popov Milestone on the IEEE GHN and to consult with the IEEE Russia Northwest Section.
11-2014-04 Milestone Challenge Subcommittee (Marsh, chair; Albert-Howard; Feisel; Impagliazzo)/ Colburn 03/2015 Prepare options on Salvan Milestone challenge for recommendation to IEEE BoD
11-2014-05 Burger 12/2014 Contact ICU about its plaque at Salvan, Switzerlan, and report to Subcommittee
11-2014-06 Colburn 12/2014 Send response to High Temperature Superconductivity Milestone unquiry on behalf of David Burger
Consult with Landmark program administrators at IEEE sister societies to find out how they run their top-down programs and provide reommendations to Milestones subcommittee
Milestones Subcommittee/Colburn
Submit draft of top-down milestone program procedures to IEEE History Committee
11-2014-09 Colburn 10/2015 Make meeting arrangements for the History Committee to meet in Albuquerque, NM, USA on 11 October 2015 in conjunction with SHOT
11-2014-10 Geselowitz 12/2014 Request fund transfer from IEEE Foundation for use for History Center operations in 2014 (not to exceed $120,000)
11-2014-11 Committee 12/2014 Make a personal contribution to one or more funds held by an IEEE Foundation to benefit the History Center
11-2014-12 Prize Subcommittee (to be appointed for 2015)/Staff 03/2105 Develop list of books eligible for 2015 Middleton Prize and distribute to History Committee members for review
11-2014-13 Magoun 12/2014 Complete the sunsetting of the STARS program
11-2014-14 Colburn 03/2014 Plan spring 2015 History Committee meeting for 7-8 March at the Newark Airport, with the saturday planning session to be held at Stevens Institute of Technology.
11-2014-15 Colburn 10/2014 Plan fall 2015 History Comittee meeting for 11 October 2015 in Albuquerque in conjunction with SHOT