Special:Badtitle/NS90:Milestone-Proposal talk:CRC102-A activated at Politecnico di Milano by Luigi Dadda/Citation Text

Revision as of 08:24, 13 July 2013 by Tonydavies (talk | contribs) (New thread: Citation Text)
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The proposal suggests a possible phrase for inclusion in the Citation:

"The CRC102A was the first operating fully electronic digital computer in continental Europe."

There are other candidates for this claim, very likely the MESM in Kiev is from 1951, designed by a team under Sergei Lebedev.

For an English Language account of the MESM, see http://en.uacomputing.com/stories/mesm/

Since the CRC102A was designed and made in USA, the emphasis in the proposal needs to focus on the novel benefits which its presence in Milan initiated, which I suggest needs to be clear in both the title and the citation.

Tony Davies 2013 July 13th