IEEE Panama Section History


IEEE Panama Section History
Established date 1972-09-12
IEEE Region 9
IEEE Council Central Amer.& Panama
Geographic region Panama
Region area
Principal cities
Home page
List of Subsections in this Section


On July 19, 1972, Eng. Ernesto Obregon, Director of the IEEE Region 9, announced through local newspapers an invitation to engineers and electricians electronic Panama, in order to bring together those who were interested in forming the IEEE Section of Panama. On the same date, during the meeting to be held at the Hotel Panama, was appointed the organizing committee as follows:

President - Carlos E. Rodriguez B.

Vice President - Hernan Acevedo

Secretary - Antonio Raven

Treasurer - D. Oswald Cleghorn

Vocal - Roberto Barraza

Vocal - Daniel George

On July 24, 1972 Organizing Committee raised the formal request to require the approval to establish the Panama Section of IEEE. This request was signed by thirteen active members residing in the Republic of Panama, nine active members residing in the territory of the former Canal Zone, a member in arrears and three non-members of the IEEE.


The Panama Section formed a chapter of EMBS in March 2010.


Supporting Friend of IEEE Member and Geographic Activities

  • 2012 ABB Panama (R9), Panama, Panama, For continuous support to IEEE activities in Latin America.

Founding Members

The creation of the Panamá Section of the IEEE was adopted on September 12, 1972 and duly constituted by the following members considered "founding members":

  • Carlos Algandona, Ramon Argote, Roberto Barraza, Jose Barrios
  • Guillermo Flumach, Robert Inchausti, Edilberto George, T. Yee German
  • Daniel H. George,  A. Ernesto Richa, Manuel Lopez,  Esplá Val De la Guardia
  • Mario O. Roger,  Ng Endara, Antonio Raven, Hernan Acevedo
  • D. Oswald Charles,  E. Cleghorn Rodriguez B.
  • Ricardo Vasquez, Vasquez Numan, Horacio Alfaro, Hugo Tapia
  • Cristobal Silva, Miguel Aued

In January 1973 one started to prepare the statutes of the section and ran candidates for the first Board of Directors. On 20 February the same year was chosen the first Board of Directors, remaining as follows:

  • President, Jorge T. German.
  • Vice President, Ernesto Richa
  • Secretary, Daniel H. George
  • Treasurer, Manuel Lopez Esplá
  • Vocal, Val F. De la Guardia

The Section Panama was then formed by two Senior Members, 24 Members, 8 Associates, and a student.

Presidents of Panama IEEE Section

  • 1973 - George T. Aleman
  • 1974 - Ernesto Richa
  • 1975 - Charles H. Numan Algandona
  • 1976 - Numan Vasquez
  • 1977 - Carlos E. Rodriguez Jr.
  • 1978 - Horacio Alfaro
  • 1979 - Antonio Raven
  • 1980 - Victor C. Urrutia
  • 1981 - Ramon O. Argote
  • 1982 - Marco A. Chen
  • 1983 - Cristobal Silva Calderon
  • 1984 - Calderon Orlando
  • 1985 - Manuel F. Reyes
  • 1986 - Fernando Diaz
  • 1987 - Oscar Rendoll
  • 1988 - Hernan Acevedo
  • 1989 - Carlos E. Luke R. Rangel
  • 1990 - Lucas Halphen
  • 1991 - Jaime R. Jaen W.
  • 1992 - Enrique A. Tejera M.
  • 1993 - George H. Lee
  • 1994 - Gustavo A. Bayard
  • 1995 - 1996 - Gustavo A. Rodrigo A. Bernal
  • 1997 - Rodrigo Chanis
  • 1998 - Evaristo Alvarez
  • 1999 - 2000 - Jorge Him C.
  • 2001 - 2002 - Roman Altamiranda
  • 2003 - 2004 - Tania Quiel
  • 2005 - 2006 - Leonardo Perez
  • 2007 - 2008 - Gustavo Diaz
  • 2009 - 2010 - Haydi Galvez

The Student Branch of the Technological University of Panama, was the first branch organized and approved, in 1982. The request was backed by 45 students of Engineering. His adviser was Eng. Jorge E. Salvatierra. Its first president in 1982-1983 was Julio Ivan Rovi. Rovi went on to become the advisor for the creation of the second student branch at Universidad Santa Maria la Antigua.

At present Panama' Section has more than 300 members with Society chapters of Power & Energy, Industrial Applications, Computer, Medicine and Biology and Communications; Student branches of the Technological University of Panama, University Santa Maria la Antigua, University of Panama and Latina.

Section officers

Panama Section Officers
Year Chair Vice chair Secretary Treasurer
2001 Roman Altamiranda Tania Quiel Aris Castillo Leonardo Perez
2002 Roman Altamiranda Tania Quiel Gustavo Adolfo Montalvan Ramos Leonardo Perez
2003 Tania Quiel Leonardo Perez Lucas Halphen Katya Quiel
2004 Tania Quiel Leonardo Perez Lucas Halphen Katya Quiel
2005 Leonardo Perez Gustavo Diaz Katya Quiel Jorge Him
2006 Leonardo Perez Gustavo Diaz Katya Quiel Jorge Him
2007 Gustavo Diaz Haydi Galvez M. Guillermo Lasso Katya Quiel
2008 Gustavo Diaz Haydi Galvez M. Guillermo Lasso Katya Quiel
2009 Haydi Galvez M. Fernando Bouche Jorge Lam Arrocha Yinnis Anette Solis De Amaya
2010 Haydi Galvez M. Fernando Bouche Jorge Lam Arrocha Yinnis Anette Solis De Amaya
2011 Fernando Bouche Yinnis Anette Solis De Amaya Katyuska Correa Adalina Aguilar
2012 Fernando Bouche Yinnis Anette Solis De Amaya Jose Correa Adalina Aguilar
2013 Yinnis Anette Solis De Amaya Jose Correa Amy Reyes Jorge Him
2014 Yinnis Anette Solis De Amaya Jose Correa Amy Reyes Jorge Him
2015 Jose Correa Ivan Castillo Julio Rovi Adda Urena
2016 Jose Correa Ivan Castillo Julio Rovi Adda Urena
2017 Ivan Castillo Guadalupe Gonzalez Ernesto Ibarra Jose Andrion
2018 Ivan Castillo Guadalupe Gonzalez Ernesto Ibarra Jose Andrion
2019 Guadalupe Gonzalez Julio Garcia Jeanette Shakalli Carlos Plazaola
2020 Guadalupe Gonzalez Julio Garcia Jeanette Shakalli Carlos Plazaola
2021 Julio Garcia Susana Lau Tomas Abrahams Greizy Barrera


Further Reading

Link to Section Homepage