ETHW:Action Item Follow-ups

Revision as of 16:51, 17 November 2014 by Administrator5 (talk | contribs)

Code To whom assigned Deadline Item Description

10-2013-05 Geselowitz 03/2015 Work with Region 8 on technical cosponsorship of HISTELCON 2015; send callfor papers to Committee (next update due 03/2015)
10-2013-10 Geselowitz 03/2015 Work with Japan Council History Committee to explore history conference in Japan in 2017 (next update due 03/2015)
10-2013-11 Geselowitz/Colburn/ Johnston DONE Pursue making proceedings of HISTELCON available on GHN (attempt unsuccessful)
03-2014-03 Kawamoto/Colburn DONE Work with Beijing Section to finalize Abacus Milestone (nomination withdrawn)
03-2014-04 Burger/Magoun DONE Review and make recommendations for STARS program
03-2014-06 Burger/Subcommittee DONE Report on Milestone challenge #1
03-2014-07 Marsh/Albert-Howard/ Feisel/ Impagliazzo DONE Report on Milestone challenge #2
03-2014-09 Bickart 03/2015 Represent IEEE on joint website project being conducted by staff on UEF grant (next update due 03/2015)
03-2014-10 Fellowship Subcommttee (Marsh, chair; Israel; Schwartz)/Colburn DONE Transition Fellowship Subcommittee into Awards Subcommittee; prepare nomination for first Middelton Prize (for book published in 2011, 2012 or 2103) to be considered at 11/2014 meeting; update History Committee Information to reflectnew award
03-2014-11 Burger/Geselowitz/ Colburn DONE Plan Committee meeting for 9 November in Dearborn, MI, USA, to be held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Society for the History of Technology
11-2014-01 Geselowitz 12/2014
Send list of potential participating societies in ETHW to Committee members and Corresponding membs.
11-2014-02 Colburn/Ruggieri 12/2014 Submit approved Milestones to IEEE BoD for final approval in January 2015
Milestone Challenge Subcommittee (Chair: Marsh, Albert-Howard, Feisel, Impagliazzo)/ Colburn
Develop clarifying wording for the Popov Milestone on the IEEE GHN and to consult with the IEEE Russia Northwest Section.
11-2014-04 Milestone Challenge Subcommittee (Marsh, chair; Albert-Howard; Feisel; Impagliazzo)/ Colburn 03/2015 Prepare options on Salvan Milestone challenge for recommendation to IEEE BoD
11-2014-05 Burger 12/2014 Contact ICU about its plaque at Salvan, Switzerlan, and report to Subcommittee
11-2014-06 Colburn 10/2015 Make meeting arrangements for the History Committee to meet in Albuquerque, NM, USA on 11 October 2015 in conjunction with SHOT
11-2014-07 Prize Subcommittee (to be appointed for 2015)/ Staff 03/2105 Develop list of books eligible for 2015 Middleton Prize and distribute to History Committee membersfor review
11-2014-08 Colburn 8 March 2014 Consult with Landmark program administrators at IEEE sister societies to find out how they run their top-down programs
11-2014-09 Colburn 8 March 2014 Submit draft of top-down milestone program procedures to IEEE History Committee