Personal-Narrative:Rise of Telecommunications: Societal impact in the 19th Century vs. Societal impact in the 21st Century
10th/11th – U.S. History
Time Required for Completed Lesson
Two 80 minute blocks or four 40 minute classes
6.a 6.1.12.C.1
Common Core State Standards
RH.9-10.9. Compare and contrast treatments of the same topic in several primary and secondary sources.
RH.9-10.1. Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources, attending to such features as the date and origin of the information.
1. Computer with projector and screen 2. Internet access/PowerPoint (computer lab) 3. Chart paper/markers
Anticipatory Set
Have students answer this question for homework prior to the lesson: What changes in communication technology have occurred between the end of the 19th century and present day?
1. Do Now: Have students work in small groups and discuss the answers they came up with for their homework question.
2. Have each group make a chart listing communication technology at the end of the 19th century and communication technology in present day and then share their answers as part of a class discussion. As part of the class discussion, the students will come to a class consensus list of 19th and 21st century communication technology to be used by each group going forward in the lesson.
3. After discussing the student answers, the students will continue to work in their groups and evaluate the economic, political, and social impact of both their 19th century communication technology list and their 21st century communication technology list on both individuals and nations. Students should have access to the internet to research answers as necessary, and the availability of PowerPoint or some other presentation program to create a presentation of their information.
4. Upon completion of their created presentations, each group will present their presentations to the class.
5. Upon completion of their presentations, students will view the YouTube video Media Studies: History of Media, and then be given the following individual assignment: Use any technology you choose to present the answer to the following question: What 3 significant changes in communication technology do you anticipate occurring in the next 25 years, and what economic, political, and social impact will these technological changes have on both individuals and nations?
1. Special attention to grouping of special needs students. 2. Those needing extended time to complete work will be accommodated.
1. Student created (group) presentations evaluating the economic, political, and social impact of both their 19th century communication technology list and their 21st century communication technology list on both individuals and nations. You must use a minimum of 2 primary or secondary sources to support your answers and provide proper work citations.
2. Student created (individual) presentations evaluating the economic, political, and social impact of their anticipated changes in communication technology over the next 25 years on both individuals and nations.
Science/Language Arts/Technology
Explaining the homework (assessment/evaluation) will be the closing of the lesson.
Submitted by: Thomas Glen, Social Studies, Arts High School