Personal-Narrative:What's the real message?



9-12 Sociology

Time Required for completed lesson

One class period (40 minutes)


6.1.12.C.14.c Analyze economic trends, income distribution, labor participation (i.e., employment, the composition of the work force), and government and consumer debt and their impact on society.

6.1.12.C.14.d Relate the changing manufacturing, service, science, and technology industries and educational opportunities to the economy and social dynamics in New Jersey.

6.1.12.D.16.a Analyze the impact of American culture on other world cultures from multiple perspectives.

6.1.12.D.16.b Explain how and why technology is transforming access to education and educational practices worldwide.

6.1.12.D.16.c Determine past and present factors that led to the widening of the gap between the rich and poor, and evaluate how this has affected individuals and society.

6.3.12.B.1 Collaborate with students from other countries to develop possible solutions to an issue of environmental justice, and present those solutions to relevant national and international governmental and/or nongovernmental organizations.

6.3.12.C.1 Participate in a real or simulated hearing about a social issue with a related economic impact (e.g., growing health care costs, immigration), and justify conclusions after weighing evidence from multiple experts and stakeholders.

Common Core State Standards

Key Ideas and Details

  • RH.11-12.1. Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources, connecting insights gained from specific details to an understanding of the text as a whole.
  • RH.11-12.3. Evaluate various explanations for actions or events and determine which explanation best accords with textual evidence, acknowledging where the text leaves matters uncertain.

Craft and Structure

  • RH.11-12.6. Evaluate authors’ differing points of view on the same historical event or issue by assessing the authors’ claims, reasoning, and evidence.

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

  • RH.11-12.7. Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., visually, quantitatively, as well as in words) in order to address a question or solve a problem.
  • RH.11-12.8. Evaluate an author’s premises, claims, and evidence by corroborating or challenging them with other information.
  • RH.11-12.9. Integrate information from diverse sources, both primary and secondary, into a coherent understanding of an idea or event, noting discrepancies among sources.

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

  • RH.11-12.10. By the end of grade 12, read and comprehend history/social studies texts in the grades 11–CCR text complexity band independently and proficiently.

Materials Required

Tech lab-Internet access in classroom for each students

Anticipatory Set

Do you really get your point across in a text or email?


5 minute discussion with students to see if they think they get their point across. Instructor gives an introduction of the various forms of communication that humans have used since the inception of civilization. Instructor asks for a show of hands as to what forms of communication students use today and how many of each type they use on a daily basis. (Could ask them day before to do a tally.)

Students search via browser for discussions about face to face communication vs. emailing and texting to discern advantages and disadvantages of both. They will place answers in a Venn diagram.


Tally of uses of communication

Venn diagram of face to face vs. texting/email


Body language


Print out resources where needed


If the world is gravitating towards more electronic communication and less face to face communication then what is the impact of the loss of body language cues?---write 3 paragraphs as homework to hand in next day; can be in the form of a narrative.


Submitted by

Laurie Kroll

(picked Sociology as I will be teaching it next year)

The History of Communication

( ________________________________________

3500 BC to 2900 BC The Phoenicians develop an alphabet. The Sumerians develop cuneiform writing - pictographs of accounts written on clay tablets. The Egyptians develop hieroglyphic writing.

1775 BC Greeks use a phonetic alphabet written from left to right.

1400 BC Oldest record of writing in China on bones.

1270 BC The first encyclopedia is written in Syria.

900 BC The very first postal service - for government use in China.

776 BC First recorded use of homing pigeons used to send message - the winner of the Olympic Games to the Athenians.

530 BC The Greeks start the very first library.

500 BC to 170 BC Papyrus rolls and early parchments made of dried reeds - first portable and light writing surfaces.

200 BC to 100 BC Human messengers on foot or horseback common in Egypt and China with messenger relay stations built. Sometimes fire messages used from relay station to station instead of humans.

14 Romans establish postal services.

37 Heliographs - first recorded use of mirrors to send messages by Roman Emperor Tiberius.

100 First bound books

105 BC Tsai Lun of China invents paper as we know it.

305 First wooden printing presses invented in China - symbols carved on a wooden block.

1049 First movable type invented - clay - invented in China by Pi Sheng.

1450 Newspapers appear in Europe.

1455 Johannes Gutenberg invents a printing press with metal movable type. 1560 Camera Obscura invented - primitive image making.

1650 First daily newspaper - Leipzig.

1714 Englishmen, Henry Mill receives the first patent for a typewriter.

1793 Claude Chappe invents the first long-distance semaphore (visual or optical) telegraph line.

1814 Joseph Nicéphore Niépce achieves the first photographic image.

1821 Charles Wheatstone reproduces sound in a primitive sound box - the first microphone.

1831 Joseph Henry invents the first electric telegraph.

1835 Samuel Morse invents Morse code.

1843 Samuel Morse invents the first long distance electric telegraph line. Alexander Bain patents the first fax machine.

1861 United States starts the Pony Express for mail delivery. Coleman Sellers invents the Kinematoscope - a machine that flashed a series of still photographs onto a screen.

1867 American, Sholes the first successful and modern typewriter.

1876 Thomas Edison patents the mimeograph - an office copying machine. Alexander Graham Bell patents the electric telephone. Melvyl Dewey writes the Dewey Decimal System for ordering library books.

1877 Thomas Edison patents the phonograph - with a wax cylinder as recording medium. Eadweard Muybridge invents high speed photography - creating first moving pictures that captured motion.

1887 Emile Berliner invents the gramophone - a system of recording which could be used over and over again.

1888 George Eastman patents Kodak roll film camera.

1889 Almon Strowger patents the direct dial telephone or automatic telephone exchange.

1894 Guglielmo Marconi improves wireless telegraphy.

1898 First telephone answering machines.

1899 Valdemar Poulsen invents the first magnetic recordings - using magnetized steel tape as recording medium - the foundation for both mass data storage on disk and tape and the music recording industry. Loudspeakers invented.

1902 Guglielmo Marconi transmits radio signals from Cornwall to Newfoundland - the first radio signal across the Atlantic Ocean.

1904 First regular comic books.

1906 Lee Deforest invents the electronic amplifying tube or triode - this allowed all electronic signals to be amplified improving all electronic communications i.e. telephones and radios.

1910 Thomas Edison demonstrated the first talking motion picture.

1914 First cross continental telephone call made.

1916 First radios with tuners - different stations.

1923 The television or iconoscope (cathode-ray tube) invented by Vladimir Kosma Zworykin - first television camera.

1925 John Logie Baird transmits the first experimental television signal.

1926 Warner Brothers Studios invented a way to record sound separately from the film on large disks and synchronized the sound and motion picture tracks upon playback - an improvement on Thomas Edison's work.

1927 NBC starts two radio networks. CBS founded. First television broadcasts in England. Warner Brothers releases "The Jazz Singer" the first successful talking motion picture.

1930 Radio popularity spreads with the "Golden Age" of radio. First television broadcasts in the United States. Movietone system of recording film sound on an audio track right on the film invented.

1934 Joseph Begun invents the first tape recorder for broadcasting - first magnetic recording.

1938 Television broadcasts able to be taped and edited - rather than only live.

1939 Scheduled television broadcasts begin.

1944 Computers like Harvard's Mark I put into public service - government owned - the age of Information Science begins.

1948 Long playing record invented - vinyl and played at 33 rpm. Transistor invented - enabling the miniaturization of electronic devices.

1949 Network television starts in U.S. 45 rpm record invented.

1951 Computers are first sold commercially.

1958 Chester Carlson invents the photocopier or Xerox machine. Integrated Circuit invented - enabling the further miniaturization of electronic devices and computers.

1963 Zip codes invented in the United States.

1966 Xerox invents the Telecopier - the first successful fax machine.

1969 ARPANET - the first Internet started.

1971 The computer floppy disc invented. The microprocessor invented - considered a computer on a chip.

1972 HBO invents pay-TV service for cable.

1976 Apple I home computer invented. First nationwide programming - via satellite and implemented by Ted Turner.

1979 First cellular phone communication network started in Japan..

1980 Sony Walkman invented.

1981 IBM PC first sold. First laptop computers sold to public. Computer mouse becomes regular part of computer.

1983 Time magazines names the computer as "Man of the Year." First cellular phone network started in the United States.

1984 Apple Macintosh released. IBM PC AT released.

1985 Cellular telephones in cars become wide-spread. CD-ROMs in computers.

1994 American government releases control of internet and WWW is born - making communication at lightspeed.

Subimitted by: Laurie G. Kroll Weehawken High School, NJ