

Qualifications: BE, M Eng Sci (New South Wales), PhD (Sydney)

Affiliations FIEAust, MASHRAE.

Current position: Honorary Associate in the Unit for History and Philosophy of Science, The University of Sydney, Australia.

I have have been in practice as a mechanical engineer for around 40 years and have a long interest in the history of engineering.

In 2010 I completed my PhD at The University of Sydney, the title of my dissertation being "Edison, innovation and failure". I have an ongoing interest in Thomas Edison and am currently writing a book on his approach to invention.

My peer-reviewed papers on Edison:

I. Wills, "Instrumentalising failure: Edison's invention of the carbon microphone", Annals of Science, vol. 64, pp. 383-409, July 2007.

I. Wills, "Edison and science: A curious result", Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A, vol. 40, pp. 157-166, 2009.