

       Dr. Murphy still teaches surgical residents and staff the art and craft of his profession, Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery. He served as ship's surgeon on the USS Enterprise ( the nuclear aircraft carrier ) while it circled around "Camel Station", protecting the shipment of oil in the Arabian Gulf. 
       He is formally retired as a Clinical Associate Professor of Surgery from the University of Kansas School of Medicine in Wichita. He served on one of the guideline writing committees of the American College of Cardiology. He helped develop the surgical technique to use mechanical devices and Lasers to remove remotely implanted pacemaker and defibrillator trans-venous leads from patients. He recently published in the Journal of Vascular Surgery on how to adopt established technology to newer forms of trauma. 
        He no longer receives any 'paper' journals, magazines, newspapers, or communications. He adheres to the dictum of his father and grandfather, both mechanical engineers, who also helped build the NY Empire State Building , " use it or lose it ", and he is fully ensconced in the 21st century. His personal iPhone has over 15,000 articles and 172,000 pictures, but not one single 'tune' .



NAME ​William R.C. Murphy, M.D.

BIRTHDATE ​March 20, 1943

BIRTHPLACE ​New York City, New York

CHILDREN ​William Pedro Murphy ​​10-2-78

             ​Santiago Federico Murphy               ​​4-8-82                


​Wichita Surgical Specialists, P.A. ​​7/83 – 7/2011

                  ​9350 E 35th St. North, Suite 103

​Wichita, Ks 67226 ​

​Weatherby Healthcare​​7/10 - present ​6451 N Federal HWY Suite 800 ​Fort Lauderdale, FL ​Locum Tenens

​Comp Health​​4/11 - present ​P.O. Box 713100 ​Salt Lake City, UT ​Locum Tenens


BACCALAUREATE ​Bachelor of Arts ​​9/60 - 6/64 DEGREE ​Catholic University of America

             ​Washington, D.C.  

CANDIDATE​Candidate in Philosophy​​5/1979

                                       ​University of Minnesota

​Graduate School ​Minneapolis, Minnesota

ADVANCED ​Doctor of Medicine ​​9/64 - 6/68 DEGREES ​University of Chicago Medical School

             ​Chicago, Illinois                                            


EDUCATION (cont.):

INTERNSHIP ​Medical Intern ​​7/68 - 6/69

             ​Michael Reese Hospital                                        
             ​Chicago, Illinois                                            

RESIDENCY ​Junior Surgical Resident ​​7/69 - 6/75

             ​Department of Surgery                                        
             ​University of Minnesota Hospitals                            
             ​Minneapolis, Minnesota                                        
             ​Research Fellow:  Surgery              ​​7/71 - 6/72            
             ​Department of Surgery                                        
             ​University of Minnesota Hospitals

​Minneapolis, Minnesota

​Research Fellow ​​7/74 - 6/75

             ​Department of Pathology                                      
             ​Children's Hospitals                                          
             ​Boston, Massachusetts                                        

​​ ​Chief Resident: Senior Resident ​​7/75 - 6/78

             ​Department of Surgery                                        
             ​University of Minnesota Hospitals                            
             ​Minneapolis, Minnesota                                        

​ ​Cardiovascular Surgery ​​7/81 - 6/83

             ​Division of Thoracic Surgery                                  
             ​University of New Mexico Hospitals                            
             ​Albuquerque, New Mexico                                      

BOARD CERTIFICATION: ​American Board of Surgery ​# 24705 ​3-11-80

                           ​Recertified              ​​1990                  

​Recertified​​1998 ​

             ​American Board of Thoracic Surgery ​# 4420    ​5-24-86

​Recertified ​​1994 ​Recertified​​2004


​Tran myocardial Laser Revascularization ​Thoracic Endograft Placement ​Abdominal Endograft Placement ​Laser Lead Extraction ​Defibrillator Implantation ​Video Assisted Thoracoscopy


COMMANDER ​Medical Corps, U.S. Navy ​​1978 - 1981

SHIP'S ​USS Coral Sea CV 43 ​​7/79 - 6/80 SURGEON ​USS Enterprise CVN 65 ​​7/78 - 6/79

ACTIVE STAFF ​Department of Surgery ​​7/80 - 6/81

             ​U.S. Naval Hospital:                                          
             ​Oaknoll Regional Hospital                                    
             ​Oakland, California

LICENSURE: ACTIVE ​​ ​Missouri​MD110221​5/3/96


​North Dakota​11657​11/19/10

             ​New Mexico ​81-275  ​03/24/2011



​Indiana​01069715A​06/03/2011​ ​​Nebraska ​#16324​01/31/2011

​​Minnesota ​18937-4 ​11/10/2012


​​South Dakota​8738​03/11/2013





​​New York​271423-1​07/15/2013

LICENSURE: (cont) ACTIVE ​ U.S. Department of Justice ​AM 2142658 ​1983

             ​Drug Enforcement Administration            

LICENSURE: INACTIVE​ ​California ​G 043657 ​1980-2004 ​

                                       ​Massachusetts   ​#36515​1976 - 1991            
             ​Rhode Island    ​MD 4443     ​8/72 – 1978

​Kansas State Board of Healing Arts ​#20323 ​6-17-83



ACTIVE ​Via Christi Regional Medical Center ​​7/83 – 7/11 STAFF ​St. Francis Campus ​Wichita, Kansas

ACTIVE ​Via Christi Regional Medical Center ​​7/83 – 7/11 STAFF ​St. Joseph Campus ​Wichita, Kansas

ACTIVE ​Wesley Medical Center ​​7/83 – 7/11 STAFF ​Wichita, Kansas

CONSULTING ​South Central Kansas​​6/97 - 8/00 STAFF ​Regional Center ​Arkansas City, Kansas

ACTIVE​Select Specialty Hospital​​6/03 – 7/11 STAFF​Wichita, Kansas

ACTIVE​Kansas Heart Hospital​​5/00 – 7/11 STAFF​Wichita, Kansas

LOCUM​Hays Medical Center​​03/97 -7/11 TENENS​Hays, KS


INSTRUCTOR ​Department of Physiology​​7/72 - 6/74

             ​Brown University                                              
             ​Providence, Rhode Island                                                  

ACTIVE ​Department of Surgery ​​7/80 - 6/81 STAFF ​U.S. Naval Hospital:

             ​Oaknoll Regional Hospital                                    
             ​Oakland, California

CLINICAL ​Department of Surgery ​​7/83 – 7/06 ASSISTANT ​University of Kansas School PROFESSOR ​of Medicine - Wichita

             ​Wichita, Kansas

CLINICAL​Department of Surgery​ ​7/06- 8/11 ASSOCIATE​University of Kansas School PROFESSOR​Of Medicine – Wichita ​Wichita, Kansas


MEMBER ​American Medical Association ​​7/83 - 1994

MEMBER ​Medical Society of Sedgwick County ​​7/83 - present

MEMBER ​Kansas Medical Society ​​7/83 - present

MEMBER ​Wichita Surgical Society ​​1/84 - 1/94

MEMBER ​Society of Thoracic Surgeons ​​9/87 - present

FELLOW ​American College of Cardiology ​​1987 - present

FELLOW ​American College of Surgeons ​​1987 - present

FELLOW​American Heart Association​​2002- present


SCHOLARSHIP ​New York State Regents Scholarship ​​1960

MEMBER ​Phi Beta Kappa ​​1964

             ​Catholic University

​Washington, D.C.

AWARDS: (cont.)

                               ​$100.00 Best Intern  ​​             1969                  

AWARD ​Michael Reese Hospital

             ​Chicago, Illinois

​ ​$5000.00 VA-VV Perfusion ​​1973

GRANT ​Rhode Island Foundation

​$8000.00 Pathology of Right Ventricle ​​1974 FELLOWSHIP ​Massachusetts Heart Association

​$10,000.00 Embryology of the Human Heart ​1976 GRANT ​Minnesota Heart Association

MEMBER​Phi Kappa Phi​​1980

                                        University of Minnesota


BEST TEACHER​Surgery Department​​1988 AWARD​University of Kansas​​2004 ​School of Medicine​​ ​Wichita, Kansas

LIFETIME​American Heart Association​​1997 ACHIEVEMENT​Kansas Affiliate AWARD

MEMBER ​Transfusion Committee ​​1985 - 1989

             ​St. Joseph Medical Center                                    
            ​Wichita, Kansas    

MEMBER ​Medical-Legal Committee ​​1985 - 1988

             ​Medical Society of Sedgwick County                            
             ​Wichita, Kansas (3-Year Term)                                

MEMBER ​Surgical Executive Committee ​​1985 - 1995

             ​St. Joseph Medical Center                                    
             ​Wichita, Kansas                                              

CHAIRMAN ​Surgical I.C.U. Committee ​​1985 - 1986

             ​St. Joseph Medical Center                                    
             ​Wichita, Kansas                                              


CHAIRMAN ​Professional Education Committee ​​1986 - 1989

             ​American Heart Association

​Kansas Affiliate, Inc.

              ​Sedgwick County Division                                      
             ​2100 East Douglas                                            
             ​Wichita, Kansas  67214  

PRESIDENT ​American Heart Association ​​1990 - 1991

              ​Kansas Affiliate, Inc.                                      
             ​5375 SW 7th Street                                            
             ​Topeka, Kansas                                                

PRESIDENT ​American Heart Association ​​1989 - 1990 ELECT ​Kansas Affiliate, Inc.

BOARD MEMBER​American Heart Association ​​1989 - 1997 ​Kansas Affiliate, Inc.

EXECUTIVE​American Heart Association ​​1989 - 1997 ​Kansas Affiliate, Inc.

EXECUTIVE​American Heart Association ​​1989 - 1997 COMMITTEE​Kansas Affiliate, Inc.

PERSONNEL​American Heart Association ​​1989 - 1997 COMMITTEE​Kansas Affiliate, Inc.

PRESIDENT ​American Heart Association ​​1987 - 1989

             ​Kansas Affiliate, Inc.                                      
              ​Sedgwick County Division                                    

MEMBER ​Human Subjects Committee ​​1989 - 1990

             ​University of Kansas School                                  
          ​of Medicine - Wichita                                        
             ​1010 N. Kansas    
                                        Wichita, Kansas  

CHAIRMAN​Public Advocacy Committee​​7/97 - present ​American Heart Association​ ​Kansas Division ​Wichita, Kansas

PRESIDENT​American Heart Association​​6/00 – 6/01 ​Sedgwick County ​Wichita, Kansas ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE: (Cont.)

BOARD OF​American Heart Association​​7/00 - present DIRECTORS​Heartland Affiliate ​ ​ GOVERNOR​American College of Cardiology​​03/02 - 2005 ​Kansas Chapter MEMBER​ACC Carrier Advisory Committee ​2003 – present

MEMBER​ACC/AHA Writing Committee​ 2003 - present​ ​Guidelines for Peripheral ​Vascular Disease