William White


William White
Brooklyn, NY, USA
Associated organizations
General Electric (GE)
Fields of study
Vacuum tubes


William C. White (IRE Associate, 1915; Member, 1925; and Fellow, 1940) was born in Brooklyn, New York on 24 March 1890. He received the E.E. degree from Columbia University, New York, N.Y., in 1912. He entered the General Electric Research Laboratory in the summer of 1912 as an assistant to Irving Langmuir during the years of pioneer development of the high vacuum tube. When this research reached the commercial stage, White was appointed engineer in charge of a development and design section for their manufacturer. Shortly before retirement in 1955, White returned to the Research Laboratory at the General Electric Company.

White served on the Board of Directors of the IRE from 1943 to 1947 and as the IRE Treasurer during 1946.